I was going to simply post a photo of Barack Obama today, but I worried about using someone’s photo without their permission. I see far too much of that in blogland; grabbing photos and graphics from Pinterest or elsewhere online, with no attribution and seemingly no sense that it isn’t right to use someone else’s creation without permission.
So I decided not to do that. Then I thought that I simply wouldn’t post because this day is a dark day for me and for the majority of Americans (by 3 million votes) who do not want that man in office. I am not watching the television. I am not reading anything about the events unfolding in Washington, DC.
But then I thought you might want a wee distraction.
So. Don is going to Washington DC in the wee hours of Saturday morning. He managed to get a space on a bus leaving at 4 a.m. I’m relieved that he’s on a bus because I worried about the mechanics of driving, finding a place to park, finding a way into the city. I briefly considered chucking it all and going with him, but I feel I should be here.
May I say how proud I am of this man? He’s marching for women, for our nephew, for the equal rights of all, for everything we hold dear. It will be stimulating and inspiring and exhausting – all of that and more. So when I arrive home tomorrow, Don will be in Washington. I won’t see him until the early hours of Sunday, I imagine.
The Ghostlight Project was powerful. That is Darko speaking to all of us in the photo. We gathered in the lower lobby of the theater, actors, theater staff and a host of people who love the arts. There were songs sung, quotes from Shakespeare, speeches by the managing director and the artistic director. Since we had just heard that The Demagogue-in-Chief wants to cut the funds for the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities, we were reeling. Isn’t that what dictators and fascists do? Cut any support for the arts, for theater, for music, for dance, for literature, for the visual arts, for public television and public radio? They have to. Because artists of all kinds speak up, speak out, save our souls, give us beauty, make us think, and challenge those in power. They are threatening to demagogues because they speak truth to power.
Do you know how many people I know and love who work in the theater? Who depend on the theater for their employment, their living expenses? (Including my husband and me.) This leaves me shaken to my core.
There were forms for us to fill out. Here I am with mine:
I will keep fighting.
Everything we hold dear, everything that has changed and improved, all the gains we have made, are in danger.
I will miss the Obamas.
As of noon, I will no longer have a President.
Tonight is Opening Night. I will spend the day reading and packing some of my things. I’m proud, as always, to be a part of Hartford Stage and the brilliant work they do. I’m proud of this production of The Comedy of Errors. This is what we do. We bring light and sadness and humor and thoughtful, considered work to our audiences. This particular production has benefitted from a grant from the NEA.
We need the Arts. A society without them will quickly collapse.
I wondered if you would blog today. I’m glad you shared last night’s event at the theater. We have to stand up and support the Arts, the rights of All, the future of All. It’s a sad day for me. Sending you hugs.
Tremendously sad, Linda. I’m sending you a hug right back!
I am not watching or reading anything to do with this sad day. We are all in for some rough and scary times after today. It is not something I want my children and grandchildren to live through. To me, it is a type of war. All of the rights and safety it will take from us. It is a very dark day indeed.
I am so glad Don will be in the march. Is he wearing a pink hat? I am making mine, even though I will not be in a march. I will be there in my own way. It will be a historic day, not just as Americans, but for the whole world and for women.
Safe travels, Claudia.
It is war. It’s a war for the very soul of our country, Debbie.
No pink hat, though Meredith has been making them, but Don didn’t decide to go until the last minute so she had no time to make one for him.
Thanks, Debbie.
My Pennsylvania daughter and her two young daughters (9 & 12) are going to the March in Washington. I’m very proud of them. For today if the TV is on, we are watching that retro channel that shows Wagon Train, Have Gun Will Travel, Rawhide, etc. The news about the NEA is heartbreaking.
So glad your daughter and granddaughters are marching! I wish them well!
I face today with dread. I can honestly say that I have never been very political but this man strikes at my very core. And even more scary for me is his appointment of the Sec of Education who has no clue about IDEA. I upheld the rights of the disabled as a school psychologist for 35 years and DeVos could wipe all of that out. Many of us are fighting her appointment but I am sure it will just be rubberstamped. We must keep fighting…Thankyou Don for marching when I cannot.
