I love my coneflowers, especially in the fall. They remain upright, they don’t collapse. They happily supply food for birds. What’s not to love?
Okay. I hate the time change and I keep thinking it’s later than it is and it’s driving me crazy. I woke up in the middle of the night, had to go to the bathroom, looked at the clock, and it was only 4 am. I panicked, worried that I would once again wake up too early. I willed myself to go to sleep again, which – surprisingly – worked. I got up at 6 am, which was really 7 am, and realized that when I had panicked it was really 5 am in terms of hours of sleep and I would have been okay.
Does this make any sense? I had no awareness that the time had changed when I woke up in the middle of the night.
This kind of thing drives me crazy. Why oh why can’t we just stick to one time???
I still haven’t changed the clocks. The cable box has the correct time, as does this computer, and my phone. But the microwave, the stereo, and the retro looking two-sided clock that extends out from our wall need to be changed.
Still a bit under the weather but definitely feeling better on the whole.
Katie hanging out in the Beacon Hill.
Yes, I’m thinking about that project. But it will progress slowly, partly because I never work full time on any of my dollhouses, and partly because of $$$$. Dollhouse renovations involve lots of supplies and, of course, furniture and wallpaper and floors and paint – furniture being the biggest expense. So it will transform slowly. But I want a cohesive vision for it and I’m not sure what that will be.
I just have to get motivated and right now I have too many other things on my mind. But the day I paint over that red paint with some primer will be Day One.
Stay safe.
Happy Sunday.
I had a feeling you might be up early today—same here. It just seems so stupid to me to keep changing the time twice each year, and for what, really? I’ve never found anyone who likes it, have you?
Not a one! I wish they powers-that-be would end it once and for all!
Stay safe, Shanna.
How is Fred doing?
His doctors are thrilled with his progress, but of course we are impatient. With home healthcare and physical therapy, he’s definitely improving. Yesterday, he and his walker, Emma, and I made it around the corner to just across the street from the beach with only two stops to sit and catch his breath. We’re hoping to make it all the way before too long.
that’s great news, shanna! happy for you and fred.
prayers will continue.
So very happy to hear this, Shanna. The best news!
Such good news, Shanna!! Thoughts and prayers are sent from Wisconsin!! ♡
I read o mine they may stop this frustration next year
I will believe it when it happens
Have a good good day
We’ll see…
Stay safe, Brenda!
I just go with the flow. It is what is. I would prefer standard time..not daylight savings, if they do change. I love that it is light in the mornings.
Take Care, Kaye
Well, we have no choice but to go with the flow. That doesn’t mean I’m happy with it.
Stay safe.
Have we seen the green and polka dot dress before? Love it with the striped stockings!
Yes, you’ve seen it before.
Thanks Ceci.
Stay safe.
I wish the country would just pick one time to keep the clocks, also! In fact, I was reading about it this morning, at about 4. Sounds like not all in Congress is on the same page about it! Anyway, I did change the microwave last night…
That coneflower certainly is quite durable…and good feed for the birds…a very useful plant!
The dollhouse is quite an investment….but sounds like a satisfying hobby. I’ve enjoyed seeing the furniture you’ve picked for other projects…so amazing!
Weather looks nice today, but Election day is expected to be difficult in many parts of the country. Hope everyone can get out safely to vote…hoping for more than blue skies!
It will be cold here on Election Day, but no biggie. I would stand out in the rain to vote!
Stay safe, Barrie.
i love coneflowers … beautiful on their own (including this current sculptural state) and that they feed creatures this fall and winter. and because their petals remind me of daisies (my favorite flower).
same feeling here about the time change!
i like katie’s style. you do a great job with outfit purchases and put-togethers. know you’ll do the same with the beacon hill.
no roof repair started as of 10:00 this morning (am now elsewhere so don’t know if they’ve started it or not). landlord said this morning that roofers put things on hold in case of rain. forecast calls for no more than 2% chance of rain today and tomorrow, it is sunny and there’s no wind or clouds to speak of so am disappointed … i want to have my stuff back in place … but it will be good to have the roof done, especially for living on the top floor. plus it’s out of my control so am letting it go.
happy, safe sunday to everyone.
