:: A few of my favorite bloggers have been wrestling with whether to continue blogging. In one case, a popular blogger has decided to close her blog. She eloquently wrote about her reasons and I think each one of us who read the post understood and sympathized with her dilemma. Reading her post and reading all the comments got me thinking again about why we blog and maybe offer some advice from my perspective.
Blogging can be time consuming. Coming up with posts, taking photos, reading and commenting on other blogs – all of it takes time and can become overwhelming. I think each of us has to decide how much time we are willing to devote to our blogs – whether we post daily, once a week, or less often. We read other blogs. It is very easy to start reading and commenting on posts and suddenly discover that a few hours have passed. I love reading other blogs and do my best to visit often and leave a comment. Some days I am successful, some days I’m not. I try my best to respond to everyone, but I’m sure I’ve been remiss in the past and will be in the future. As with anything in our busy lives, we have to set priorities. We do the best we can.
Here’s what I don’t like: when people assume that those who post daily and visit and comment on many blogs have no life. I read a few comments that said as much on the previously mentioned post. I would say in response to those comments: No, that person doesn’t have your life or your priorities. She has her life, with her priorities. And I bet her life is as full as yours. I see bloggers out there with children and full-time jobs who post all the time. I see others in the same situation who post infrequently. Then there’s those of us with no children and demanding jobs or with grown children and demanding jobs or who have part-time jobs or who are enjoying retirement – we run the same gamut. It is totally individual. It’s a choice. There’s room for all of us in this blogging world. There is a space for the infrequent blogger, for the daily blogger, for the lurker, for the power blogger, for the professional blogger, for those who enjoy reading blogs but have no desire to start a blog.
There are cliques out there in blogland, there are bloggers who get hundreds of comments and never return the favor, there are blogs that lose their charm and intimacy and become more of a business. We’ve all seen it. Just like you did in high school, I guess you have to learn who you want to hang out with and who wants to hang out with you.
As for followers, I’ve written about that before. I am honored and grateful for each and every one of my followers. But, and this is a big but, that followers number is misleading and even more, is not an indicator of how many people visit your blog. Lots of people visit this blog who are not followers, and I’m sure many of my followers no longer read this blog. In fact, out of curiosity, I recently looked at my list of followers and there are many, many who I never hear from. Who knows if they even read my posts anymore? People change, tastes change.
Many bloggers require you to become a follower to take part in a giveaway, consequently, their numbers increase. Theoretically, someone can become a follower to be entered in a giveaway and never read that blog again. That little box is not a true indicator of your blog’s readership. So when that feeling of not having thousands of followers like so-and-so arises or that ‘she’s more popular, what am I doing wrong’ feeling you had in high school suddenly reappears, let it go. You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s not a competition. Stay true to your style, to your reason for becoming a blogger in the first place.
You have to decide how much time you’ll spend at your computer on any given day. You have to set your priorities. Only you can put pressure on yourself. I’ve seen plenty of bloggers take an extended break from blogging. Sometimes it’s because they aren’t inspired, sometimes it’s because of illness or the demands of life. It’s your blog – you can do whatever you want. If you are no longer getting any pleasure or joy from blogging, then take a break. Stop, breathe and let go for a while. Those who read your blog regularly will understand.
I think it is important to remember why you blog and what it gives you in return. I started my blog to share my passions: for my home, my husband, my dogs, my collections, my garden, my adventures. I have always loved to write and through blogging, have grown to love photography. My life has been enriched beyond measure by the friends I’ve made. I’ve been challenged to learn more, grow more and expand my horizons. Through this sharing, I’ve found kindred spirits everywhere. That’s why I blog. Remember why you blog and don’t let all the so-called competition affect you. If you read this blog, you know I’m nothing if not honest. It’s taken many years, but I am who I am. Be who you are – and your blog will be all the richer for it.
I’d love to hear your thoughts, my friends.
A well written post, Claudia!
Blog on!
