Yesterday turned out to be a helping others day. Always a good thing. Late in the day, I heard some commotion outside. I got up to see what was happening and saw this car, which had apparently gone off the road and down into our culvert. I alerted Don.
This family was on their way to the campground nearby. The driver had missed the turn. Instead of turning in our driveway, he tried to execute a U-turn, thinking that the expanse of green near the road meant it was level ground. Uh oh. The car went down into the culvert and there was no way they could move it. I went out on the porch to find out more. Long story short, I called the campground to see if they could help – they couldn’t, didn’t have a truck to tow them out – and then I told the guy he should call his car insurer for a tow.
Some time passed. He couldn’t get a wifi signal which is not surprising since we’re out in the country. I eventually went out to the funky patio and gave him my phone. He called Geico, but – again, long story short – they couldn’t get the right kind of tow truck out here in a timely manner. I invited the family members to hang out on the funky patio. All of them were from Brooklyn and Queens and this was their weekend out of the city. Don came out to put out our orange cones, as the back of the car extended onto the road, and learned that Geico told the guy to call the local police who would get a tow truck out there. The State Police arrived and took over. I talked to the grandmother and one of the kids, who was nervous and needed to be reassured. I offered them water, but of course they didn’t need it as they had all sorts of supplies in their car. Finally, the truck got there and carefully towed the car out of the culvert. I think they were here at least a couple of hours, kids pacing on the lawn, grandmother trying to calm her granddaughter down (I think she might be on the spectrum).
Such a very nice family. The father kept thanking me and offering to ‘give me something’ but I told him no, we were happy to help and that we hoped someone would do the same for us if we ever needed help.
Earlier in the day, Don was driving near our local bridge and saw a young sky diver standing on the bridge with his parachute. There is a skydiving facility nearby and we often see people who have landed off-course waiting to be picked up. So Don loaded him into his car and drove him back to skydiving facility, where, much to his surprise, he saw a huge campground full of skydivers – an entire community hidden way back on the property. Fascinating!
I’m sickened by what happened to Salman Rushdie yesterday. It happened in Chautauqua. You might remember that I worked there for two summers and I know it well. It’s an incredibly peaceful and artistic place, with a summer full of concerts and book readings and theater and lectures. That it happened at all is shocking, but that it happened there is beyond shocking. I’m very familiar with that outdoor amphitheater, I’ve been there several times. I heard Hugh Downs and Tom Brokaw give talks there. I still can’t get my head around it. Praying for Rushdie, who appears to have been terribly injured by this madman.
And then, the unfolding news about espionage and the conman.
What a day.
A recent picture of Maeve helping me figure out my deductions:
Today, a little more work on dialects. I officially start in on Monday.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.
not that it was needed, but today’s post just confirmed that you and don are kind people! glad you are both in the world, helping make it a better place. thank you.
hope the tax work is done and will be in your favor!
am sure you are ready for monday … enjoy!
prayers said for salman rushdie. glad they caught the guy who attacked him.
usual weekend plans here … i am glad and grateful. it’s overcast so am enjoying that, too.
happy, safe saturday to everyone!
Thank you, Kathy.
Stay safe.
I think it is such a blessing to be able to offer kindness and help to others and you and Don are great examples of that. The news is very disturbing and has me once again shaking my head. What is our world coming to. Trying to enjoy my home, my sweet kitty and of course my Grands who make everything ok. Hugs!
Thank you, Linda.
Stay safe.
You are good, kind people. Plus, you are both so creative and share your talents for the betterment of all.
I want too hope, that the evil/con man will at last be held accountable. I want his sycophants to meet justice and never, ever be able to hold public office again. A public shaming for all of them.
Take Care,
Park City, UT
I agree, Kaye.
Stay safe.
It always feels great when you can help someone out like that.
Best of luck with your work starting soon!
Thank you, Ellen.
Stay safe.
I’m sure that family appreciated all your help!
Horrible news about Salman Rushdie…so violent. We’re living in such a different world right now.
We are. It’s frightening.
Stay safe, Barrie.
While we hear all the bad on the news I know that the world has so many more good people…you and Don are examples of that.
Wasn’t it Mr. Rogers who said when bad things happen “look for the helpers”?
Maeve looks very studious with her glasses. I’m sure she was a big help with taxes.