We have no choice. We have to keep fighting. Because, as Michael Moore says, “As bad as you think it is, it’s going to be worse.”
Such a sad day. Today I mourn but tomorrow I march.
Stay safe, Kim. March on!
I’m sure that when the arts are threatened, society and civilization are also threatened. When my kids, artists both, were in school in the eighties, art and music classes were being chucked in California schools…and lots of other places. The kids were heartbroken, of course, but I think that that’s when schools started to lose their hold on bringing up civilized kids. More violence and less inclusiveness were being seen and those artistic kids were seen as other-than by those who would be bullies. Just my take, I know, but I really believe it!
I don’t think the arts are just entertainment. I think they teach us to look at things from a different perspective and to imagine a better world…and to imagine ways to improve things for everyone.
You are absolutely right, Shanna. Without the arts, we are unable to see the world with fresh eyes, to feel compassion for our fellow man, to be enlightened, to be challenged, to grow. That begins the downfall of society.
Without the arts in my life, I’m like…nothing.
Neither am I. It’s been my career. I’ve been in the arts since I was in 6th grade.
Watching only TCM today, and wearing black, as it is a day of mourning. There are no words today, but I know the healing properties of silence, so I am planning to drink that in. Tomorrow, there will be marching, and as I go, I will send my heart out to all those who have lost so much in so short a span of time. We may march with tears in our eyes, but it should be taken not as a sign of weakness, but of strength.
Peace to all today. Peace and light and love.
I’m wearing black tonight for Opening Night. Thank you, Leslie. March. Peace.
In order to NOT be near a TV today, we are going to a morning matinee of “Hidden Figures”, then lunch out, then antiquing. I cannot even imagine where the road will take us in the next 4 years. God bless us all.
Good for you, Melina. My former student, Jim Parsons, is in Hidden Figures. I’ve heard great things about it and it’s uplifting. We need that today.
Just got back. Parsons was great in his part, a rather unlikeable character. The movie was fantastic, very uplifting, and the audience clapped when it was over!
So glad you enjoyed it. I need to see it. I could use a big old uplift at the moment!
It is a dreary, cloudy, foggy today which matches exactly how I feel. So depressed. I feel hopeless and lost. A person without a country…… and most certainly without a president. I have cried all morning.
My daughter will march in Madison tomorrow. She works for the Dept of Public Instruction in our state, and her particular job is in the Special Education area. What our state has done to education, and now the federal government, is beyond comprehension. It is like we are in a snow globe and as of today, our world is completely shaken beyond recognition.
Bless your daughter.
I don’t recognize this country. I don’t want to acknowledge or give any ‘normality’ to this very dark side. It’s not normal. It’s not right. It’s not what I believe. I will not support it
(Came across this in my reading today; he’s on a concert tour in Southeast Asia…)
Half a world away from Washington, folk singer James Taylor sent a video greeting fans as he bemoaned the end of the Obama era. The singer uploaded a YouTube clip of himself, standing outside a grass hut in the rain in French Polynesia on the eve of Donald Trump’s inauguration. In his video postcard, he says: ‘Hi, it’s James in French Polynesia on the last day of the Obama administration, and it feels like it’s raining all over the world.’
(A sentiment most apropos…)
Oh, James Taylor. I love you.
Thanks, Vicki!
Sorry for the double-post, but I don’t know how to edit my earlier comment. I wanted to add this from Audra McDonald:
“Remember, we are not crowning a king or bowing down to a dictator. Tomorrow, our new employee begins his temp job. We are the boss.”
I follow her but I haven’t been on Twitter today. #Nevermypresident!
I have my favorite channel on all day (TCM). I do not know your Don, but I admire him and I would like you to tell him thank you, from me, for marching.
I will, Sandy. Thank you. I’m listening to old standards via bluetooth. It helps.
I did watch the Trumps meet the Obamas at the White House this morning, and I cried for the first time in my 62 years over how HIS presence there desecrates all that is good in America. Refused to watch the actual inauguration since my stomach was churning. I detest where we have been led by those who voted for him. He should have been investigated in everything and anything that he has said about the ‘pussy grabbing’, the rape allegations, his connection with Russia and Putin, and never have been allowed to be inaugurated. I have no president either.
