Yesterday was a Miniature Lollapalooza of a day. The mail brought 3 packages addressed to yours truly; I was very excited to say the least.
I ordered some plates from Carrie Lavender, who lives in Australia and has an Etsy shop. I chose them because they each had a bird in the design. They’re made of ceramic and are quite lovely – Carrie shipped them very quickly and they arrived here much sooner than I had even begun to hope for.
(Sorry for the shadows, I took this picture in the late afternoon.)
There is a method to my madness. I knew exactly where I wanted to use them.
Right here on the wall in the den. I had that visual firmly fixed in my mind and I was determined to see it come to life. The little bird plate in the middle is actually the saucer that goes with that mug on the table (made by Sofia in Spain.) I decided it needed to join the other bird plates.
The owner of Hummingbird Cottage loves birds and collects bird plates. Do you blame her?
In this shot you can see I’ve since rearranged the placement of the plates. I like this placement better.
Don’t you love the way our little white Christmas tree is reflected in the window?
Don looked at the plates on the wall, then looked at the whole dollhouse and said, “Can we move in? Can we squeeze in there somehow?”
I wish we could.
I also received a package from Judy and one from a faithful reader of this blog, Maryanne. Judy’s contained some lovely sheep (you know I love sheep) and some ornaments and a vintage edition of Shakespeare’s plays (Don can’t keep his hands off it – it’s so lovely) and a couple of items for the dollhouse. Maryanne sent me all sorts of minis; food items for the kitchen, little mini Christmas presents for under the tree, little animals, and a piece or two of furniture – it was a treasure trove! (Maryann, I’m sending you a thank you note in the mail because I don’t have an email address for you.)
This dry sink came from Maryanne. The drawers and cupboard door open. Isn’t it lovely? The wrapping paper, bows and ribbon came from Judy.
Adorable with a capital A. I figure the owner will be wrapping things in her craft room, don’t you?
Judy also sent this mini carton of Egg Nog. Let the holiday celebrations commence!
And one of the many little minis in Maryanne’s package was this rolling pin. I added that piece of furniture that the mixer and rolling pin are on to the kitchen the other day. The owner simply didn’t have enough counter space and she likes to bake.
Little packages from Maryanne.
I. Love. My. Dollhouse.
I. Love. Miniatures.
There, I’ve said it.
And I’m so grateful for the wonderful and generous friends who think of me and Hummingbird Cottage. So many items in this dollhouse are from generous friends and, just as in my life-sized cottage, every item has a story to tell. The dollhouse is enriched and made beautiful by those special gifts. One day I will do a post on these treasures and I’ll tell their stories. Thank you, dear friends.
Today’s Holiday Bokeh:
The little white Christmas tree in the living room. That’s the hydrangea in the foreground.
Happy Thursday.
What did you use to fasten the plates to the wall? (Curious).
A little tacky wax. You can buy it from miniature suppliers. It works like a dream!
I can understand Don’s wanting to move in…this is getting to be quite amazing !! :)
We need to become the Incredible Shrinking Couple (and dog)!
My goodness! Your doll house is amazing!
Thanks so much, Sandy!
Oh. Claudia! Oh! What fun! The plates and the reflection of the Christmas tree… especially gush-worthy! :)
I’m gushing and have been gushing since yesterday, Aunt Lou!
Nothing makes the day as special as surprises from friends. To know they are thinking of you and what makes you happy is so special. Everything looks like it belongs. Thank’s for sharing!
You are very welcome, Janie!
Oh Claudia, I just LOVE this cottage! It feels like somehow I have helped build it,LOL.
You have great friends because you are a very caring loving person. This comes shining thru your blog all the time. I personally feel, (and I’ve said this before) my life is enriched because I read this blog everyday. A Great big Thank You for sharing with us! -Judy A-
A great big thank you for taking the time to visit this blog, Judy!
I think my heart is about to jump right out of my chest! Adorable plates and how I love the way you have hung them above the sofa. Everything is so charming in your mini cottage!
Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley
Thanks so much, Susan!
I’ve said it before…I’ll say it again…I love your dollhouse! I can see why Don wants to live there! How sweet of your friends to send you those’s that time of year! ;)
It was very sweet and generous of them!
