You’re seeing the fruits of my labor of several hours yesterday. The ice slab, which covered the entire area next to the funky patio and out beyond the orange cones, has been broken up. I worked on it off and on yesterday. Since the temps were in the forties and didn’t go below freezing overnight from Saturday to Sunday, it was the perfect time to tackle it. It’s going to get cold again by mid week and will stay cold for at least another week, so it was now or never.
I was feeling sore last night, but I feel fine this morning. I’m going to throw some salt on the area this morning and run some errands. I’m having lunch or dinner with Rick and Doug today and tomorrow I’m going to look in on their sweet dog, Sam, while they are gone for the day. Then it’s off to NYC on Wednesday morning.
My sister has good news and she blogged about it, so stop by and read up on the latest!
Oh and I have to make cookies at some point today so that some guy I know will stop saying how much he misses eating them.
I’ll be in the city on Wednesday and Thursday and then I’ll come back home on Friday as the nighttime temps are going to drop into the single digits and that means running a drip. Maybe I’ll tackle that last wall in the kitchen? It needs a coat of yellow paint.
Happy Monday.
Happy Monday! The rain has stopped so I can get outside and make the walk to the mailbox and back. I’m working on some slow walking this week. Glad you got the ice slab reduced! Oh and Meredith’s news is the best and funny and sweet…just like her! Enjoy your day! Hugs!
Glad you can walk a bit today! Isn’t that the best news from Mere?
WOW! Double the trouble/fun for your sister and her family. I’m sure Hank was thrilled to see his brother.
Happy baking and have a great time in NYC.
Hank can’t stop licking him!
I love the news from your sister!
I had subscribed to her blog earlier and have been loving
the new member … now members! of that happy home!
what a fun and wonderful solution! xo♥
and kudos for all your hard work. :)
I have two new nephews!
LOL!!! yes you do. and all three are adorable!
I know we think, and I believe you do, too, that two dogs are so much happier than one! Not that one is a bad thing at all, but we have always found that they LOVE having another pup to play with. (Although it does result in naughtiness x 2) Yay for them! They are such sweet puppies. Maybe Little Z will have some relief from Hank thinking he is a puppy to play with and nip at!
Glad you got your ice task completed. We have a bit of sunshine today, but it IS quite cold again. I have been pondering baking something today as well. We shall see if it happens or remains a thought. I bet Don is thinking about those cookies! Have a good Monday, Claudia!!
We learned that Winston, our first dog, was much happier when Scout came along and Scout was much happier when we got Riley. Two dogs are better.
Claudia, You’ve got a lot done and planned, chores mixed with fun activities, and a mini-reunion with Don. Have fun with the latter! Your sister’s family has increased by two members, the work, much more than that, but the love and fun, uncalculatable!
They are all very happy!
I was thrilled to hear that the puppy brothers were reunited. Twice the work, yes…but, twice the love as well. So that’s what the ice slab used to look like…kudos for getting that much done. We have off and on snow flurries…hope it doesn’t accumulate. I haven’t baked since Christmas…I want to bake a flourless chocolate cake. Still looking over recipes. Enjoy your lunch or dinner with your friends! ;)
I had a piece of flourless chocolate cake tonight at dinner. Oh my heavens!
I know…right? And the recipes aren’t difficult…you just have to decide how decadent you want to go! ;)
Wow, kudos for tackling the ice. Never a fun job. And those puppies! Cuteness personified. I know the reason we’ve had two cats for the last 13 yrs isn’t because I aspired to be a cat lady. It’s because, when I went to the shelter, I couldn’t bear to separate the 3 month-old sisters when I fell in love with the first one I met. I knew my husband, who only tolerates cats wouldn’t be thrilled, but I figured if they’ve been together that long they needed to come home with me.
Good for you, Kay!
Hi Clauda. After having my wisdom “smart” teeth out last week, we ventured out to a nearby
small town to browse antique stores in the near 50 temps. Woke up today and we’re still
getting more snow (like 4’5″). Crap. Good thing to jump on that ice when you get the opportunity. I’d love one of your cookies right about now! Take care. Penny in Michigan.
Thank you, Penny. Glad you got to visit some antique stores!
Happy Monday, Claudia. You are one buzzy bee!
Thanks, Sue.
Love your sis’s story about the pups. Our house always did better with two dogs, not just one. Canines need us humans but they also enjoy each other in a way only they know. Doggie friends!
We’ve always had two, as well.
oh, that is wonderful news from your sister! i am happy for them all, but especially for bear right now because he now knows he’s not alone … he has his brother hank and now all the rest of them. :)
and your sister now has five (some furry) sons! that photo of them on the sofa sure makes me smile!
glad you can enjoy lunch or dinner with friends and then see don and nyc soon. safe travels and hopefully no more ice!
when you’re not with don or working there yourself, what’s your favorite things to do in nyc?
kathy in iowa
I like to walk. I love walking in a city. Love the Upper West Side and Greenwich Village. And I love bookstores.
i’ve been lucky enough to get to nyc five times (four as an adult) and loved just walking and looking at everything and everyone. most recently i loved going to a big flea market and art museums with my mother and sister. a year before, my sister and i were there for christo’s “the gates” in central park (awesome). that was a long time ago. would like to visit again.
kathy in iowa
Glad you have gotten rid of the ice slab. Those dogs are adorable. Everyone looks so happy in the photos with the dogs.
They are all very happy.
Is the area where the ice slab was, an area where people walk? I’m just wondering if you could use sand instead of salt so that the grass and surrounding vegetation doesn’t die. Heading off to Meredith’s blog…
No, it’s part of the parking area. It has gravel. We’ve salted for years.
I had a cat who was never really happy until we took in a kitten who was out in the cold all alone. Then they were both very happy. Even together now in the afterlife.
We’ve always had two dogs – they’re happier with a companion.
Went looking fora ZZ plant – they are SO expensive. I think it is because they are so slow growing or so the label says – one leaf a year??? Will be looking for another plant I guess.
I have no idea where you live or where you’re looking, but I’ve never spent over $11.00 for a ZZ plant and the $11.00 was in NYC, one of the most expensive areas in the country. And no, they are not slow growing. You’ve seen my pictures. I’ve had the two plants in the den for 3 months and both have grown large new shoots. Far more than one leaf a year. Are you sure you’re looking at ZZ plants? You can get them at Lowes for a song.
I live in Ontario in Canada. It was a ZZ plant I was looking at but I have only looked in one nursery. We have Lowes and other such stores here so I will have to continue looking. Thanks for the encouragement.
That’s a cuteness overload at your sisters house!…Mere has such a big heart…and look at how happy they all are!…I am so glad that the ice slab is gone…here’s hoping it doesn’t return!…We are expecting snow tonight or tomorrow…not much I hope…
A little snow here, but nothing that will accumulate.