Hi Claudia:
I started my blog to chronicle my days – like a journal – and was pleasantly surprised when others found an interest in what I had to write. I endeavored to become a better writer and photographer (even though I’ve been married to a former professional photographer for the past 26 years!), and my goal is always to find the best part of my life to write about.
Since starting to blog, I’ve found some wonderful, genuine, new friends…women with whom I’ve shared more than just my daily posts.
I write something every day because it’s a discipline that I enjoy, and a daily record of how I spend my time. I don’t expect it of other bloggers, but certainly enjoy it from my favorite blogs.
I’m one of those gals who’s never at a loss for words when I sit with my girlfriends. It’s a trait that transfers well to my blog. I just imagine that I’m chatting with my friends and never have trouble finding something to talk about! It’s easy when I think in those terms.
I’m one of those women who has a wonderful, blessed, full life. I don’t sit around here at home by any means. I just happen to fit blogging (late night) into my schedule, too. I spend my days in my creative pursuits or time spent with my retired husband and pet.
Thanks for bringing up the subject, Claudia. Hope you don’t think I was too wordy. (See? I really don’t have much trouble with that! lol)
I read every bit. Very well said. I really enjoy blogging. I have made so many friends I would have never met otherwise. I really don’t let it become too much. I do what I can when I can. True that some many visit without ever becoming a follower. I have many friends that visit but don’t follow. I try very hard to leave comments but sometimes I just visit and read and then move on because I’m limited on time that day. Blogging is a part of my routine and I have a life. My blog is just a part of it.
Thanks for your post Claudia. Hugs~ Kim
Love this post Claudia! I post, visit, and comment only if and when time will allow me to! Lately I feel lucky to post once a week, if I can, and that’s either in the wee morning hours or sometime after midnight!! There’s very little time in between, but still I love it. I came here to meet people who crochet, but I was naive! I have met so many MORE wonderful new friends throughout all of Blogland than I EVER imagined I would!!! I have truly found it to be a blessing. Sure, everyone likes followers.. friends who stop by, say hi, and care to read what you have to say!!.. But taking some kind of a constant head count of followers, treating the whole idea like a popularity contest, in my opinion, is just missing the boat altogether! I feel bad for those who ending up finding the experience a disappointment.
I just started blogging in July, and am still learning the ropes – but I quickly noticed the culture within blogging, most of which you’ve pointed so well. Because of blogging I have a newfound appreciation for simple, everyday life. As long as it remains a positive and enjoyable way of spending my extra hours, I’m in.
Claudia this is so awesome. This post needed to be written and I do believe you did it better than anyone could have. I feel exactly the same way you do. I could have written this…OK maybe not, because mine wouldn’t have been as well articulated.
I feel strongly about letting all bloggers do what feels good to them. We all started blogging for different reasons and it only makes sense that we would have our own styles.(how often we post, how we choose to respond to our comments, and what our content is, etc)
Thank you so much for this…you rock!
Big hugs from me…
Hi Claudia – terrific post. Thank you.
Living in a small town and working from home, blogging is a way for me to ‘meet’ other like-minded people. Some live across the country or on the other side on the world — others are nearby and I’ve had the good fortune to meet some of them in person. I love blogging for the social aspect and it’s been a real education too. I’ve learned a lot so far from all of you bloggers. :-)
Hello Claudia,
I enjoyed reading your thoughts on blogging. I’m still enjoying blogging after almost two full years. The friendships and the decorating inspiration are a wonderful thing. In the last few months I have discovered weight loss blogs as well which I really love. So many put it all out there and I really admire them for that. I have read over them for hours some evenings. I do get caught up in the stories.
You are so right about the number of followers not meaning a thing. This does not indicate who is actually reading. I don’t even look at my numbers anymore. I enjoy making new friends and all are welcome at my place anytime. I’m glad we *met*.
Blessings & Happy Fall!