Well, I hope they got to the roof!
Stay safe, Kathy.
Our 2 1/2 year old granddaughter sings “Let it go” at least 25 times a day (along with “We Don’t Talk About Bruno”) It is a good idea to implement. Hope your roof happens soon. Keep us posted!!
thanks, chris. they started on the roof about 30 minutes ago … hooray!
glad you and your granddaughter get to spend time together each week! :)
happy, safe monday to you and your family.
Love Katie’s dress with the mushrooms – sweet. I’m with you on the time change. I think the problem with abolishing it is that so many states (provinces) would have to all agree.
It’s a beautiful fall day here. Our neighbour is out walking her dog in a T-shirt and shorts (her, not the dog, lol). It’s November, people. Gotta love Mother Nature! Hugs, Elaine
I don’t think it’s quite THAT warm!
Stay safe, Elaine.
I think I’ve tried a dozen ways to try to change the clock on my stove and all I can seem to do are the minutes. So I guess I need to wait till the time looks similar enough I can just stand there with my finger on the button and have at it! I love Daylight Saving and just hate it in the fall when we change back. And try explaining why dinner is so late to a cat. She takes no prisoners!
Hope you have a wonderful day. I’m prepping for my art sale today, cleaning off and repackaging/pricing inventory. It’s lovely outside and I hope to get a bit of garden cutback done — I’m so close!
hej, jeanie …
first, best wishes on the sale (and changing the clock on your stove)!
second, is there a way to see your art? big fan of art here and always looking for something to give or keep for my own walls. please and thanks.
happy sunday! stay safe!
Kathy, how nice! Thank you for asking! I do watercolor and also have cards, feltie holiday ornaments and (if I finish them!) bookmarks! Please email me — jeanie@wkar.org. Some will be posted on the blog (https://themarmeladegypsy.blogspot.com) but it’s not up there yet but I can direct you to some posts that have it. After the sale I’ll be putting up “The Gypsy Caravan” (a page link on the blog) if all goes well! I’ll let you know when it’s active. I’m also beginning to post some on my FB page — Jeanie Croope (I think I’m the only one but Claudia is in my friend list.)
Good luck with your roof. It’s so frustrating when construction is either slow — or beyond slow!
I did manage to change all the clocks. The clock on our vintage stove looks pretty, but it doesn’t work. So that saves that.
Stay safe, Jeanie.
I love Katie’s outfit! And what a cute pose. I’m less than happy that it will be dark before 5pm. Feel better.
Thanks, Lynda.
Stay safe.
“In the old days” I liked the longer evenings because I got a lot of stuff done after dark at home indoors. In these days, though, I start the fade at 3pm (I get tired) and I can’t do much in the evenings in the house (due to troubling eyesight for one, as in not being able to read comfortably) but watch TV (which I’m currently incredibly bored with, so I usually just fall asleep). I’d prefer they let the time alone; quit changing it(!); I’m tired of having to go thru this twice a year with the various clocks and appliances. Like, we have an old cuckoo clock whose time is really difficult to change (with the weights, the hands, etc); I just dug out some ancient instrux for it; husband has to do it ’cause I can never figure it out. So, I’m sitting here and the desk computer has one time showing, then the clock on the wall has another. The clock just cuckoo’d 1pm but it’s NOON per the computer. Same when I went out to the car, which then threw me off driving because its clock was diff than the kitchen clock I’d just left. Ideally, every timepiece should be changed at the same time, but we never seem to get it together enough to synchronize everything. It’s disorienting. I hate it. Today will feel like the longest day in history. My older-retired friend gets up every morning before 5am (I have no idea why; it’s just her ‘routine’), so she’s thrilled the morning is lighter.
