I am blessed. Yes, I am. I have wonderful friends that I’ve known from the age of 4 and friends I have been lucky enough to meet in recent years. One very special friend is Lori, the owner of Vignettes. Lori is kind, generous, funny, beautiful inside and out, and incredibly talented. I have rhapsodized about Vignettes in many posts over the past 2 years and if I could beam myself up I would be there today. Nothing, I mean nothing, I have seen anywhere else comes close to the wondrous enchantment of that shop.
Lori sent me a message last week saying she had put something in the mail for me – a little care package from Vignettes and her that she thought would make me smile. Yesterday, it arrived in my mailbox. (Our rural mail carrier, also named Lori, always gives a toot on her horn when she leaves a package down by our mailbox – isn’t that sweet? As soon as I heard it, I was hightailing it on down there.)
The wreath adorned the package, which I forgot to take a picture of in my excitement. Lori sent this wonderful handmade card in which she wrote some lovely words to me and mentioned that she couldn’t bear to think of my sheep all alone without a pal (I’d seen some vintage putz sheep in the shop) and here was a “friend all dressed up in Vignettes’ finery.”
Just wait. This was also in the package:
Isn’t this beautiful? The lovely sentiment, the sweet cottage, the beautiful trim around the frame? I am already searching for the perfect place for it in our cottage. Are you ready for a sheep arrayed in the best Vignettes’ finery?
Take a minute to collect yourself.
Gasp… Swoon…no words are adequate to describe what Lori had Karen Lampard of Cafe Paperie create for me. In fact, my gasp as I unwrapped this could be heard throughout the cottage. Look at the detail: the hat and the rose, the saddlebags trimmed with a button and the sign ‘Vignettes or Bust’, the flowers, the bell, the decorations around each hoof. Oh. my. goodness.

Could there be a cuter rear view? Every little detail is perfection.
In other news: I have the giveaway winners, chosen through random.org.
First, the winner of a copy of HotHouse Flower:
Number 5 – Caseymini! I’ll send you an email, but if you see this first, drop me a line with your address and I will forward it on to TLC Book Tours who will forward it to the publisher.
Second, the winner of the CSN Giveaway:
Number 61 – Meeyeehere aka Rachel. Rachel, I will forward your email address on to CSN and they will contact you.
Congratulations to the winners!
Oh my stars! WOW and WOW again! You are right Claudia, there are no words to describe how darn cute that little lambie pie is! And I agree, the best gifts are those that arrive unexpectedly and for no reason at all. Enjoy your day, Nan
That is ADORABLE, honey! How in the world do these chicks come up with such darling and creative things to do with tiny animals? I know YOU’LL love it and give it a place of honor in your cottage.
Wow. I’m still collecting myself. So sweet– all of it. Love love love the cottage picture (I’m crazy about that type of vintage art), and that lamb… I just can’t get over how wonderful. So many sweet details! Are you going to name her? I think she deserves a name, don’t you?
What a wonderful friend. What a sweet gift package. You deserve it all my dear friend. You are a lovely lady.
Sweet and healing thoughts and prayers for you mom.
What a wonderful gift and the sweetest friend ever! I also cannot believe all the attention to detail- he is awesome!
Sweet Claudia,
As I told you, I couldn’t wait for you to receive your ‘care package’
so you’d have a little bit of the joy that you always brought into the shop!
Now I must make sure to give credit where credit is due. I knew your little guy needed a friend so I called upon my dearest friend & most amazingly talented artist in the universe, Karen Lampard of ‘Cafe Paperie’ & asked her to do a chic makeover & that it had to say “Vignettes or Bust” so you’d never forget about us. When she brought the little guy back in, all done up, we all just about keeled over! That’s Karen for you -she nailed it! Every single time!
Your email this am warmed my heart & it was so fun to send a little
bit of my love for you thru the mail for you to unwrap!
Friends Forever!
Lori at Vignettes
This just screams OOdles of cute today. What a perfect surprise.
That is just the cutest thing!!! And I am sure it just lifted your spirits.
Friendship is always a sweet responsibility… ~kahlil gibran
xox Rella
Claudia, I am thrilled to have won the book. I can’t wait to start reading it. Thank you so much.