~Melissa :)
Wonderful post, Claudia! I started blogging as a creative outlet and as you say, a way to share with kindred spirits! I find I enjoy it the most when I post only when I want to, or when I have something to share! It’s never been about getting a lot of followers, as I’m not sure how one keeps up with a thousand followers…it’s more about sharing ideas, creativity, and the supportive community of bloggers!
Amen, Kiddo. No one ever wins at that high school popular-kid-competition, not even the kids who actually get to sit at the cool kids’ table. being competitive about blogging, stressing about followers — to what end? I began blogging as a personal journal, and was astounded when someone else read what I wrote.
I still write for myself. I like it best when I crack myself up. :-)
Thanks for a thoughtful post!
This is certainly a hot topic right now. I know you and I have left comments with each other before but it’s been a while and that’s okay! There was a point where I was staying up almost all night working on posts or commenting. I wasn’t getting much done except blogging!
In real life none of us would expect to talk to every person we’ve met over the last six months everyday! With all the blogs, old and new, and all the link parties, it’s easy to find someone you have something in common with. It’s also easy to lose track of them in this everexpanding media!
I love the creative outlet blogging gives me. At times I have felt a bit overwhelmed trying to keep up, it became more of an addiction than the family/home journal it started out to be. Personally, I’ve decided to post when I can, visit when I can, comment if appropriate and hope that others can do the same with no hurt feelings.
Happy Blogging!
See what I mean, it’s 10:00 p.m. here and I’m blogging later than I planned, in fact I’m tired enough that I signed my name twice!
Very cool, love that Post so true I was never the popular girl in High School so you learn do what you like write and share what you like and when you like, create the things that make you happy. Life is always busy.. in fact I have stuff I should be doing right now… oxox, Diane
Very Well put Claudia! Ex: I follow & read your Blog but don’t normally leave a comment. From Now on I will, it’s common curtesy I believe too!!
Hello, Happy Wednesday. That was a wonderful post and I agree with you. You are such a wonderful writer and I enjoy visiting you blog. I wish I could write as well as you. Have a wonderful day. Terri
I am new at this blog and will admit to lurking ….a lot but I found real wisdom in your blog today as well as many other days.
thank you
Well said, Claudia. So well said. You hit the nail on the head… on everything!
I love Bloglandia. I love the friendships I’ve made. I love the inspiration that everyone so generously shares. Sometimes I don’t feel like I contribute enough to Blogland. But you know, I just keep bloggin’ along. Blogging brings me a simple kind of joy.
Thank you for being a part of that joy.
Bravo, Claudia! Direct and honest and so full of truth. Each person has to be true to their own reasons for creating and continuing a blog. Recently I’ve read posts by two bloggers obsessing over why their number of followers went down and what they did to offend someone who no longer followed! This is not healthy in my opinion, and I’m sure that your post will shed light on some of the dilemmas bloggers face. Thanks for this. xo – g
Hi Claudia,
Well written…you covered all the bases as to how, why, when and where we may all be blogging.
I started my blog about 2.5 years ago but didn’t really get serious about it until 6 months later. I knew that I wanted to share my collections {of which most was in a near by storage at the time}and I really wanted to meet some ladies with common interests..one of which is talking about decorating and everything to do with the home.. I didn’t have one at the time but I was dreaming of having one. ♥
We were in limbo with moving to a location strictly for a job that Thomas was going to do for two years…then the plan was to buy a home in the mountains and he was going to retire again.
It was a lonely time for me for many years and I truly wanted some company. The Land of Blog has saved my sanity during times of living where we didn’t want to be…nothing much to do and during all of this Thomas was gone a lot…
I cam truthfully say I don’t ever have to feel alone again. ♥ Of course, we are settled now in our home and Thomas is home full time right now but that may change at some point..depends on whether a temporary job comes through. But all the same I now have the comfort of you and so many other blogging souls that keep me company.
I think it’s just fabulous to have this network of people that all share one common thread…We like to connect with the rest of the world!
I’ve lived rural many times in my early adulthood and I wasn’t online…it wasn’t available! To think of all the days back then when I would have enjoyed talking to someone about hand quilting that I was just learning.