Exactly. This shows the dark side of our populace. I refuse to go there.
It’s a dark gray outside and raining raining raining…matches my dreary mood. However, amidst all that darkness, my first flower has emerged…a purple anemone. I look to that as the one bright spot today, to represent all the marchers and all the people who will keep working to ensure and forward an agenda of inclusivity for all.
A flower is always a sign of growth and beauty. We can use that right now.
BTW. The Obamas have set up a website…. obama.org where they will be sharing the good things they do upon leaving their political life and they will be posting to it once they rest up and recuperate away from their presidential time in life.
Thank you for that information, Diane.
It is indeed a dark and sad day for our country. I truly feel scared and worried.
Thank you Don for representing all of us that can’t get there. We are all with you in spirit.
Let’s all pray for our country and the entire world.
Indeed. I seem to be doing that constantly. And praying for someone to save us.
Just when I think that Trump can’t make things worse, he does! We need the Arts & Humanities! His pick for secretary of education has no qualifications for this job. I am better qualified and I am only a retired teacher -she’s never worked in a public school in any capacity. The list goes on and on……….
Thank you, Don, for marching. You are representing those of us who cannot make it. Bless you!
If we lose the Arts and the Humanities, I won’t feel any hope.
I homeschooled my son to keep him out of the public school system. I would have welcomed an outsider’s ideas for changing the cumbersome failing system. Wait. It might work. It might not.
I can speak for my home state – Michigan – where I know an awful lot of teachers. She has wreaked havoc there. It’s a shambles. So, I can pretty much guarantee it won’t work. She is not qualified. She doesn’t know about basic policies. She doesn’t know about the disabled and their rights (my nephew is disabled and goes to public school).She didn’t attend a public school. Neither did her children. What she did do? Contribute millions of dollars to Trump’s campaign.
I pray everyone stays safe in Washington tomorrow. I keep thinking something horrible is going to happen.
Didn’t really need to read that, Sue – I’m worried enough! I will pray for the safety of everyone.
It is a dark, gloomy, rainy, foggy day here…matches my mood perfectly. Depressing! I have no president…I only have hope in the people….that we can somehow rise above and protect our rights that we have already fought so hard to get in the first place. I was heart sick when I heard about the NEA. So heartsick. Just like yesterday, when I read about what they were planning to do regarding our national parks. So sad. Wishing Don good luck…and a big thank you! ;)
Heartsick is a perfect word. Heartsick. I’m trying to summon up some excitement about Opening Night, but it’s tough right about now.
My chest actually hurts. I thought I’d slept wrong, like in a cramped position. But I think it’s my heart. Like you, I’m heart-sick. How can we not be? It’s its own special grief, and grief can make your heart physically hurt. Every time the words are said on TV now…”President Trump”…I outwardly (audibly) grimace/wince. Get over it? I don’t think so.
As they say: “Not hardly.”
Glad Don is going to march, I so far have spent the day cleaning out shoes, throwing away all those boxes, driving to Walmart for clear boxes. I didn’t realize I had so many orangey shoes! Then off to donate those I no longer wear and some almost brand new but I know I will not wear. So I feel like I did something good, and did and will not watch any of that circus. Today trump was sworn in as President ( not small letter for a small man)…but if he could say for 8 years that President Obama was not a citizen therefore not the President…so can I say trump is not legally elected . I am sure opening night will be great.
He questioned Obama’s birth from the start. He did nothing but treat him with disrespect. He was elected with the help of Russia. And the help of voter suppression by the Republicans. Not legitimate. #Notmypresident
I remember every administration from JFK on. Things are never as predicted by doomsday naysayers.
So do I. And I don’t share your thoughts on this one.
Hmm… apparently my reply did not make it through, yesterday.
I remember finding some (small) common ground with every past president that I felt was going to be a bad one. I am suggesting making an effort to be optimistic. It is an effort. My experience suggests it is a worthwhile one.
Never saw your reply. It clearly didn’t get through, Aunt Lou. That happens occasionally, though I don’t know why.
Thanks so much for your thoughts on all of this, I appreciate them.
