Tuesday is turning into a rainy day, which is fine with me – I won’t have to water the seedlings. So far, it’s a gentle rain, though I think we might have some thunderstorms, as well.
There were lots of acorns to be gathered on our walk yesterday. I love acorns. They remind me of my childhood. I lived in a neighborhood filled with old trees; elms, maples, and oaks. Gathering acorns was one of my favorite things to do. For many years I lived in San Diego, where oak trees were nonexistent. We have a couple of them up in the woods on our property and there are lots of them in our neighborhood.
An acorn is a perfect little treasure. I never tire of seeing that little ‘cap.’
I’ve walked by this neighbor’s house many, many times, but this is the first time I noticed this:
Succulents (Hen and Chicks) growing out of a massive rock. If that isn’t Art, I don’t know what is.
I’m about 2/3 of the way through The Overstory. I should finish it by tomorrow, although I don’t want it to end. My next read will come out of this pile:
I’m not sure which one I’ll be in the mood for. I could call this my official To Be Read stack, but I have several of those! This one is the most recent, however, and the one that excites me most. Nonfiction or Fiction? I’m leaning toward Bookworm, but The Bookshop of Yesterdays is also tempting. By tomorrow, I may be leaning toward something else. There’s also The Paris Architect, which I neglected to include in this stack. And Twenty-Five, a vintage Penguin paperback that just arrived from England. It’s by…drumroll…Beverley Nichols. It’s an autobiography written in Nichol’s twenty-fifth year.
What to choose? A delightful dilemma.
Happy Tuesday.
My to be read pile consists of 21 books written by Ian Rankin that my brother loaned me. He thought I’d enjoy them as they are murder mysteries set in Edinburgh, where I’ll be next month. He told me to read them in order and provided a hand-written list of the titles as well as packed the books in the carton in that order. My daughter got to them first though! In exchange, I told him about Louise Penny. Now her books are on his to be read pile.
Fair exchange, Wendy!
Now THAT is a book stack! I’m like you — several piles and working my way through. There are some that ended up there I think might never be read — either pass-alongs or a misguided choice! Fortunately, there’s book club to share them with!
I love acorns too — and tis the season!
Yes, me too. I end up donating some of those books to my local library.
I’m so glad to see other people have stacks of unreads too!!! Am almost finished with The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek….lots of emotions with this one!
Love the acorns…Fall is on its way!
Stacks and stacks, Priscilla!
I am glad to see someone else has a large “to read pile.” From yours I’ve read The Library Book and The Bookshop of Yesterday’s. Enjoyed both. I just finished Little Fires Everywhere, and did not want it to end! And I am counting the days until the new Louise Penney comes out. She is one author I will put on my Kindle immediately, no waiting for the library.
Love your acorns! A sign of changing seasons.
I must admit that I have to have it in hardcover! Which means I’ll preorder it from Amazon, I guess. Or go directly to the bookstore on the 27th, which I’ve done in the past. Thanks, Judy!
Thank you for your list of books. I am always on the lookout for something new to read. I do envy your rain. Enjoy it! We have not seen, nor do we expect much rain in our future. Rainy days are always a treat!
Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentey
Much to my surprise, it got sunny (and humid) late this afternoon. Ah, well.
What a picture perfect stack!
I’m waiting for The Overstory to arrive. My anticipation is building.
Enjoy, Eve!
“Bookworm” was fabulous, but it looks like you can’t go wrong with that stack!
It’s a ‘sure bet’ stack!
Those succulents growing out of that rock are wonderful. That’s quite the TBR stack you’ve got there. Mine is equally as tall…and I think I need to add The Overstory to it. I was reading about it, and being the tree hugger that I am, I think it’s a must read. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day! ;)
I am the same. I think you’ll love it, Donnamae!
So many books and never enough time! Love the pic of the hens and chicks. I have one I took in Calif on a walk near Ashleigh’s home. I love it. So hot here but I got my errands run and I’m home. Tomorrow is a stay at home day for sure. Hugs to you sweet Claudia.
