A rainy morning here at the cottage.
Three different times this morning, I’ve tried to take a picture that wasn’t dark and grainy. But no can do. Too dark. If I’m thinking ahead, I try to take pictures the day before. But I didn’t, so you’re stuck with a photo of houseplants. Again.
A short post today because I don’t have a whole lot more to say.
I am heartsick at yet another mass shooting, where innocent people worshipping in a church were gunned down. I don’t want to hear one more politician who takes money from the NRA say anything about ‘prayers.’ Grow a damn spine and stand up to the NRA. Now. At what point did an amendment that concerned owning a musket evolve into the right to own semi-automatic weapons? And when did the right to own a weapon become more important than the lives of our fellow citizens? When did any semblance of a moral compass disappear? I tell you, I have had it. There is an insanity spreading in this country. I won’t have it. I want my country back. Vote tomorrow. Vote.
Happy Monday.
Thank you Claudia for stating what so many of us believe! These are painful times. We must each do what we can to change things.
Thank you, Carolyn Marie.
Again, Claudia so well said ! Too often this terrible gun problem is put down to mental illness.While I am not discounting the impact of this as a factor,the United States is not unique in the world with mental illness. Our problem is drastically impacted by the ready access to all types of firearms by people who should never have them. People say they buy guns to protect their families. Whose gun protected that 5 year old yesterday? I’m with you.
Thank you, Janet.
i agree, especially with the part about not wanting to hear sympathy to shooting victims from politicians who accept money from the nra. that ‘trying to play both sides’ (to get money and votes; i am not talking about genuine, honest, thoughtful compromise) is sickening any day of the week and particularly disgusting when people are killed, injured and traumatized. so, yes, we need to vote. and we need to pay attention to how our elected officials vote – and remember their votes/allegiances when we vote the next time. letters, phone calls, prayers …
kathy in iowa
Thank you, Kathy.
Exhausting. Depressing. Enervating. MUST STOP NOW. Vote, vote vote!
Thank you, Tina.
I am again heartbroken….and angry, and frustrated at the insanity that never stops. But it could! If only politicians would grow a spine….prayers for the victims alone, just don’t cut it. We need action! We need it now! We need to stop voting for people that take money from the IRA! Yes…mental illness is serious….all the more reason to not allow the mentally ill to purchase guns. And automatic weapons…seriously? I wish someone could explain why we supposedly need them? As I said…I am frustrated!
Thanks for the plant pic….you don’t ever need to apologize for that! ;)
Thank you, Donnamae.
Wholeheartedly agree with your post. I read a NY Times comment section where someone said: Just tell Trump that Obama created the Second Amendment and Trump will push that have it repealed and guns collected so fast your head will spin. I’ve written to our spineless representative (Speaker Ryan) and let him know how I feel. Doesn’t do much good, but I feel better. Love your plants. That’s always my first response to shorter days and cold – bring new living green things into the house. So I’ve been haunting the local nursery looking for likely specimens too.
Thank you, Kay.
Unfortunately, it’s too dark for house plants in our house. I have to send them on vacation to my son who lives in a modern building with huge windows in the living room. If it comes from politicians, “You’re in my prayers” often is just a meaningless phrase. It doesn’t lead anywhere. So sad!
Thank you, Regula.
Thank you so much for what you wrote, so heartfelt, I agree with you 100 percent!
Thank you,
Thank you, Alice.
I feel your pain and anger, the NRA owns so many politicians. Trump did away
with Obama’s mental health check regulation on purchasing arms. Everything
now appears to be irrational in your country. Thank God for you 60% sane Americans, as Trump stains everything he touches and his policies impact the entire world.
Keep resisting, we are with you all. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
Thank you, Lea.
To answer your question, Claudia [MAYBE answer it]:
It became the norm the first time a politician COULD HAVE voted against a gun safety measure – and DIDN’T.
The first time a politician – ANY politician – made SAVING his job more important than DOING his job.
The first time any politician – anywhere – groveled & bowed to this nation’s gun manufacturers – people who believe there should be absolutely NO controls, rules or regulations on anything they choose to do. None whatsoever.
May the Force be with the survivors in Sutherland Springs.💔
Peace. VOTE. 🇺🇸
Thank you, Janet.
I read the news coverage in my morning paper. Frankly, I was surprised that, although the story was on page 1, top half (above the fold, as they say), the headline wasn’t in a screamingly huge font…..as if this is “just” another massacre, just another story. As you asked, Claudia, “When did this become the norm?” I’m sad to realize what my country is becoming, but heartened to know there are still good people out there ready to put on the good fight, whether it be writing about it, writing to someone, donating time or money or resources, voting responsibly, or even assisting someone else’s voice be heard by driving them to a poll or helping them write a letter.
Thank you, Wendy.
I honestly feel hopeless, I feel that it takes both democrats and republicans to make a government. I feel that has went out the window, no one works together, it’s a them or us mentality. The NRA is a powerful organization and I believe they own quite a few Washington pockets.
Thank you, Kandi.