He is so decked out he needs his own cloche or pedestle or something. The sign is just seriously sweet. What a dear friend. hugs♥olive
I told you I would have sheep envy and I was right! Tell her that your wonderful sister has a deep. down love of sheep.
Claudia, your little sheep is absolutely the most precious thing ever! How sweet and thoughtful of Lori!! And the sampler motto is just beautiful!!! I know you will enjoy both!… Donna
fellow e-reader!
i am thrilled for you…what a nice thing it is indeed to go to the mail box and find a ‘just because’ gift!
they have to be the best kind of gift to get, I think!
and congrat’s to the winners!
have yourself a splendid day..and btw..I love the ‘rear’ view! heheee….
ciao bella
Hi Claudia,
Looks like you made out like a bandit…….woo hoo! What an awesome friend to send you such beauty. Thank God for friends like that.
Wow, wow and Wow! What friends! The little sheep is just about as adorable as anything I have ever seen! What imagination they have!
Hi Claudia,
It’s people like Lori that make the world go round… round for us sentimental, get tears in our eyes for all the good around folks. Way to go, Lori!! I can hear your happiness in this post, Claudia! That Vignettes or Bust donkey is just the cutest thing ever!
Love that your mail lady honks when you have a parcel, perfect!
PS: Congrats to your giveaway winners! Got carried away in all the excitement of your goodies from Lori ;)
Oh my goodness.. Cuteness for days here!!! Thanks for sharing all the pictures of your new little friend. What a treat!!
These are just darling!!! Friends are the best gifts!! Congrats to the winners too!
Pure cuteness in your mailbox, Claudia!! Have a happy weekend xx
Such wonderful goodies in that package! What a special friend.
Oh Claudia, your little sheep is adorable to say the least, detailed with love! Friends…a gift from heaven! You are mine.
Love ya,
Oh, isn’t blogging the best?! Lori sure knew what would make you sing. Your lamb is precious & all the other treats she sent along look like they were created especially for you & your sweet cottage. Lisa
What a special gift from a special friend! Too cute!
Have a wonderful holiday weekend!
~ Jo :)
You needed this, Claudia! It is karma. I’m so glad you got this. It is so, so, so adorable. All of it.
hi claudia!
you’re completely correct – i loved reading this post. what sweet just-because gifts (!) and i LOVE how your mail carrier toots the horn for you. what could be sweeter?!
i am feeling so behind on reading posts :( hoping to read many tonight!
Truly beyond words, Claudia! This is so charming and thoughtful. Isn’t it the best feeling when you receive something that shows how much you are loved? xo
Wow Claudia
that is one sharp dressed sheep. She’s lovely and what kindness sent to you from a sweet friend.
That is so uber-cute!!
Claudia! Oh my what a wonderful friend you have. Girlfriends are the best. Love what you received. Have a wonderful long weekend. Grace xoxoxo
What a lucky girl you are Claudia!! You deserve it!! Happy Labor day weekend to you and yours…
ohhhh you are blessed my friend. Happy weekend to you….xoxo
What a delightful surprise! This has got to be the cutest little lamb EVER! You lucky lady! Congrats to all your winners and have a super weekend Claudia!
Oh, my goodness, Claudia, that sheep is the cutest thing ever. No wonder you were whooping and hollering over it. Your sweet friend gifted you with some wonderful presents, and you are well deserving of each and every one!! Thank you for visiting with me and for your kind comments always~Happy September to you~Vicki
Wow! What a wonderful and thoughtful friend she is! That sheep is soooo cute! Love the “Friend” print. Such a cute cottage and wonderful sentiment!
Oh Claudia, I’m so happy for you! My heart rejoyces too when someone sends love my way. Just because.
The Tour Eiffel pendant is such an incredible addition!
Hugs, and many heartfelt thanks for your sweet words. They meant a lot!
P.S Yes, 6 months quarantine already done ;))
Amazing Sheep! How wonderful! I know you will enjoy her for a long long time!
Congrats to your winners!
Hugs, Lisa
Great blog, I will be sure to add you to my Creative Places list on my blog!
Sandra Evertson