Hugs right back to you, Linda!
The Bookshop of Yesterdays looks like an interesting read.
Yes, it does!
As it usually seems, you’re getting our weather a day later. It was rainy here yesterday, though we didn’t get enough. Just some light sprinkles and mist. It was mostly overcast and humid all day. The storms were more in southern IL this time. This morning it was still humid and damp but it has cleared out this afternoon.
I have to laugh at to-read stacks…I just added on to my current pile from going to Half-Price Books this afternoon. I hadn’t planned to, but we were in the area and there was one “right there” so I just had to stop in. Came home with five more books! I’m going to look some of yours up. Even just the spine of “We Made a Garden” is beautiful.
It rained quite a bit and then got sunny later in the day. But it was a nice rain.
My TBR stacks are many. I can’t stop buying books!
Joke was on me with it clearing out – no sooner did I comment on your post, then the clouds rolled in and the heavens opened up and it started pouring! It poured for about 1/2 hour and now the sun is back out again. That was so weird.
I can’t stop buying books either! I have bookcases full all over the house. A friend once quipped to me, “You’ll never be able to read all these books before you die!” lol
If I’m going to spend money, I’d always prefer it to be on a book.
hej, claudia!
love seeing and getting inspiration from “tbr” piles. thanks for sharing yours!
my “tbr” books are all over, not in a single stack but many. i tend to stack my books by topic (and will never be one to store books by the dominant color of their covers), but i do like an idea in the david coggins (jr?) house tour on “cup of jo” … he puts unread books in stacks on the floor and only shelves them once he’s read them. :)
glad you could enjoy some rain. wish we’d get some! oh, well … at least it’s a bit cooler and not so humid right now.
happy tuesday to all!
kathy in iowa
Well, I’m running out of shelf space, so read and unread books will be stacked on the floor!
The Bookshop of Yesterdays was wonderful. I had a hard time in a few places with The Paris Architect, and I love WWII stories, but it was really very good.
I had ordered The Overstory about 2 wks ago from the library and I have worked my way up to 308th on the list!! wow! In addition, I had 7 books come in today. So many books. I checked my reading list yesterday and I am at 53 for the year so far. I guess not watching news and staying up on most current events does allow for more reading time….. sigh.
That picture of the Hens & Chicks is amazing. Mine have done amazingly well this year and I think they have tripled!! We have had a crazy day of sun and humidity and 3 downpours which each lasted for about 10 mins, but the rain gauge shows nearly 3/4 of an inch!! Crazy. And then the sun comes out and the humidity increases. But no watering tonight, yay!
Hope you had a good Tuesday! Love the acorns, too!!
I haven’t kept count of books read, but I suspect the number is high, given my need to ESCAPE!
Thanks, Chris.
Do you use your reader any more? I miss stacks of books around the house, the to be read, the half-way read and do I really want to finish them, the to be taken to the used bookstore…but I always had to have 2-3 lying in wait, if not more, because I never knew what mood I’d be in next. It’s a certain feeling of being rich. I like my reader for the lighted text and size of text options, but am struggling with having so many damn things to plug in. Even tho I’m brushing away my gums, I’ve resisted an electric toothbrush for the past 10 years. We don’t even have that much technology compared to regular people, but it’s so aggravating when it’s out of juice or the cords are everywhere, or it doesn’t work and no one knows why. And I avoided the library for years because I never was able to return the books on time. There are far bigger problems in this world, but book problems are a joy to have. Unless you’re Burgess Meredith in the Twilight Zone. LOL
I use it when I travel – sometimes. I understand the draw, you can store a lot of reading matter in one place, you don’t have to find room on your shelves, etc., etc. But I love holding a physical book in my hands. When readers first appeared, there were predictions that a physical three-dimensional book would eventually become a dinosaur. The opposite has happened. Independent bookshops have had a resurgence. I think a lot of people who were initially attracted to a reader have found that they much prefer an actual book. But I am sure I will occasionally use my reader. I do find that I retain more when I read a real book.