I’m writing to you from Hartford, where I’m ensconced in my hotel room. Soon, a day of rehearsal will begin and then I’ll head home around 7 tonight. By the way, since we’ve had the Keurig conversation in the past, I thought I would share that this room has a Keurig. So I decided I would try a K-cup, as you who are Keurig lovers suggested.
I’m sorry, my friends, but I didn’t like it. Now, maybe if it was a Peet’s French Roast K-cup, I’d like it better; nevertheless, it didn’t pass the Claudia test.
It’s now official. I’m sticking with my pour-over method for brewing.
About three weeks ago, a package arrived at my door in the pouring rain. The UPS guy, who wasn’t our regular delivery guy, decided to leave it by the kitchen door, where there is no cover, rather than on our porch, where there is. For some reason, I spied it on the cement and grabbed it. The bottom of the box had been soaked through. The box was from my sister and on it were the words, Do not open until April 24th, that date being the anniversary of our mother’s death.
I quickly made a decision to open the box. I went by feel. If it was unwrapped, I was going to have Don take it and hide the contents. Fortunately, I could tell there was wrapping around the package. Thank goodness I took it out of the box, or it would have been ruined and that would have been tragic. You’ll see why soon. I put the wrapped package away and dutifully waited until the 24th to open it.
This is what was inside:
Meredith had read this post, where I spoke about the books my mom had as a young girl. Those books eventually made their way to the bookshelf that my sisters and I shared in our bedroom. Yes, for quite a while, all three of us shared one room. In that group of books were books by Louisa May Alcott, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Jean Webster and more. Years later, when I was visiting my middle sister (who is now estranged from the rest of the family) I saw all of them on her bookshelves. I didn’t say anything at the time, but I was surprised and, now that I think of it, some of those books were mine, given to me by my grandmother.
Don’t get me started.
Anyway, I spoke about my quest to find those books, or to be more accurate, find vintage editions of those books not unlike the ones my mom had, for my bookshelves. I wanted to see the books I grew up with, that reminded me of my mom, in my home.
Well, it turns out my middle sister didn’t have quite all of the books. Meredith had some, too. She looked at her shelves, found these, and decided to give them to me.
I was dumbfounded. When I opened the package, I had no idea where she had found them. Had my dad given them to her when Mom died? I couldn’t figure it out. But I knew that cover of Anne of Green Gables. I knew it as sure as I was sitting there. And I started to cry. It was the anniversary of my mother’s transition and here I was, looking at books I thought were long gone, holding them in my hands.
Can you imagine if they had been ruined by the rain?
We think that Meredith and my other sister ended up with the books because I was older than them and was off to college and then on my own while they were still living at home. ‘L,’ my other sister, has the bulk of them, that’s for sure – including, Meredith informed me, the Nancy Drew books accumulated by all three of us over the years.
Okay. I have to let that go. If L’s children enjoyed and read those books, then that’s a good thing.
There she is.
The dedication from my grandparents.
There are illustrations throughout the book.
I remember this book sitting on our bookshelf so vividly. I loved that romantic story so much.
This next book was a total surprise because I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before. It was my dad’s book.
(Sorry – this is just a wee bit blurry, but I’m not at home and I can’t re-take the picture.)
Don’t you love that title? Part of the Dave Darrin series. I wonder how many books there were in the series?
To my dad from his older brother Fred and his wife, Grace. My uncle Fred was a very sweet man.
Priceless treasures. And all because my little sister has the most giving heart. Truth be told, she’s far more giving than me. She is my role model. And I love her dearly.
On the shelf. I am unable to imagine a more perfect gift. Or a more perfect way to honor my mother on a sad anniversary.
Thank you, Meredith.
Happy Sunday.
What a lovely gift – such beautiful editions. Meredith sounds like a treasure.
Have an inspired day at work and a safe journey home.
She is.
Claudia, you are loved! Doris
I am very fortunate, Doris.
How thoughtful of Meredith!
She is the best, Marilyn.
What a wonderful gift from your sister. To be able to read the exact book that was loved by a parent gives a sense of peace and a heart-felt connection.
Have a safe trip home this evening.
Thank you, Deb!
I have tears in my eyes from reading your post. What a lovely connection you and your sister have. I am privileged to know each of you through your blogs. You both are kind hearts, thank you for sharing with your readers.
You are most welcome, Barbara.
What a wonderful gift. I read Meredith’s blog. She seems to be a very generous and kind person. I love reading about Little Buddy.
She is. And little Buddy is a wonder. We adore him.
How wonderful to have these books back. Is that “Heidi” by Johanna Spiri on your bookshelf?
Yes, it is, Regula.
Sometimes our siblings can be so surprising in the absolute best way, how blessed you are with your wonderful sister Meredith. The books, I can imagine how you feel having them in your hands and all the precious memories they bring.
Thank you, Melody!
What a precious gift Meredith gave you….she is extremely thoughtful! ;)
She is, Donnamae.
I’m crying. What a precious gift.
I am happy for you and for your love and relationship with your sister Meredith.
and for the new /old FAMILIAR books on your shelf.
She’s a great sister, Pat.
Beautiful. What treasures.
Thank you, Nancy.
What a special, precious gift!
Thank you, Judy!
I think both you and Meredith are pretty special!
Love you both,
And we think the same of you, Eileen! xo
I love that your family inscribes gift books. Mine always did too. I like opening a book and being reminded of when I received it, and from whom. After I learned how to print address labels on my computer, I “designed” my own little bookplates in an attractive font, printed them on clear labels and put them in all my books, pencilling in the date purchased on each new book.