So I guess as time as gone by I have realized my blog is the perfect virtual creative expression. It’s led me into digital design, a love for photography and capturing that perfect photograph. It’s a constant encouragement for me to keep moving forward creatively in ways that I never would have otherwise.
I don’t pressure myself to a set schedule of blogging though. Life happens..sometimes I’m regular, sometimes I’m not.
So I guess ultimately my main reason for starting a blog was about talking to people and having them talk back to me! Enjoying the simple pleasures in life and sharing what we have in common.
Thanks for such a thought provoking post!
Have a wonderful day,
Stephanie ♥
Very well written and so true!
Some of your points that really stood out to me. You can have a busy and full life and still blog, so true! I have had friends question my blogging time and yet they are the same ones who are over on facebook a lot. I find facebook boring, but that is just me.
And some blogs become so like a business they lose their personal touch. Oh, so true! I miss their earlier blogs and usually lose interest when they become so impersonal.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts,
Hi Claudia
What a beautifully written post ~ I so agree. On occasions I feel guilty that I haven’t written anything on my blog for a few weeks ~ life takes over sometimes! We all put in and take from blogging what we need as individuals ~ I’m so glad that you found the perfect words to make me realise it’s OK to contribute when the time is right for me ~ it’s not a competition! I for one use blogging as a bit of an escape ~ a creative outlet away from some of the crazy stuff in real life!
Keep blogging my friend!
Ali x
Claudia, whenever you write, I read. This post was the best.
I started blogging in February of 2008. I haven’t missed a day since I started.
I didn’t do it for others to read. I did it because I wanted to chronical my miniature work. I wanted a record of what I was doing.
To my surprise, there were people out there that actually read what I was writing. I am happy that others like my work and will come back to read more, but I still really do it just for the fun of doing it. If it ever ceases to be something I like to do, I will find something else to take its place.
I have to admit that I am a blog-oholic. I do read a lot of what comes up on the dashboard most days. It’s fun to see what other people, all over the world, are doing with their time.
Thank you for writing this down.
Good post. I like the creativity and the learning. I started blogging about the same time I stopped smoking as a way to keep my mind and my hands occupied. I blog for my own pleasure but I am delighted when some one chooses to follow or leaves a lovely comment.
I try to allow certain times for blogging. Sometimes I visit, sometimes I play with the different programs, and sometimes I write.
I am sort of proud that I know my way around this computer stuff. I love the sharing of techniques and information that takes place in blogland. I will keep blogging until it no longer suits me but I think that will not happen soon.
Staring, keeping and running a blog are personal and unique adventures for each individual. I do it for the passion of sharing and creating art and artful living!
It is the creative outlet that suits me and what I do , what I’m all about.
It is not a popularity contest….it is NOT highschool…it is a wonderful community of artistic people inspiring one another to continue beautiful living!
love your sentiments!
ciao bella
Well done!
like your post, claudia. i find all of your posts to be well written, well thought out, and a lot of fun to read. i enjoy your point of view.
Wow, as a newbie blogger this post is very interesting. I have to be honest that I started my blog to get the word out on what I do for my Etsy shop post pictures of my activies. Where I chose my items what my inspiration is etc. But in the small amount of time that I have been blogging only 5 weeks, I have really came across some very inspiring blogs that have lead me want to write more of who I am. I have found that by having a blog I am seeing things that I may have not seen before. For instance I walk in a park for exercise the other day I saw ducks sitting in formation with a pattern of black white black white, it got me creatively thinking but then also inspired me to make something that would go in my shop. So it is hard to separate what I do with my creative thoughts. I suppose my blog may come off as a business as that was how it began. I hope to make it more personal but what I do daily will always be a part of me…Thanks for this post as it will really make me want to make sure I write from the heart and about alot more than my shop.
sincerely sherry
I was sorry to see Heather give up her blog last week, but completely understand her reasons. I’m having a hard time keeping up lately *sigh* We all have our reasons and our style of blogging and we should never knock another blogger for their blog as there are no two bloggers who are exactly alike as people.