<3 Prayed that you will find some peace. Also prayed for safety in Washington. I believe in the right to peacefully demonstrate. I have no tolerance for violence whether physical or verbal. I don't even like the chanting. :) Seeing looters taking advantage of the "cover" provided by the marchers yesterday was very upsetting. :(
I didn’t watch any coverage, but if there were looters, I agree. Not a good thing at all.
Peaceful, non-violent protest is the only way to do it, Aunt Lou!
First, I need to tell you that the photo of Don is wonderful.
Second, when I read about the NEA my first thought was of you. Then I thought of The Guthrie Theater and the Walker Art Center. Both in Minneapolis. Both truly amazing. I imagine if this unfunding comes to pass it will affect them too.
Third, I was making plans to go to Washington. However, when I told my family and friends I was begged not to go. I will fight the fight from the home front. They didn’t want me to go? I will forward every blog post, or news artcle I can to them. I will not back down.
There MUST be a way to stop that person. I can’t say man. Not my idea of a man.
It will affect them. Museums, theater, programs for students – the list goes on and on.
I feel the same way. There MUST be a way. I’m counting on more being revealed about Trump’s ties to Russia. The minute he put his hand on the Bible, he was violating the Constitution in about fifty ways. He must be impeached. Better yet, arrested.
A sad day indeed. Thought you might stick around for the rally in Hartford, but I am sure you are anxious to get home.
I am hoping to see Comedy of Errors – will let you know if it works out.
I have to leave ASAP as they need to turn the apartment around for more actors coming in on Sunday. I have no choice. Have to get on the road.
I think the dark, dreary and rain in Washington is very fitting for today. My soul hurts. I have so much fear for all of us and our country. I will not watch the first thing about the events in Washington today. Instead I’m watching TCM, wearing black, baking and reading. I’ll end the evening with my love, a nice fire and a glass of good wine. I need all the comfort I can give myself today.
May you all find your own way to deal with today. Remember, keep moving forward. Always fight.
I choose to believe the good of this country will prevail. I have nothing if I can’t believe. I just have to find a way to keep believing so that I can survive this. Blessings and hugs to you Claudia and all who’ve commented here. Just knowing I’m not alone with my feelings helps so much.
Be safe traveling both you and Don. Big hugs to your wonderful husband! My husband and I will be marching in San Antonio together.
Thank you for your thoughts today, Belinda. It does help to hear the thoughts of others and that does make us feel less alone.
The Ghostlight Project was beautiful and brings a tear for all that is right and good. That is our strength and means we can stand proudly for all we believe in and against all we know is wrong. Wonderful picture of Don; intelligent men with inner strength always stand out and garner our appreciation. Will be thinking of him as he steps forward to face this demon we rightfully fear. The bus does sound a much better choice and I know many of us will be thinking of him and many keep him safe prayers will surround him. Fear is not unfounded as we face this, but resolve has to be stronger. For some reason, I believe and have confidence this is one of the times in human history where all that is the best of humans can shine and push back the dark and it’s loud ugly voice. We know the Trump ugliness will be loud and clear and his actions will be ignorant and dangerous, but he is outnumbered and facing a lot of angry voters. There will be consequences with his actions and we have to keep hammering away at him daily letting him know that. Also constantly making it known he does not have the support and respect of the majority of US voters, or the international community and the world at large. We cannot let up on any of this…….thank you Claudia for being with your readers on this dark day. Wishing you a safe trip home, Dianne
Thank you, Dianne! We will move forward and challenge his every move.
I enjoyed reading your thoughts. It is a sad day and it was hard seeing the Obamas leave. I am happy they will continue to work on projects to help people.
I am, too. I know they will be out there doing good. And I have a feeling that after a suitable amount of time, he’ll begin to speak out about all of this.
Like letting over 300 Drug Dealers out of jail?
I told you once before that I would block you if the only time you left a comment here was as a troll. I gave you a warning. Guess it’s time.
Today is a rainy, overcast day here too. (We’ve had far too many this winter.)
As far as the inauguration, I chose not to watch. Actually, to take a snippet from the Audra McDonald quote, since “our employee” was elected I have watched very little news. It’s just too disconcerting. Recently, theSkimm newsletter came to my attention. It is a short synopsis of the news sent to your inbox each morning. Some days even that is more than I want to know about what he has done or said.
