Is the guy who’s been pecking on my house? I spotted him late in the day yesterday, in that hour when the light is changing. I was standing near the funky patio when I heard a loud bird sound and tracked it way up in the branches of the catalpa.
There he was, half-hidden, but with the distinctive red cap of the Red Bellied Woodpecker. He was preening himself, calling out occasionally, and clearly indulging in some ‘me time.’
There he is – the only full shot I could get of him. Quite a handsome devil.
I ran some errands yesterday, bought a plant for the Memorial Garden – a type of Veronica called First Love, planted it, bought some more impatiens, which I haven’t planted yet, stopped at Home Goods but didn’t buy anything, and bought a couple of magazines.
Exciting, right?
Today, a bit more mulching and then maybe a trip to Lowes and/or a Sunday drive. It’s a beautiful sunny day and tomorrow is supposed to bring rain, so I’m thinking I should do something other than hang around the house. I’m looking for a hollyhock to replace the one that I was blessed with for the past two years. Hollyhocks are biennials, so I knew it wouldn’t reappear this year, but I keep looking at the empty spot in the bed right outside the kitchen door where it used to be and I miss it so much! I also need one more paver for the little walkway from the grassy area behind the kitchen up to the beginning of the back forty.
I did another Instagram story today. It’s a quick look at the big garden bed. I ran outside at 6:30 am to do it because I knew the traffic would be relatively quiet on a Sunday morning. Check it out if you are so inclined.
Happy Sunday.
Hi Claudia, I’ve been away a few days and just caught up on your last 3 posts. What struck me most were your words about missing Don. My husband travels a lot. Long international trips. Sometimes I have days that overwhelm me too. You just have to struggle through them and there’s nothing like a sunny day to make you feel like you’re really going to be OK! We have a red-headed fellow who used to visit regularly and eat at the suet cakes I keep out. Unfortunately, since we had our diseased ash tree removed this spring, he’s disappeared. They are handsome fellows, aren’t they? Love how your porch is coming together.
It’s sunny today and we’re headed for a week and a half of off and on rain, so I’m working outside, which always makes me feel better, Kay.
This bright yellow goldfinch was on the bird feeder this morning. It’s gray and rainy and that bright color was amazing to see. I hope you enjoy your Sunday. It is my day to rest! Hugs!
That yellow color is like a crayola yellow, really amazing!
I really enjoyed your garden tour on IG! All of those varied greens and textures are stunning! And your woodpecker is so pretty…a bird will get me every time. Enjoy your Sunday!
Thanks, Shanna! I love my bird friends!
There’s a crow’s nest in one of the Italian stone pines behind my house. When I’m out doing garden tasks, the adults are screaming at me. But I ignore them and they eventually quiet down. Late yesterday afternoon, we heard little but loud insistent squeaking sounds that we’ve never heard before. We think they’re the babies demanding food.
Crows have been dining on worms on my lawn lately. I don’t usually see them down on the ground, but more often calling from the trees. I wonder what a crow baby looks like?
you have things looking so very pretty. The photography of even life’s simple work looks lovely.
I am enjoying your stories. Nice camera, nice lens, along with your talent~~
Thank you, Katheryn!
I love woodpeckers…til they do what they do…then not so much. But they are beauties…great pic you took. When I go to your instagram account via the link on your blog…I don’t see any videos. Do I have to join instagram to view? In my opinion, everyday things, on the surface, don’t seem very exciting. But, when you haven’t visited Home Goods in a very long time like me, (it’s been 2 years), I think a trip to Home Goods would be terribly exciting. It’s the little things! ;)
Yes, I think you have to join. You only can see the stories of the people you follow, and I think you can only see them on the phone version of IG.
I can post and view Instagram on my tablet and can view Instagram on my computer.
I can view it on my computer, Shirley, but the ‘stories’ don’t appear there. I think they only appear on the phone version – maybe the tablet, too, I just haven’t used mine lately.
Congrats on self-discipline at Home Goods. I’ve never been to one, but I understand there are a lot of temptations in those stores.
I didn’t know about hollyhocks…that they don’t bloom every year. I learn something new here a lot, Claudia! Hope as I write this that you’re out having a little adventure on Sunday…
Well, I purchased quite a bit there a few weeks back, so there wasn’t anything all that new or exciting.
Hollyhocks do reseed but never as good as new plant. I too need to find some more, the directions for caring always make me chuckle. Water from below,really I have yet to see rain go up except on a Doctor Who episode. My problem here is always Hollyhock rust, I end up spraying like crazy. Enjoy your Sunday drive.
Interestingly, the hollyhock I had for two years was a volunteer. Some bird dropped the seed there and it was a magnificent plant. Huge and gorgeous! Sob. I miss it!
We have a flock/ murder of crows in our neighborhood this year. I am not a fan as they kind of scare me a bit….. but they ARE so so smart!! I am hoping that we do see some babies. I think that would be a lot of fun to watch them. Bluejay babies are also a joy to see as they grow.
We had a few peeks of sun this morning, but now we are cloudy and cold again. Same temps as yesterday with highs in the 50’s. Hoping we can break out of this at some point very soon!!
Have a great Sunday. Taking a drive and just stopping along the way is always a wonderful way to spend a few hours. Enjoy!!
Very smart! I’ve never seen crow babies or bluejay babies – that would be so neat!
We have a lot of crows in our area. Some people hate them but I love them. Looking for babies, look for two crows just slightly smaller than an adult and they usually have 4 adults with them, watching over them. The babies of last year stay around and help raise this year’s babies. I was so curious as to why 4 adults were paying such attention to two babies until I learned that. And they are very solicitous of the younger ones. If there is a crow nest near they will yell at anyone who approaches the area and make such a din until the babies are out of the nest. But a single crow will also say hello and thank you if they like your yard.
Jan, thanks so much for this fascinating information!
Our rain is today and so it has been a good day to hang out at home. I love woodpeckers. It is always hard to get them to pose for a photo. xo Laura
I know. I had to snap those photos very quickly!
Birds are crazy! About two weeks ago, a robin and a catbird took turns pecking at my living room window until they found their mates. Now, a pileated woodpecker is pecking on my car windows! Yes, a huge pileated woodpecker is all over my Jeep!! One window is not enough, he must move across it to peck at each one and each side. I love living in the woods but this is getting ridiculous. :)
“Looking for love in all the wrong places”, Betsy!
Still hoping to catch a glimpse of our woodpecker…I hear him most every day hard at work in the woods!
Someday, Nancy, someday!