When a blogger says they are done blogging I never try to talk them out of it. They’ll either leave forever or simply take a much needed break and come back within weeks or months. We all need a break from it from time to time.
…OH Claudia! THIS is why I adore you!!! I completely agree with you, and sometimes, it does feels like a popularity contest…and I get discouraged…
BUT, each of us are very unique, and have a combination of skill sets that only belong to us ~ So I’m right there beside you…
Be who you are…and your star will shine on those like souls!
Awesome post!!!
xo, Rosemary
p.s. saw these and thought of you!!
As always, eloquently said, my friend. I agree wholeheartedly of course…
I’m so glad you wrote this post. I try to leave comments on most of the blogs that I read. I love getting comments, too. I know that there are people who are on my follower list who don’t read my blog anymore, and that’s ok. I also know there are people who read my blog who aren’t on my follower list. That’s ok, too.
As you know, I have the blog about my mom. I only have 9 followers on that one, but I’ve had a couple of emails from people who have read it who have never left me a comment on either blog. I even had an offer to “publish” it on a blog for $$$$. I had an offer for advertising it so I would get more followers. That blog is so personal to me that I don’t want to advertise it. I tell my readers of my sewing blog about it so they can read it if they want to. But, I write it for my own therapy.
I love your blog and I love knowing you. I love the kindred spirits I have found through blogging.
I love hearing about other’s lives.
I love learning new skills in my sewing, paper cutting, etc…. through reading other blogs.
I love the heartfelt prayers and good wishes that other bloggers send my way when I need them.
Thanks for this post!
A candid treatise on blogging dear Claudia. I agree completely. Comparison only diminishes me. I have decided if I were to have a give away I would never require someone to be a follower for another chance. Because of certain personal issues I spend a lot of time at home but I still have many obligations and real life happens. I find bloggers to be friendly, kind, and willing to teach. I enjoy the chance to take photos and share a tiny portion of mine and Joe’s blessed life. Lovely post♥olive
Well said, Claudia! I really enjoy your well-written, beautifully photographed blog…please keep it coming!
Well said, Claudia! I really enjoy your well-written, beautifully photographed blog…please keep it coming!
I read blogs every day it is part of my routine.but I rarely leave comments and since I don’t do that you don’t know that I have been here. So here I am and I wanted to tell you I got one of the samplers that you have. I have enjoyed getting to know embroidery again after a long hiatus.
hi claudia,
well done. as you know i struggle with why i’m blogging too. it takes a lot of time but brings quite a bit of joy. the friendships i’ve developed are insanely awesome. the cliques and rudeness in blogging is shocking and through it all, i still blog.
i started blogging to help propel me out of a deep depression and it worked. so for those that say bloggers have no life, i’d say blogging helped save my life.
so i continue, one boring post after another – really just for me.
Excellent post Claudia! *clapping*
I just recently wrote about that follower thing too. SEems like when I’m not paying attention, just kinda doing my thing, I get readers.
It’s certainly something I struggle with, this blogging thing, in regards to time….I’m homeschooling 4 kids each day, yet it’s easy to stay in touch with the blogging world as I sit at my desk while the kids are working. Yet, if I’m not careful, it can sap time from doing other things I love, like redoing furniture :)
I constantly remind myself why I blog…and the reasons change with the seasons. That’s ok, just so long as I can articulate my mission.
Thanks for a such a timely post!
Claudia, Just a note to let you know I enjoy reading your blog. I am not a blogger and only follow a handful of blogs..usually relating to gardening. I work in a medical office and no one I work with cares about gardens, collecting or “cozy” pasttimes…I love to read your blog and feel that I am connecting with things that make me smile!
I ditto what The Gardeners Cottage said. I “got my legs underneath me” when I started blogging. It has been part of my life now almost three years. And I know I am much happier because of it. And because of the friends like you who I’ve grown truly close to. Amen for this one!