Thank you to Diane for bringing our attention to the obama.org site. The introductory video provides a glimmer of hope to an otherwise gloomy day. Love the quote on the main page… “I’m asking you to believe. Not in my ability to create change-but in yours.”
I’ve been getting The Skimm for quite a while. It’s a handy and brief recap, Denise! I loved Audra McDonald’s quote!
Your post gives me HOPE.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and those of your dear fellow artists.
Safe travels for Don.
Thank you so much, Nee.
Hi Claudia
(started a comment but it suddenly disappeared on me…)
I have been a long time lurker on your blog and so appreciate your thoughts on various topics. I especially have appreciated how you have helped me find the words to verbalize what I see and feel about what has been going on with our current political mess.
I am trying to stay positive and to find ways to counteract what I see coming down the pike.
I have only skimmed your comments so perhaps someone else has already sent you this link (and/or you found it on your own)– Obama’s thank you note.
I have SO much respect and admiration for Obama and what he stands for. Such a contrast to the man replacing him.
And a big THANK YOU to Don for making the effort to find a way to being in DC tomorrow to show solidarity for all of us who so disagree with with Trump represents…
Thank you so much for the link, Elizabeth. I had heard mention of the letter but I haven’t read it yet. I need a little Obama right now!
Bravo Don! I hope Claudia you will find some hope in that your thoughts and your fears are shared by so many. Tomorrow, in the big city next to my small hamlet there is a March in solidarity, mirroring the March in Washington. As a community activist, I so want to go. But I was already booked into a workshop for the day. However, my girlfriends and many are attending and I will be there in spirit and with heart. Thinking of you today! X Chy
Thank you, Chy! And thank you for caring and thank your friends, as well!
I shall. I’m so impressed and honored that the movement has extended beyond your borders. We care and we will fight with you!
You brought a tear to my eye, Chy! Thank you, my friend. We need all the help we can get.
I hope Don is careful. Today they are dropping tear gas every where in DC. I would suggest that Don takes some masks or scarves that he can use to cover his mouth. Also a jacket with padding, in case of any thrown objects, and pockets would be a great thing to have. I don’t mean to scare you but from what I am observing, it’s bad out there today and I would think by tomorrow it could get quite hairy.
I miss the Obama’s terribly. I feel that President Obama did not get the respect that he deserved. He is a good man and did good things for this country. Him and Michelle could not get out of here soon enough.
I’m not going to comment on the “orange ego”.
I never thought today would happen.
God Bless America!
Well, today is a protest against the inauguration itself. Tomorrow is a peaceful, non-violent protest march. I think it will be different, but I’ll pass your message along about the scarf. Thank you, Monica!
Yes, I know the difference between today’s protest and the “march” tomorrow.
I seriously doubt these protesters, today, are going anywhere. I believe most will still be
here for some time, especially tomorrow.
I don’t want anyone to get hurt because they chose to stand up for what they believe,
today or tomorrow or ever,
Both you and your husband are awesome! Safe travels to you both~~ Your little nephew is adorable anyway, BUT with that knitted pink cap….
I know. He is beyond adorable with that cap!
Didn’t watch the Inauguration or any of the lead-up. Watched B&W movies instead, especially Frank Capra’s wonderful “State of the Union” – which oddly enough, is about a businessman who runs for President, gets sucked into the whole power thing, and then sees the light. But I’m a hopeless news junkie so I just now turned on MSNBC at 2 pm. As I’ve been doing for months now, I’ll be muting whenever Humpty Trumpty or any of his goons start talking. But at the moment it’s just Brian Williams, Chris Matthews etc [media traditionally does not have cameras on during the lunch]. But they’re showing a clash between protestors & police in DC. A relatively small one according to their reporters on the scene. FOR EVERYONE GOING TO ANY OF THE MARCHES this weekend, firstly, please accept my undying thanks. I’ll be with you in spirit! And secondly, please remember to remain PEACEFUL. Any kind of destruction & violence is just the fuel Humpty needs to crack down on dissent. And dissent – and public opinion – is the most powerful tool we have. Don’t let the plants that Bannon undoubtedly has in the crowds goad you either. They want the crowds to get ugly – so we must be sure to foil him from the beginning! Peace. #Resist #ThisIsNotNormal
Now, don’t you think TCM slated that movie on purpose? I do.