PS – your story was a reminder that anytime I mail books in the future, I’m going to be sure to wrap them snugly in several plastic bags first, lest another doofus package guy leave the box out in the weather. Hope this was THAT guy’s first job on the job… :>)
Yes, wrap them in plastic! Can you imagine how sickened both Meredith and I would have been if those books got wet? I want to throttle that guy!
I just finished reading the Anne Of Green Gable books. Funny how I iked the last two books the most. I liked them all, but those two were my favorites. I have been reading older books lately.
That was so nice of Meredith! But it doesn’t surprise me as I read her blog and she is very caring and a special person.
She is, for sure.
You are so, so welcome. You deserve to have these wonderful treasures on your bookshelf.
Love you,
I love you, Meredith.
Now that’s what I call a sweet reunion! It must have felt wonderful when you opened that package. And an Anne of Green Gables book?! Extra special! It looks to be in wonderful condition, too.
Your post touched me, because the way you feel about those books is how I feel about all the Little Golden Books my grandmother used to read to me. Actually, I would read to her. She taught me to read with them. Every Saturday we would go “junk shopping” at the local 711. She let me get 3 pieces of candy, or 1 piece and a slurpee. She always asked me if I wanted a Little Golden Book, too. Being a kid, I didn’t always say yes because I thought she was spending too much money on me every weekend. (Those books were only something like 50 cents back then. Lol!)
When I was in high school my grandparents moved hours away to live next door to their daughter. One day we were helping them move, but I didn’t gather all my Little Golden Books and take them home with me… as I should have. My parents told me to, but since I knew my little cousins probably enjoyed them I only took a few. Never in my wildest dreams did I think they had no idea those books were mine, and that I treasured them and expected to get them back one day. Years later I saw some of them on one of my cousins bookshelves. I was so happy to see the books, told them they were mine and that I missed them. Their reply was they weren’t my books. They looked at me like I was a nut job.
To this day I’m still angry over it. Very angry. They assumed they were theirs because not all the books had my name written in them. (Something my grandma told me when I was a kid to do. I wish I had listened to her because I only signed my name in a few of them. I just didn’t think it would ever be necessary to lay claim to them, ya know?)
If only I had a time machine…..
Yes, I understand. I have to let it go, along with a lot of other stuff about that sister, for my own piece of mind. I’m just trying to send her blessings and move on. It isn’t always easy!
I’m happy for you that your sweetly generous sister thought to gift you the three books. But it’s tragic that estrangement happens in families. I have so many dear friends who are estranged from siblings. I was one…for a few years, one of my brothers and I didn’t speak. All is well now though and we can count on each other in rain or sun, and I am close to his children and he is close to mine.
We would love that, but it’s been her choice. It will always be a mystery. I wish her well.
What a lovely post. Meredith has such a giving heart. I also love Anne of Green Gables. The books are a wonderful edition to your shelf.
Meredith is the best sister I could have.
Meredith..your are such a sweetheart..to give something to your sister that also has great meaning to you is such a selfless loving act..putting someone elses happiness ahead of your own is just beautiful..Claudia..I feel so happy for you..I know how you were longing for this reminder of your Mom and your childhood..You are blessed with the good people who love you..
I am indeed very blessed, Nancy. I am thankful for the people in my life every day.
What a truly lovely and thoughtful gift!
I know. Thank you, Kim.
Claudia, This is the perfect gift for you at this time , with your mom’s memory . I loved the writing inside the books. So much meaning. I am so glad you spotted it o your back porch in ti. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
So am I! Otherwise, they would have been ruined!
What a lovely post! You and Meredith are an inspiration to allof us that have sisters.
Thank you, Carolyn Marie!
What a wonderful post!
Meredith is such a kind person. I read her blog and am always amazed at her giving ways in everything that she does.
Again…. just wonderful to see them on your shelves ~ and to be able to open them on such a special day… well, that makes the gift even more meaningful.
She’s a terrific person. I love her dearly.
What a sweet and special birthday gift.
It’s not a birthday gift, Lynn Marie. It was gift to be opened on the anniversary of our mother’s passing a year ago. Something of my mom’s that Meredith knew I would love. Thanks!
What a sweet gift from the heart. Meredith is such a giving and loving person. A very special gift to you on such a sad day.
This brought tears to my eyes Claudia. What a precious gift from your sweet sister.
Claudia, I enjoyed the two posts I just read.Your collection of McCoy are just lovely displayed together. I have the Indian Peace Sign one that was owned by My Great Grandparents. The old Anne of Green Gables made Me a little melancholy because when I was an older girl My Great Grandma gave Me that exact book with a note in it from Her . I kept it for My oldest daughter to enjoy.It didn’t last after She read it,fell completely apart.Enjoy all Your lovely gifts, what a treasure. Denise
A very precious gift from your sister. It would have been my mother’s 88th birthday on the 25th of April but she died 21 years ago just before reaching her 67th birthday. I have lots of her possessions though not many books.
What a wonderful gift from your sweet sister!
What perfect, timely, precious gifts! Very sweet for Meredith to give these to you.
PS – I don’t like Keurig coffee or the machine itself either.
I’ve been away from the blog a couple of days so am just catching up and this post made me weep. I am so happy for you, that you have these precious books. The inscriptions just dissolved me. What incredible treasures and what a wonderful, giving sister.