It couldn’t have been said better, Claudia. I started blogging purely as a challenge to myself and to keep my family and friends up-to-date on what’s going on in my life.
I’ve learned so much just pecking away on my own and then discovering what other bloggers, well, blog about. It has been a great way to get my writing skills back up to speed and to learn my way around the computer, especially uploading pictures and linking. Never knew how to do that before.
I am grateful everytime everyone clicks that follow button, but I know what I say is not going to interest everyone, everyday. But it interests me and means something to me. So, in the end, I blog for me and self-enrichment.
Thanks for reflecting my thoughts so eloquently in your post. The pleasure you find in your blog is apparent and that’s what makes it enjoyable for your readers.
That was very well said, Claudia! I always told myself that I did this for fun and the comaraderie that it brings and if it ever became not fun for me or stressful then I would not do it anymore. I learn so much from all the blogs that I read and I agree that this should not be a competition to see who has more followers than someone else. When I have to, I just go away from it for awhile and think about it and then usually come back. I am thankful for all the friends I have made and the support each one gives me. That is what makes it all worth it! Have a wonderful week and Happy Fall to you!~Hugs, Patti
Oh my goodness what a great entry Claudia!!
Yes we need to blog for the passions we have in our lives…no competition please!
I added the google to my front page two months ago…not sure if it truly represents followers?
My facebook friends are very sweet and loyal:) they leave emails and comments on my facebook page instead of my blog…kind of interesting~~~maybe a new trend I think:)
I try to blog about what is happening around me…from my job~~~~ to being a Mom.
I enjoy blogging parties when the mood strikes or giving a treasure away to bless my readers!
Why not, it’s fun!
I think the commitment and time can make or break a person from blogging… but you really don’t know how much time it will take until you give it a try:)
Thank you again for your wisdom and insight to the blogging world!
One more thing~~~I was just thinking out loud…. I was never given instrutions on how this blogland was suppose to work?~~~ I continue to learn something new each time I take a photo or write a post:)
you too?
Hugs to you!
Kay Ellen
Thank you for this great post of blogging. I’m sure each of us has a story to tell as to why we blog. I began blogging as way to deal with the grief I experiences as a result of my 21 year old sons death a few years ago. Nothing can prepare you for that middle of the night phone call and nothing can prepare you for the minutes, hours, days, months, and years after the phone call. I discovered blogging and it became my therapy. I don’t post every day but I do enjoy reading and commenting on blog. I’m so inspired by the blogs I read.
thank you so much for this post!
I too, have struggled many times with the continuity of my many other blogs (and have closed them down many times too) Oh, my partner knows me all too well, he’s giving me 3 months for every new blog i’ve started!
But this time, i’m sticking to it, for real, quite frankly, I’m enjoying it, instead of feeling that I have to blog at a certain day with certain pictures…
I’ve been mulling over this very subject lately, as my own blog gets farther and farther away from its rose gardening origin. What I’ve found is that my audience enjoys leaving the garden from time to time, and my home-and-renovating posts are my most popular.
My blog is what I am … I garden, remodel, build, shop, collect stuff, scrounge treasures, love my dogs and cats, and hang out with friends. At my blog, my readers get to do this too. THIS is why I blog.
Hi Claudia,
Thank you for this post. I couldn’t have said it any better. You are so right on all levels. I started my Blog for the same reasons and I am glad I did. For someone who couldn’t even email 1 yr ago. It also taught me that it was ok to make mistakes. That’s how we learn.Hugs, Liz
I love to blog. I love meeting new people. I love seeing what they are doing and hearing about what they are thinking and feeling. It is almost like a sisterhood to me. My only regret is that I can not visit everyone that follows or visits. I try, everyday I do some. But I too have a full life. So I don’t get to respond to everyone. I really appreciate all that stop by my blog.
And sometimes I find a blog that I really love and I follow, but I may not ever get back. Not because I am not interested anymore, just lack of time.