Enjoy the weekend…can you feel the light changing? Fall is not far off.
Take care
Always look for the helpers. I love that.
Stay safe, Marilyn.
With all the bad news that always makes the headlines…it is wonderful to read about you and Don, and your good deeds. Just another example of people just being kind!
Maeve looks particularly fetching, and not the least bit bothered by your taxes. Hope she was a big help to you?
Enjoy your day! ;)
She was bored, hence the photo!
Stay safe, Donnamae.
What an exciting day. What do they say….pay it forward. We are up in Prescott getting out of the heat and trying to have some time to unwind.
It’s cloudy and raining and I love it. We are starting to realize how much stress we have been under for the last 2 years with my MIL. Although we will miss her dearly, we know that she is not in pain anymore. What else can we find out aboutTrump?! So many of us, in our right minds, will be so glad when he has to pay for all his evil deeds. Will never understand his followers. I just can’t let them in my orbit. Prayers for Salman. The violence in our country is so out of hand. Take care!
You too, Deb.
Stay safe.
You all are just who Mr. Rogers was talking about – helpers!
Thanks for sharing this story.
Thank you, Ceci.
Stay safe.
You and Don are wonderfully kind, considerate, caring, generous, all-around good people! Kindness is everything, especially in this seemingly crazy, unfriendly, violent world of today.
I try to remind myself daily that many, many, many, many acts of kindness occur each & every day and that there’s more good than bad in the world.
Loving the break in our weather — lower day & night temperatures, lower humidity & dew point. And yes, the light is beginning to shift & change. Fall is not far away. :)
Thank you, Senate & House Democrats for passing the Inflation Reduction Act!!!
Shameful, and not surprising, that not a single Republican in Congress voted for the package. -smh-
Saddened to hear about what happened to Salman Rushdie at Chautauqua. Senseless and evil.
Prayers and healing vibes for Salman.
The unfolding news about Monday’s search and seizure action by the FBI and the publication of the search warrant gives me hope that good will prevail and the conman & his closest enablers will be held accountable. NO one is above the law, and may they all be given the most severe punishment allowed under the law.
Stay safe & well.
I really think it’s the beginning of the end for him. We’ll have to be patient as the investigation continues.
Thanks, Amy.
Stay safe.
dear Claudia/Don — since I have been visiting your blog (read a while before ever commenting), never have I felt disappointment. have been angry a few times and have ranted but never b/c of anything you have written — usually the ‘grifter’ can set me off, quickly!! love this little red haired girl — so familiar to me as we have 4 red heads in our family!!! glad you were such a help to the ‘stranded’ family — sometimes such misadventures can cause alot of anxiety. stay safe and healthy
Thank you so much, Linda.
Stay safe.
It was so lovely of you and Don to help folk yesterday. I’m sure everyone would have appreciated it.
We’re experiencing a mini heatwave, temperatures in the 80s/90s. Hardly any air con, certainly not in houses which are built to withstand the cold!
Happy Saturday
I’m so sorry. Heat waves are bad enough, let alone without air conditioning!
Stay safe, Dee Dee.
You had such an eventful day! Because you are kind people, look at how much you did to try to unstress the traveling family when, in a diff circumstance, you could have peeked out the window, stayed uninvolved and just shut the curtain, not answered the door if they came to ask for help.
I hope the rest of this weekend is less-eventful and really pleasant and nice for both you and Don.
My ignorance, but I don’t know of the man, only the name … Salman Rushdie … I was doing a little reading about the attack he suffered and his injuries seem very serious, from possibly losing an eye to having at least one punctured internal organ; and such horrific damage would be hard on any BODY/anybody, but he’s 75 years old.
It feels good to help others, Vicki.
Stay safe!
I know they had to be as relieved as one can be in that situation that they landed on a lawn with nice people. What a hassle for them. Probably the last time he tries to do a U-ie. All good in the end.
The Rushdie thing — tragic. And yes, at Chatauqua of all places. That was a shock. We have friends that went there annually and I’ve heard it is wonderful. I hear he’s off the ventilator now but a very long recovery in store.
It’s a lovely, almost unreal kind of place. But unreal in the best possible way. When I was working there, I kept thinking how wonderful it would be to have a home there and spend the summers in that artistic environment. So an attack of any kind is simply not what happens there.
Stay safe.