We’ve had to listen to President Trump and Governor Abbott both assure us this was a mental health issue, and our governor state that more attention should be paid to these issues. All the time, we know the administration has supported stripping the requirement that insurers cover mental health care and our state of Texas is doing all it can to cut funds for such programs, too.
Thank you, Linda.
Thank you for saying what my heart feels. I felt this huge well of sadness this morning as I prepared a Bible Study on ‘Hope’ among other things, for my group of ladies who gather on Mondays to hold one another up and sustain one another. My mind was shouting every possible angry feeling I was experiencing as I called us to order. One of the ladies told us that her children live in that community, and that her grandchildren lost classmates yesterday. There are no words for my anger at what transpired yesterday, from the horrendous action, to the response (different because this was a white man, and so ‘mentally ill’ ) to the ways we will create to NOT talk about guns in this country. I am with Robert Reich, America is becoming a killing field, but heaven help us if we have the temerity to suggest that we need a serious conversation about guns.
No words. No bottom to my anger and grief. When the deaths of children do not move us to act, we have lost all semblance of civility, and we have truly lost any moral authority we once possessed.
Thank you, Leslie.
As the old cartoon shows… if only the politicians had to wear emblems of those who own them on their suit jackets (instead of that flag pin they all wear, for what reason I don’t understand. If they are in the govt it is likely they are US citizens, right? Do they forget if they don’t wear their pin?), just like a NASCAR driver does, we would all be much better informed citizens to vote.
As soon as someone says they are going to PRAY for the victims and family, I am ready to get sick. The idiot said this morning it isn’t a gun issue but a mental health issue. He is the one who “fixed it” so mentally ill people can buy a gun. So who is mentally ill in that scenario?
I agree with Kay ^^ who said someone needs to tell him that Obama was the one who pushed for more vigilance to the 2nd Amendment, and the gun lobby would be out. That is the only thing that resonates with him. What is considered “normal” today makes me feel sick, and dirty and disgusted. And to think that there is a large element of this country who apparently feels this way all the time, and in addition thinks it is ok (normal), is what keeps me from sleeping at night.
Thank you, Chris.
Again I’m heartbroken and so so very angry! Why is this continuing in our country? Why can’t we put the interests of our citizens above that of the NRA? Enough America…Enough!
Thank you, Linda.
Thanks again for saying it so well Claudia…my heart is aching…and why must they take the little children? Why?
Thank you, Nancy.
I agree with you and the commenters on the state of our country. I think a lot of this came with the idea that less government is better government. Of course, they are going to want fewer laws if they want to buy guns and shoot up the local school or church or send their money out of the country so they don’t have to pay taxes on it. Fewer laws also mean the food or water can be contaminated and they can get away with that. Less government is a scam.
Thank you, Jan.
I too am heartsick over the Texas shooting, however I do feel the need to correct several of your assumptions. First automatic weapons are illegal and not sold in this country unless you have a special dealers license that costs thousands. Second the NRA is not the boogy man you seem to think it is. IF you were to actually research what they stand for, they are not in favor of unregulated gun ownership. They teach responsible ownership and are in favor of strengthening the the laws that would keep those with mental illness from purchasing a gun.
So much of what we hear especially from those who would love to see that guns become illegal to own by the ‘little’ people is fiction. I did a research study on gun laws and ownership that included researching the NRA and the supposed number of gun deaths and was amazed to learn that most of what I believed was untrue. I am NOT a gun owner or ‘gun nut’ , what I am now is informed. Unfortunately for those whose minds are closed, truth will not win out.
Sorry. I am WELL acquainted with the NRA as my father was a member for years. He quit in disgust at what they become. Go watch some of their videos on Twitter and Facebook. Google Dana Loesch, who is their spokeswoman. I really don’t need to be corrected on the NRA. They buy politicians with hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign donations. As do most lobbyists. Unfortunately, these lobbyists are keeping any kind of meaningful change in gun laws from being enacted.
The NRA today is run by extremists. There are more moderate members within the NRA, of course, but the people running it are against any sort of control. If they were for some sort of gun control, they wouldn’t fight every reasonable attempt to modify those laws. But they do. I also blame the politicians who take that money.
There is no longer an assault weapons ban in this country. It was left to lapse during George Bush’s administration in 2004.
You have your opinion, but please do not imply that I don’t know what I’m talking about or that I haven’t done research on this subject. I have. Your assumption that I haven’t is wrong. I value lives. I know you do, too. I don’t give a fig for the NRA.
Prayers for all involved in these senseless attacks.
Thank you, Marilyn.
Claudia, I don’t know how I found your blog, but I have read every post you’ve made since then. The fact that I agree with your politics helps keep me interested, but I also enjoy how you look at the world. In light of all the crazy things happening in our country, it helps to see a piece of Roseville or a new flower blooming in your garden. Thank you…and keep it up!
Thank you for your kind words, Linda! Glad you’re here.
In my perfect little world…. no reason for guns at all! So sick of all this violence since so much of our population seems to have become armed with an itchy trigger finger to boot. I’ve been personally effected by guns….. horrible….!
I have as well. One of my students was murdered by someone who had an illegal handgun.