Is that the sun? Yes, it is!
Yesterday was rather cold and windy – a strange day. I did go out and mow the corral in the afternoon because Don was away for his gig and I was trying to fill up the day with activities. It only took about twenty minutes or so and now it looks much nicer out there.
As I look out the window from my perch in the den, I see little hints on green on some of the trees in the distance. Gosh, there’s so much that needs to be done out there! In addition to more cleaning out of garden beds, I have some more pruning to do on the boxwoods, have to move the Adirondack chairs onto the porch, get out the cushions from their hiding place under the stairs, buy plants for the porch pots, etc.
I was raking out one of the beds the other day and a robin started that constant warning call – one that means I’m getting too close to a nest. She or he was in the vicinity of the secret garden, so I suspect nest making is happening somewhere. Though I did wonder where it could be as most of the trees have not leafed out. But it was definitely a warning, one I am very familiar with.
I saw two beautiful cardinals this morning as I stood, bleary-eyed, by the kitchen window. Those vivid splashes of red make me smile.
And I had my first groundhog sighting. I was upstairs in the bedroom making the bed and I glimpsed a large groundhog running under the cars toward the shed. It may be the guy that lives under the shed, I’m not sure. I’m hoping that we do not have to deal with babies this year. Despite their cuteness factor, they were a pain in the tush. I spent a lot of time trying to keep them out of the garden.
I had the idea to pose Ella alongside the canvas of The Lamb With The Party Hat. Normally, it hangs upstairs in the office. I love how it turned out! She seems a little unsure of this rather large lamb. She doesn’t know that, in reality, it’s just a wee little putz sheep.
I love her hair, which is very fine and curly. She was customized by Ferro Doll.
Finished a Daniel Silva yesterday and have started a new one. I think this might be the last one that I haven’t read, but I’m not sure. I have one more on hand that I suspect I might have read already. We’ll see.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
Ella and the lamb are darling. (The lamb is one of my faves of your treasures and I can see why he’s your blog mascot!) Well done on the mowing and spotting the robin alert. I hope you are without groundhog-lets this season. There’s much to be done on my yard, too, and some I just can’t do because of the back issues. (The PTs have reminded me of that more than once to be easy during treatment.) Too early to plant (we had frost last night, in fact) but the weeds don’t seem to care! Happy day!
We have had frost the last couple of nights! Thankfully, I haven’t potted any plants for the porch yet.
Take care of your back, Jeanie.
Stay safe.
glad you have some sunshine to enjoy and were able to get outside a bit … and heeded the warning to stay away from a nest! hope you can get out there anytime you want.
ella and the sheep are darling.
hope don had fun and the gig went well. may there be many, many more jobs for you both, as many as you both want.
hope you find you have not yet read that other daniel silva book so that you have another one to look forward to.
saturday night i had a dream that earl (the squirrel) was indoors, stayed on my shoulder all the time and talked to me. first as “mmm” and “mmm hmm” and finally in the dream he looked at me, still on my shoulder, and said, “my name is bob”. made me laugh, but also i think in awake-life that i am getting too attached to earl (because he is so cute and a living, sentient being and because i miss the animals of our family, the dog we grew up with and my two cats). so thanks for saying what you did about the groundhog babies … a good reminder to me.
yesterday was not good for me because something i ate (while not new to me) disagreed with me and i didn’t do anything except stay within two rooms, slept as i could, had zero energy and felt awful. happy to say i am feeling better today. my energy hasn’t come back entirely yet, but had enough this morning to sweep the deck and feed earl and the birds, chat with two of my most favorite people forever.
hope you, don and everyone else have a great day. stay safe and healthy in every way!
Yes, but Earl has a personality – well, so did the baby groundhogs. My only problem with them was the fact that they tried to eat my garden. So far, no babies, but I can’t remember exactly when they appeared last year.
I hope you’re feeling better now, Kathy!
Stay safe.
Ella is looking rather skeptical as if she can’t quite believe what she is seeing – really? a sheep wearing a party hat? Sounds like your beautiful garden is coming alive with both foliage and feathered friends. I saw a cardinal in the bird bath this morning. So pretty. Enjoy your Monday. I’m off to bake a cake.
Hugs, Elaine
Cardinals are so beautiful!
Stay safe, Elaine.
I have heard a lot of chirping outside my bedroom window in the lilac bushes each morning. Sure enough, there are birds in the bird house. Dad built many bird houses, but mine was one of the first ones – so it’s very simple. I painted a birdie on the side of it to add a little charm. I’m glad to see a family of birds there. There are buds starting to open in the lilacs. My crocuses are done now . It’s spring.