We’re in for possible rain in the next couple of days, starting tonight. Boy, would THAT be a miracle for the area of Southern Calif where I live. I hope our parched southern basin actually gets some authentic rain which would saturate a larger area than just the hit and miss ‘drops’ in certain parts like mine. It would be nice to start edging out of the drought. We are getting cooler temps now, for the first time since last March. I brought out the blankets this past week.
Claudia, I hope your week ahead adjusts favorably with both allergies, sleep and time change. Feel better; stay safe!
hope you get lots of rain, energy and rest …
and the clocks all figured out (same here with the car clock and wanting no more twice-yearly changes).
glad you’re here again. :)
stay safe and well.
hi, kathy; well wishes to you too …
I sure hope it rains out there, Vicki! Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Stay safe.
So far, piddly drizzle (mist?!!) for past ten hours with flashes of sun (sometimes) in the gray. What I do love is how the few autumn/leaf-turning trees we have (in my Southern Calif area of early November) … sweetgum, ornamental maple; I often don’t know what’s what … look much more dramatic against the wettened landscape/neutral sky; intensifies the yellows and golds. SO pretty. If I ever saw acres and acres, miles and miles of autumn color, I’d probably faint from the splendor of it. And I can’t get enough of the plump orange persimmons on ancient trees in the oldest neighborhoods. Some people initially think they’re an orange tree! (The orange-juice oranges. [Lucky, ’cause we have those, too.])
Back to the rain, sometimes we’re pretty silly, of how we ‘never’ get rain, so people and ‘stuff’ kinda freak out when/if we do. For instance, the local weather coverage on early-early morning TV today (Los Angeles) was bigger than any other news (and tomorrow is Election Day; now THAT is big news!). And there wasn’t even water flowing in the sidewalk gutters around town (as it wasn’t really ‘rain’ [I rolled down the car windows and could barely hear any ‘running water’ in the street’s storm drains]); but, oh, ‘big deal’, almost every traffic signal was out on the boulevard and our house lost power for an hour. AFTER WE JUST CHANGED ALL THE DARNED CLOCKS. (The wind wasn’t even blowing! C’mon; get real. What would we do if really BIG weather happened around here?!!)
Oh well, the prediction (I’m skeptical; the rain usually bypasses my area of the state; like, the meteorologists embellish the forecast in my opinion, just so they have something to talk about [and a job!], getting us all hyped up about rain for nothing, to where we even change our plans and alter our schedules, all in vain and for what?!!): Rain will increase tonight after bedtime, and maybe give us something measurable tomorrow. Okay then, BRING IT! We’ll keep our fingers crossed; as, yes Claudia, it WOULD be wonderful and helpful.
I don’t want to break the spell, but we have never gotten the typical-fierce Santa Ana winds per se yet (the way we normally would in Sept-Oct); and, this much later in the ‘season’, with rain, it could do so much to benefit the terrain (soak it!) as a hedge against the wind/wildfire threat. Of course, I remember Thanksgivings and Christmases when we had a hot, windy, dry day, and the winds often blow past February for Valentine’s Day. For now, though, I need to tap down my jadedness and say a humble prayer for ‘precipitation’; please let it come our way once and for all. Feed our ugly brown lawns; our dry creeks, the bone-dry river, our shrinking local lakes and dams. Give the wildlife something fresh to drink; grow for them some green things in the soil they can munch on! Would be such a blessing.
You deserve lots of rain, Vicki, and I so hope you get it!
Stay safe.
We have our wee one here overnight tonight, and tomorrow for our weekly Monday-fun-day. She was all off for dinner this evening and night-night time. The dog and the cat are also in a state of disbelief when their “normal” feeding times, and dog’s outside times, were not what they expected. Everyone is a bit off today. If I understand correctly…the Senate passed the bill to disband Daylight Saving Time but the House hasn’t even considered putting it on their calendar to discuss…. is that right?? As with you, I don’t know a single person who doesn’t wish this was done with and we could stop switching clocks and times.
Hope you are feeling better and may we all make the adjustment quickly and sleep well, and through the night. Take care.
It that’s the case, I hope the House will reconsider.
Have fun with your little one, Chris!
Stay safe.