On really difficult days, when I think maybe I should stop blogging, I have a sense of loss of what I would be leaving behind. I really have met lovely people here. YOU are one! And I appreciate all those I have met. I feel like I have a lot of pen pals that I may never meet.
It’s a new world isn’t it? I am 51 and all this new technology is amazing to me. I am thankful for blog land…I am thankful for the time I do have available to blog, and I am thankful for you.
Thank you for your valuable thoughts on blogging.
Why do I blog? Because of people like you!! It has been wonderful to meet so many kindred spirits here in blogland. Women who read, women who create, women who are happy to hunt at the thrift store and not the newest boutique in town!! If only you all lived in my neighborhood and we could have coffee and share stories in person!!
I love the fun and creativity of blogging and getting to know nice people all over the world through blogging, but I don’t have the followers button on my blog. It does seem to me like a popularity contest. Excellent post!
Every word is true, and well stated!! This was a wonderful post and a great reminder. No matter what we always seem to want to fit in. However quality is better than quantity!!
It is strange Claudia.
I have just commented on Heidi’s blog : http://foxglovesfabricandfolly.blogspot.com
who posted a same subject.
As I said , blogging is not a race. Too many bloggers leave impersonal comments and add their name to your followers. They are just interested in having more followers to their blog… and are not really interested in yours. (I speak of me).
I do not know if you see what I mean.
For myself I cancel the followers gadget.
Claudia!! This is so well written. I think you have spoken for just about every type of blogger out there and I identified myself in at least two of the types! Well done. You actually took me down memory lane. I remember feeling like I had to get more followers to be more popular. I remember thinking I had to keep up to try and get the big numbers. The feelings of inadequacy when certain popular bloggers didn’t comment that week. Then I remembered!! I am NOT in high school anymore!!! Everything you said at the end of your story came true for me too, once I relaxed, prayed about it, and moved on. I love your honesty. Now that we are being honest, I have a confession to make. Back when my nephew was home from Nashville, I mentioned your hubbies wonderful music to him. I was too embarrassed to tell you, that my nephew has an arrogant side to him! He basically ignored me…twice!! He can be a strange dude. It was an eye opening experience for me spending what little time I did with him. I wish I had told you that before…I’m sorry. It probably never crossed your mind again!! Thanks for this post….It really meant a lot to me!!
Bravo and Kudos, Claudia. I feel 100% the same as you.
I fall into the work full time in a high pressure job, have family obligations, post every day, and would love to have more time to visit category.
I love blogging and the wonderful people I have met. I love you and your blog, and hope you know that you are in my heart even when I can’t stay for a long chat.♥
Sweet Claudia…
What an excellent post. You’re right, it’s easy to get caught up in blogs and lose track of time…. Yep…. That happens to me all of the time…. Especially when I should go to bed, it’s really late and I keep thinking.. I’ll read just one more. :-)
I agree, I’ve gained so much more from blogging than I could have imagined. I’ve met so many wonderful people and I’ve gotten soooo many ideas. Not to mention food for thought. It’s a wonderful place. I’m so glad you blog… I’d sure miss you if you didn’t!
Big huggies!
Well done Claudia. As you know I am now an infrequent blogger. But I still love to read blogs and occasionally write on my own.
Love and miss you,
You must have been reading my mind! I started blogging for a couple of reasons. One, I enjoyed reading so many creative and fun blogs. Secondly, I needed a creative outlet. I had spent the last few years taking care of elderly parents and needed an “escape” that would allow me to stay close to home. Once I started my blog, my mood lightened. My husband noticed that I was so much happier. It was a profound shift. I was more like the old me. I now share your sentiments. It’s a bit like going off to college. You meet lots of new people and it’s all so exciting at first. Then you notice that you are evolving and the same things that once caught your attention no longer do. You become more focused and thoughtful about the friends you choose, about the subjects you study. I try to get around to comment on blogs as often as I can. I link to parties to expand my circle of friends in Blogland. Yet there are those blogs that always feel comfortable. Those are the ones I return to time after time. I’ll probably start limiting my party links and focus on my photos. I will say that I often wonder about the blogs with the thousands of followers who have so little contact with the fans who link up to their sites each week. Are they just in it for the ad revenue or do they have anything to contribute to others? Fashion changes, celebrities peak and fall, so too do blogs I suppose.
