Today, some random photos and thoughts on the fabulous Wonderland of Play. I was feeling euphoric on Monday and though that’s calmed down a bit, I’m still pretty jazzed!
This is Lisa from Play From Your Heart. She is such a lovely person. That little creature she’s holding is called a Faye. These felted creatures are made by a woman in Japan and they are extremely hard to come by. Periodically, there is a raffle on IG and the winners get the chance to buy one. I’ve missed out every time. On Sunday there was a chance to be entered for the same kind of thing and I forgot all about it, so I blew the chance to win one. Darn it! They are so adorable and hugely popular. Lisa is wearing an adult sized version of the hats they sell. Her mom makes them.
This is my friend Gwen, who I really, really adore. She’s funny and joyful. This was taken when I escorted her to Play From Your Heart’s booth and she discovered why I was crazy about their creations. She caught the fever and purchased a Carrycot and a hat and a few other things. Later, she went back and purchased some more! As always, I am a proud enabler.
This is Leticia’s booth – Letvon Dolls. She’s from Spain. I really wanted the redhead on the right, but, since I just purchased a doll, no can do.
A beauty from Nanuka Factory. She also makes those little houses.
Another beautiful doll. That’s Naiara in the background. She’s so nice.
The mug for the event, which shows the event logo, modeled after the event doll.
She was designed by SplattergirlUK. Ayin is so talented and, I’m happy to say, a simply lovely person.
While waiting in line with some lovely people. Livvy got the chance to model these MouskeEars, which can be found on eBay. Of course, I’m going to look for some because could she be any cuter????
I can’t say enough how much fun this was. Don keeps saying he is proud of me because he knew I had fears of being too old, and driving a long way early in the morning and then trying to maneuver Jersey City, which is very urban and congested. But I did it. Meeting so many IG favorites, many of them vendors that I’ve purchased from, being in a room full of people who feel just as passionate about this wacky little doll as I do, well…it was a huge blessing.
They get it. I get it. So many of us feel that we can only tell certain people about our love for Blythe dolls. I keep my Blythe IG account entirely separate from my main IG account. There’s no reference to it at all and I don’t post the dolls on my main account because the people on that account cover a wide swath of contacts, including professional theater/work contacts. They wouldn’t understand. Even on this blog I try not to post about Blythes too often. But at Wonderland of Play, we didn’t have to worry about that for one second. What a gift! Meeting my online friends and the vendors I admire was such a gift and knowing that I had permission to PLAY all day long with like-minded collectors? Priceless.
The next Wonderland of Play is next year in Brugge, Belgium. If only.
Speaking of Blythe friends, I desperately needed a new OB22 body for Pru and my friend Dani, from Rio de Janeiro, had an extra, which she brought to the event. On Monday, I changed out her body and she’s much happier now.
Check out the looks from the Ferros on the shelf below.
This was the dramatic sky over our Town Hall yesterday as we voted in our county and town election. Stunning.
Okay. That’s a lot of photos to edit and post, so I’m signing off.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
Pleased you got to play among your Peeps, Claudia. I would love to attend conferences for my interests, but I’ve attended two fiber conventions, one sewing expo, and two quilting conventions and I know my ability to curb my spending is trash! I still have items I bought from these events from over a decade ago and haven’t used them! So, I enjoy these events vicariously by the photos that show what a good time everyone has at conventions, whether knitting, sewing, or Blythe.
I have one Blythe that I bought about 15-20 years ago. She’s a large Blythe, not like your girls. I had intended on making her clothes. Since I’m going to start sewing clothes for my daughters’ amd my American Girl dolls, I may as well sew an outfit or two for Blythe too.
A large Blythe? As far as I know they are all slightly under 12 inches tall. I’ve never seen any Blythes larger than that.
Stay safe, Wendy.
Haha, you’re correct, Claudia. The perspective I get from your photos makes your girls seem smaller than mine. However, in my much smaller Blythe world, she is my “large” Blythe, as I also have one that is 4-1/4″ tall. One can’t change the eyes though…only one pair, but the eyelids do shut when the doll’s head is tilted.
You probably have a midi Blythe or a Petite Blythe. I never can remember the difference.
happiness is obvious in all your posts about blythes and especially about going to “wonderland of play”. i am very happy for you that you went there, had time with other blythe collectors, “blew your wad” to treat yourself and felt seen, felt good. :)
i understand that not everyone will understand about dolls and i sure get not mixing some personal stuff with professional stuff. and there are many people who don’t agree with collecting things (dolls or anything else ***) in general. okay. that’s their right. i just hope they do what you did … do what makes them happy … because the world needs more happy people.
anyway, share as you want about blythes because happiness is contagious!
*** though i have not added to some collections in years, i collect many things … painted wooden swedish dala horses, perpetual calendars, art, jimmy buffett cds, rocks, water from lakes/rivers/etc. during the worst of covid, when i walked on weekends alongside-but-across-the-street-from members of my family, i sometimes picked up small fallen branches to hold onto since i couldn’t hold onto hands … i have those branches in a vase. i save tickets from concerts and movies. and i have several stuffed animals that i see daily (a toy cat given to me by my maternal grandparents when i was two and, from my parents, two teddy bears made by my mother and a dog wearing an “i love to jog” t-shirt). not everyone would understand keeping such things and i know my two nieces, as of right now, do not want any of it. that is okay, too (has to be). those things and my family all make me smile. that’s a good thing. :)
thanks for taking the time for share so many photos and more about your adventure!