Mike and I and Dad took a trip to a town that has a large natural spring water spa. It’s the first time in almost 3 1/2 years that Mike and I have been away for a night. It was really nice, and so nice too to be there with my dear Dad. People were so friendly. Now it’s back to reality.
I’m scared to even look at our bank account. I know that we are in trouble, it’s depressing. Michael just hates his old car but we need to hang on to it. I think it bothers him that it’s all banged up and such – who cares as it runs well.
Ella is cute. I’d like to buy some new clothes for my Blythes. Why didn’t my pink shoes fit the dolls? I tried to contact the maker but had no response.
Take care,
Thanks so much, Irene!
Stay safe.
It always takes my breath away to see a cardinal in the yard. It doesn’t happen often enough around here.
I’m reading my third Daniel Silva and I must say that for me they are a lot of work—very slow going and complicated. So many characters and names to remember that I end up having to keep notes to refer to while reading, to know who I’m reading about. I guess my poor brain just isn’t up to all of the intrigue. I end up writing as much as I’m reading! My library hasn’t been all that good lately at getting the new books I’ve requested, by preferred authors. Hope some books that are coming out soon will not be overlooked by them. I miss my favorites!
Enjoy your sunshine!
I think when you’re used to the cast of characters, it will be easier to remember the names. I’ve read 6 or 7 in a row, so I’m on top of it. But the plats are complicated.
Fingers crossed that you get the books/authors you prefer, Shanna.
Stay safe.
dear Claudia/Don — this little girl does look apprehensive — can’t blame her as that pix of sheep looks enormous LOL !! it is nesting time around here, too — they certainly can let you know when you are too close — years ago we had killdeer all over our property, they build very crude nests on the ground, even in our gravel driveway, but to alert too close intruders, they “pretend” injury to lure you away from the nest. when the family hatched, all we could see were little cotton-balls moving across the grass — total cuteness– me and our little girls were fascinated.
hope you have a good week. stay safe/healthy
I bet they were so darling! Kildeer are not found here, so I’m fascinated by the fact that they pretend to be injured.
Stay safe, Linda.
I am happy that you mowed the corral area of your yard. Why? Because it means your lawn mower started after being stored for the winter. I hope it is a good omen that my lawn mower will start when that time comes for me, which will be sometime in May.
Wishing you sunshine,
There is no problem starting our lawn mower. It’s the rear wheel drive that doesn’t work, so it is three times harder to push it. Here’s hoping your lawnmower starts right up, Kaye!
Stay safe.
I always love seeing the first sight of green in the trees, so refreshing. I would love to see cardinals! We have blue jays, and lots of crows lately, but it would be nice to see a pop of red!
We have lots of crows as well. My goodness, they’re noisy!
Stay safe, Barrie.
we are at the other side of the country from you. We have been having mostly sun,yesterday and today. yesterday I saw a rabbit in the middle of our front lawn eating the grass. We are in the middle of an urban area.
Rabbits and deer and foxes seem to have no problem being in an urban area! I guess they think – rightly – that it was their environment to begin with.
Stay safe, Jan.
A sunny morning is just the thing to get me going. And a sunny Monday morning is the best. All of our trees are leaving out quite nicely…and most of my plants are, too. Thank you Mother Nature.
Mowing is on the agenda for tomorrow…if it doesn’t rain. It’s really long, and could use an evening out. The smell of a freshly mowed lawn is the best in my book….wish I could bottle it.
Ella does look a bit bewildered….cute pic though. Happy Earth Day! ;)
I am always surprised that your trees leaf out before ours. I think of you as north of us, but I suspect you’re not.
I love the smell of a freshly mowed lawn and also – the sound of lawnmowers in the distance. \
Stay safe, Donnamae.
We might be a bit north of you…it’s hard to tell. Quite frankly I’m always surprised, too. It might have something to do with the lakes? ;)
Sounds like you got a lot done outside already. We’ve spotted a couple nests going up near the house, small finches mostly but there’s always a robin in the backyard hunting worms. Dean tied up our climbing roses on the south wall of the house yesterday. They had all come loose during one of our winter storms with the heavy snow. I have great hopes for those roses this year. And the deer repellant is doing it’s thing — all our tulips have opened and they’re spectacular.
Inside, they came and sprayed “mud” on the drywall in the main bath today. This whole bath rebuild sounds so weird. Anyway, now just blessed silence.
Take care,
Glad to know the deer repellant is working, Kay.
When do you expect the bath to be finished?
Stay safe.
If we are very lucky, it should be done within the first two weeks of June. The big hold up is the double vanity – which we chose the design for back in December. They ordered it the first of April (apparently they don’t do so until a reno is actually started) and those take 6-8 weeks at a bare minimum.
Hang in there!