Lots of love,
Susan and Bentley
hi claudia,
every word of this post is so right-on, truthful and well said!!!
Claudia, I wrote my feelings about blogging in my Artful Blogging article. I received sweet comments and emails about that, so I’m glad I stepped out of my comfort zone to write it, and I could inspire other people too. Thanks for this sincere post.
Well said (written), Claudia!!! I couldn’t agree more with what you’ve shared here.
Bravo! This is a wonderful post Claudia. I blog as a hobby and to meet other wonderful women, like yourself, that I otherwise would never know. The hardest part of the transition I’m in at the moment is finding time to blog and visit blogs. I miss it sooooo much and can hardly wait to get started again on a regular basis. I agree with every single thing you’ve said here. Thank you for sharing from your heart, and I’m so glad you’re blogging. ♥
Hi Claudia,
I just re-read this for a second time and Shayne just drove up from work. Know you’ll understand… be back later tonight to comment!
Your post is why I love coming to visit you here at Mockingbird Hill Cottage though ;)
Thanks so much for this post. Beautifully written and very true!
What a great post Claudia! You have expressed so eloquently what I have been feeling. Some times I get disappointed when only one person leaves a comment but I know more people have read the thread. Then if I really stop and think about it, as long as readers took something positive away from my blog, that’s what is really important. I don’t need twenty or thirty comments to validate what I am doing. Have a beautiful Sunday, hugs and blessings, Nan
Claudia, I loved your post! I can identify with many of your sentiments! I don’t like feeling I am in competition with the glitz, etc. I enjoy your posts so much even if I do not comment all the time :}hugs, K
Wow, what a great post Claudia! You’ve really hit the nail on the head with this coverage of the blog scene. I’m now heading toward my 4th blogging year (second blog) and sometimes I consider retiring…….BUT I love photography, design, writing and keeping a journal of sorts, so having the blog to share pics and thoughts is perfect for me. It also enables me to keep in touch with family and friends overseas. Even though they are mostly sporadic commenters, they do read my blog to keep up with what’s going on in my busy life, such as my travels.
I used to have more commenters, probably due to there being far fewer blogs 4 years ago. Some of the original blog friends are still with me which is nice. I’ve also met several bloggers in person, this is always wonderful. My next big blogger get together will be in October when 12 of us will gather in Asheville, NC – should be a great time.
I love so many blogs but am finding it impossible to follow all and leave comments on every post, therefore I’m dropping those who do not ever comment or e-mail me at least now and then.
Again, thanks for the great post – glad you will continue your beautiful blog and I in turn will do my best to visit often.
I stand and applaud you for your voice! I for one have eliminated my followers list and have chosen to make my blog every time I can write, different, unpredictable and like me. It’s not professional, or perfect, or such a smiling place my cheeks are sore from grinning, it’s where I can find comfort and fellowship in who I am as a individual female in a big world full of a little bit of everything. Sure I like pretty blogs, informational, witty, and even sad ones too, but I am not from one set mold, I am me. And i adore those who are themselves on good days and bad too.I enjoy your blog for a multitude of reasons, but possibly most of all because first and foremost you are genuine to me! With that said, have a awesome week! Lori
Claudia, I am a fairly new follower to your blog. You expressed this subject the best yet. I agree with all you say from start to finish. The best three words of all, “Let it go.” I don’t ever want to lose the JOY of blogging, or of visiting blogs. Thank you for this post.
Claudia, You are such a dear. You said it all so very well. One of my “comments” said, “Sometimes life just requires your full attention.” That is so true and I think sometimes we think we have to keep up. The blogging cliques make me sad. And I am a very private person and don’t feel free to share a lot of “stuff”. I always enjoy visiting you. xo rachel