Thanks, Kathi. I’m an inveterate collector and it’s tremendously rewarding and fun. Looks like you love it, too!
Stay safe.
i do enjoy it … searching for and seeing my own collections as well as seeing/hearing about what (and why) other people collect. :)
happy, safe wednesday to you and don. thursday, too!
I’m just so glad that you had such a good time! And considering the distance, driving, congestion, parking, etc…you did it! I think the Mickey Mouse ears are darling!
Aren’t they? I really want some!
Stay safe.
I hope your election was as good as Ohio, VA and KY!
What a perfect event for you! The dolls are so cute and so many fun accessories. I think the clothes are the best. Love that felted one, too — I’m sorry you didn’t get registered for that; it could have been your lucky day.
But then, I think pretty lucky to have this within driving distance and to get to meet so many kindred spirits!
Well, it was local, but it looks like the results are good ones.
I was very lucky to live relatively close. So many people flew in and stayed in hotels for 2 or 3 days. I’m glad I didn’t have to.
Stay safe, Jeanie.
Claudia, this post made me smile from beginning to end. Thank you for sharing.
You’re very welcome, Susan!
Stay safe.
I’m so happy for you, and I love that you got to spend the day doing something you are so passionate about!! I love the Blythe dolls, too, and keep toying with ordering one, but they are expensive and I know I’d go down that rabbit hole if I started! Very, very tempting, though, and it may happen yet. :)
You know, my first – Sophie – was a little over $200. When you consider the expense of buying the doll and then investing in all the tools necessary to customize it, adding to that all the work the customizer does, that’s a pretty low price. Prices have increased but you can find very affordable custom Blythes on Etsy.
Stay safe, Jenny.
Thank you, Claudia!! I’ll keep looking.
Your Blythe Convention looked a wonderful place to visit. Isn’t it great, that with all the terrible things happening in the world, that women from lots of different countries can get together and share a common interest.
I’ve been looking at your photos from both days and I love the whimsical element from the German ladies. I don’t know if you are familiar with the work of Elsa Beskow, the Swedish illustrator of children’s books in the early 20th century but they put me in my of her Children of the Forest. Quite magical.
Happy Wednesday
I’m not familiar with her, but I’ll look her up, Dee Dee.
Yes, the ladies from Play From Your Heart have won my heart, that’s for sure.
Stay safe, Dee Dee.
Olivia looks so darling in her Mickey Mouse ears. Hope you find some for her. You certainly had a marvelous time at the conference and you’ll be able to enjoy all the memories. I’ve only told two friends about my Blythe dolls Jessie and Walter. They are now Auntie Paula and Auntie Marie and buy wee gifts for them. Some of my other friends might not understand. And Claudia, I must thank you again for introducing me to Blythe dolls, you enabler, you. Hugs, Elaine
I’m happy to enable!!
Stay safe, Elaine.
Wow Claudia it sure sounds like you had a wonderful time! I am so happy for you. I know how you feel about doing a lot in one day because I feel the same way. It takes a couple days to recover from it, whether it be good or a bad time. I am also glad you got new tires for a safer trip! You do have a wonderful husband having dinner ready for you. Amazon delivered the book I am going to read “ My Name is Barbra”. 970 pages!! I love autobiographies and I especially love her movies. My favorite is The Way We Were with Robert Redford. I cry every time I watch it. I also do some collecting and you are right, some people don’t get it. I collect Dept. 56 Villages, mostly North Pole and also Byers Choice that I put out at Christmas time. Then I also do miniatures so I love seeing yours. Get some rest!
Yes yes that too is my favorite all time movie
Yup I am looking forward to her book
I also ordered that book and it arrived the other day!
Stay safe, Deb!
Thanks for covering Wonderland of Play so nicely. Seems to me you have found your people – your tribe!
I have a lot of tribes, but I sure love this one!
Stay safe, Ellen.
Thanks for all the photos.
My, that’s one stormy sky on voting day. We’re to get rain next week here in Southern Calif; hoping-hoping … but today is yet another dirty-dusty-windy-warm one with those Santa Ana winds.
“… then trying to maneuver Jersey City, which is very urban and congested …” — Claudia, seriously, I could never drive as you do; I have become entirely unused to driving in traffic and even you are mostly running around in the wider-open (smaller town) countryside, so I applaud you for following your ‘wants’ to get to the Blythe event and having that courage; indeed feel proud (it was a long day)!
The littlest girl above the Ferros, to the left on your shelf and back by the bed; I’m continually drawn to her; I can’t keep track of the names, sorry, but she is so winsome! Love seeing how you display these collectible dolls!
Of course what I’m also waiting for (and looking forward to seeing) are your holiday decorations upcoming in the cottage; always!!! You’ll have to crochet the Blythes some Christmas hats (or something!).
Well I have to admit that it’s a little more intimidating than it used to be, but I just do it. GPS helps enormously, of course. If I had been trying to keep track of all the streets and turns, it would have been next to impossible.
That girl is Lily. She is adorable – I can see why you’re drawn to her!
Stay safe, Vicki.
So glad you enjoyed yourself!
Thanks, Deborah!
Stay safe.