I reminded Don that there are invariably plants on the scene – or Trumpeters who want a fight – and to ignore them and remain peaceful.
There are all sorts of rules about the march, Don said there was quite a detailed list.
I WISH “State of the Union” had been deliberately scheduled by TCM. I saw it on DVD. If you ask me, TCM missed a golden opportunity to run political movies today. Would have helped to send our message!!
Oh, darn it! I thought they had scheduled it!
Thank you for sharing your very eloquent thoughts, Claudia, and many thanks to Don for participating in the march tomorrow.
Beyond that, I am at a loss for words.
I am too. Just trying to get through the day and have a smile on my face at tonight’s opening.
On Fridays I have a link up on my blog, and today I awoke to the an e-mail from one of my very kind and lovely readers alerting me to a post that had been linked, it was so nasty and full of so many nasty things. The lovely lady wanted me to know as she knew I would want to get rid of it, and I did just that! I have no issue with differences of opinion, and have left another link that says things that I don’t like, but in a much more reasonable way. I don’t understand why people cannot just say I think this and you think that and be done with it. I mean this in regard to all opinions and views not just this matter that is happening today. I wondered what sort of things would be linked, but I didn’t expect this nasty post which was so hateful of anyone who doesn’t support the new incumbent of the job. I don’t understand all of the issues and have no idea who I would have voted for because it isn’t my election, but I do know that many of my American blogging friends are worried and that worries me. I hope that somehow someway it will not be as bad as feared and that is what I am hoping for right now. Hope that all will be well for you and that little nephew of yours, and your sister. That little one is the one I am most worried about! Sorry for rambling on! Hope all will be OK for Don on the march!
I’ve seen that vitriol, indeed, I’ve had some comments like that on my blog. I’m sorry you had to deal with that Amy. Yes, my nephew, Little Z, is in my heart and I’m fighting for him. And for my friends who are LGBTQ, who are of a different ethnicity, or faith.
Not a happy day.
Not one bit, Margaret.
From USA Today a few hours ago:
WASHINGTON —- As President Trump delivered his inaugural address Friday, his new White House team posted a proposal to eliminate President Obama’s environmental regulations. “For too long, we’ve been held back by burdensome regulations on our energy industry. President Trump is committed to eliminating harmful and unnecessary policies such as the Climate Action Plan and the Waters of the U.S. rule,” reads the top issue brief on the new president’s White House web site. “New executive actions are expected later Friday as the nation’s 45th president begins his administration.”
And so also, the horror begins…
Yes, they will decimate everything. Everything. I cannot stand it, Vicki.
Another side to this day though, Claudia, thanks to you? This wonderful photo of Don and what he’s going to do tomorrow. It’s not going to be an easy day for him in terms of hours and endurance; wouldn’t be for anybody with such a journey by actual miles/mode of travel, and other logistics. And without you by his side. This is totally admirable persistence and dedication. I know in part he’s doing it for you. Thank you for sharing him with us and making us know him. I am just LOVING Don right now; my hero! Please tell him THANK YOU. And I’ll pray for his safety and your happy return, with the two of you together again on Sunday, holding each other and finding that oh-so-necessary comfort of two people in love. It’s a beautiful thing in you both and one of the reasons I enjoy your blog so much. Godspeed.
Thank you my wonderful sister. I drove Barb and Dee to Tampa so they could get on that bus to Washington. Barb gave out my hats and I got to hug the people who will wear them. I am in awe of Don, he is the best to take a stand. The Arts, the poor, those with special needs, those who depend on SS and Medicare, those of a different skin color, religious beliefs, those who love someone of the same sex, anyone who is not a white business man, we are all in for some horrible times. No TV for me today, no newspaper and no he is not my president.
They will love wearing those hats, Mere. I am in awe of Don, too, and so proud of him.
As the grandmother of a special needs child I am also appalled by “that man” and those who chose to condone his behavior. I miss civility and good manners.