Oh Claudia!!! The dollhouse looks wonderful!! So festive!!! I can understand Don wanting to move in -!! I do love the Christmas tree shining in the window!! Thanks for sharing this with us!! The touches you have added really bring it to life!!! Have a great rest of the day, Claudia!!
Thank you, Francine!
Oh, my goodness, I saw that sofa in the first picture and thought-I don’t remember that in Claudia’s cottage. And it’s not, well, I guess it is in your cottage but Hummingbird Hill Cottage is IN Mockingbird Hill Cottage. Now I get it!
What fun you must have there. I agree with Don, if only…
It is SUCH fun, Dewena! And much less expensive than dealing with a real house!
I want to move in. Can I shrink myself down :)
Yes, you may.
Today’s post is awash in “bittiness!” This whole world of adult miniatures is new to me and so cute. And so much fun to see what’s next. Things I never imagined made bitty for grownups to play with… Bitty rolling pins, bitty Kitchen Aids, bitty egg nog, bitty gift wrap and bows and rolls of ribbon, bitty WRAPPED presents. Claudia, please keep doing posts about your miniature world. At least until you get bored with it. I don’t think I ever will… PS – how are the plates fastened to the wall? Glue? Thanks and have a great day.
They are fastened with tacky wax – easily removable if necessary.
I love miniatures too, and find myself constantly daydreaming of maybe doing my own doll house … someday. In the meantime, thank you Claudia, for generously sharing Hummingbird Cottage. I find myself absorbing every little detail.
I’m so glad you’re enjoying these posts, Debbie.
I adore your little cottage and want to move right in too! Your new tiny gifts are amazing. I can’t imagine being able to create things that small. Even the gifts. I crochet doilies and that’s about as tiny as I go! I noticed the tree in the window right away. It’s just like a “real” house with a tree decorated outside the window.
And that tree showing was just by chance, Betsy!
If you could move in you would have company! It just gets more adorable each day! Love the new plates and all the sweet gifts. I’m so glad you share your doll house with us! Hugs~
Thanks so much, Linda!
It’s been said here before, but I’m with Don…I want to move in!
Thanks, Patricia!
Three packages in one day…how wonderful! I love the wall with the plates on it, and I love Don’s comment!
The plates with the blue and the pink rim and the bird in the center are Pip Studio originally. They’re so pretty! I gave a couple of full sized ones to my mum last year ;-)
I love that design, Josje.
I so agree with Don! Your dollhouse is adorable. I’m glad you are enjoying decorating it.
Merry Christmas to you, Don and Scout.
Merry Christmas to you, Shari!
Hi Claudia,
It’s been fun seeing your dollhouse come together so beautifully; you have fine taste in mini furnishings and accessories too!
Thank you so much, Monti!
Love those plates! They look perfect on that wall! Can’t wait to get started on mine!
I can’t wait for you to get started. I want to hear all about it!
Just lovely. I want to live there too! J
Thanks, Julie!
I think it’s unanimous. We ALL want to move into your charming dollhouse, Claudia! I had no idea how many things you can find in miniature. Your plate collage is too darn cute!!
It’s amazing what it out there, Vickie. You could easily go crazy buying minis.
I want to move in too. I just can’t get enough of your dollhouse. I actually can’t believe I haven’t been on the hunt for one yet.
Time to start the hunt, Dawn!
Oh, Claudia….what a wonderful hobby you have there. It is such a beauty. It must give you such satisfaction when you stand back and look at it all. Those tiny plates are precious.
I’m with Don….a perfect place to live.
Thank you so much, Balisha!
How utterly adorable! I love the tiny packages and the eggnog! And the dry sink! And the plates! All so cute. I want to live there, Claudia! Maybe I ought to borrow the bottle from Alice!
I think we all need to borrow a bottle from Alice, Sheila!
Oh my goodness, you are on to something here…can we all come for tea? That’s the most adorable little place.
You are all welcome for tea, Jen.
OK, those plates are so pretty that I thought they were human-sized…and that you hung them on your den wall, lol! Until I clicked on the link for the plates and saw that they were miniatures. I was actually disappointed – I want them for one of the walls in my house! ;-)
Me too, Melanie!
Your dollhouse is the best..Sometimes I have to really think about your posts..??Doll house or her house???
I know the feeling. I feel the same thing when I look at other miniature blogs.