Saturday morning. Light rain falling.
There was a flurry of mowing yesterday because we thought it was going to rain all day today, which now looks not to be the case. Don was out and about yesterday morning, so I started in on the largest swath of the front lawn while he was away. And, you guessed it, I mowed a bit longer than I should have. That, coupled with waking up at 5 am, made Claudia a tired girl. Don came home and finished everything off, thank goodness. We still have to do the back, but that can wait.
I love seeing the lawn just after mowing; a lovely gorgeous expanse of green – nicely green thanks to the three days of rain we had last week. Since we live in the country there are a mix of grasses and weeds that make up our ‘lawn.’ This is not the land of manicured lawns, though most everyone mows and keeps everything neat. I grew up in suburbia and I well remember the fertilizing, edging, and manicuring that went on all over my neighborhood.
I like this better. And I don’t use chemicals anyway, so the lawn is what it is. I need to get a Fit Bit so I can figure out just how many steps I take when I mow.
These daylilies have been fabulous this year. Constant blooms – and a lot of them. I think we’re drawing to an end, though. I’ll miss these beauties.
I’m missing my bunnies and Henry. I did see Henry very briefly about a week ago and one of the larger rabbits. But baby bunny? Nope. They disappeared during the heat wave and haven’t come back. I spent a fair chunk of time observing them and I miss them. I still look for them several times a day, but so far…nothing. I’m wondering if this happens every year and I simply forget about their patterns by the time the next year rolls around.
With Scout gone, I guess I counted on their presence a bit more than usual.
It’s sort of a blue day today. Mom’s birthday was last week. Dad’s estate has just been settled, which is a good thing; however, it is an ending of sorts that brings sadness. And I miss Scout.
Happy Saturday.