I do, too. He is the definition of incivility. And a whole lot of other things!
Taking comfort here today. Thank you Claudia.
You’re welcome, Jacqueline.
Thank you, Lorraine! I haven’t heard from him yet, but you can be sure he’s taking pictures!
more like Lucky Claudia and you a great couple !
Thank You , Claudia.
Marching with my friends, colleagues and grown children in Chicago tomorrow.
I am also heart sick but trying to turn my despair into anger and action.
Safe travels home to all of us
I know. The march today should help. Good for you, Maralyn! Stay safe.
Thank you, Don. Thank you, Claudia. Wishing you both safe travels!
Thank you, Sherry!
My 18 year old granddaughter is marching here in London, England today. So proud of her and my son who has raised a beautiful daughter.
Bravo! Wish her well from me!
Thank you Don; knowing you from Claudia’s blog, I’m not surprised that you are making this effort. Claudia, thank you too for sharing your thoughts and ideas and fears with us. Knowing there are people like you both, living quiet lives with integrity and compassion, gives me hope for the future four years.
Thank you so much for those kind words, Nora!
Yesterday is behind us. I am so relieved the day of celebration (for some) has past.
I took comfort in the the side-by-side images of President Obamas inauguration vs. the orange inauguration. The empty bandstands, and blocks of peaceful protesters along the parade route who are clearly not supporters.
I took comfort in the beautiful way the Obamas and Bidens left things — such wonderful thoughtful people — it makes the orange entrance that much more jarring.
Thank you for all of you that are attending the events today — be safe and enjoy the company of the lovely people who represent the goodness this country still has to offer.
A very stark difference, Jay. The reviewing stands were empty, the amount of people taking the Metro to the Inauguration was much less than in previous years. He does not have a mandate. And he knows it, which is why he is so belligerent and angry.
Thank you, Jay!
Your post below held more hate than anything I read above.
I’m not a radical terrorist.
I’m not a hater.
I’m not part of a political party.
I’m very sensitive to others point of view.
I’m not a mindless follower.
I liked Obama.
I do not care for Hillary — but would clearly choose her over orange.
There is no denying that orange is not popular as he or his supporters have been lead to believe. There are forums I have read where people have started as supporters and have since kicked themselves for wasting their vote.
Divisive, hateful, and immature? Look unto yourself and add rude.
Whining, dramatic and piddle pants actions? Your terminology can not get more childish, you should feel embarrassed OF yourself.
The violence yesterday it is inexcusable. It all comes back to orange who above all is most definitely divisive, hateful and immature.
Thank you for that. Trump has incited violence, not the Democrats. Are we surprised when it happens? Cheryl, by the way, has never commented here before, so she is here as a troll, for want of a better word. She has been blocked.
The Ghostlight Project sounds like it was very inspiring. That’s a great picture of Don. I hope he has an amazing time at the march. It is truly energizing to gather with like-minded people who are taking a stand, making a strong and powerful statement.
It is so empowering! We felt that way when we marched in NYC right after the election, and I know Don is going to be overwhelmed by that positive energy today. I can’t wait to hear about it!
P.S. Cheryl has serious issues.
Cheryl, who has never made an appearance here before, has been blocked. She definitely has serious issues, Tammy. And I won’t allow that sort of craziness here.
Thank you, Don.
I’ll pass that on to him, Laurie. Thanks!
Very mature use of language, Cheryl. And your sentence structure is extremely hard to follow. But I can follow it enough to know that you are not welcome here. Not because you have a differing view. No. Different views are indeed welcome here if the thoughts are cogent and respectfully presented. Yours is not. Also? I can’t even begin to reply when a comment is coming from a level of willful ignorance, as yours is. But perhaps you should stick to sites like Fox News or Breitbart, where most of the misinformation you are presenting on this page has come from. I’ll leave this comment here as some of my readers have responded to it. But the rest will be deleted.
But this, in the end, is why you are no longer welcome. You have never commented on this blog before. If you’re a reader, I have never heard from you. That you choose to come here to spew vitriol – over and over again – tells me you are a troll. And trolls get blocked, as you are going to be in about 10 seconds.