Hazy, hot and humid continues here in our neck of the woods. But that can’t stop me from grabbing the camera to take a few photos.
I wonder every year at this time: what will I do when the seasons change and flower pictures are no longer a possibility? Somehow I manage to find something else to talk about, but right now? I can’t imagine what that would be.
With a lot of watering, the plants on the Funky Patio are hanging in there.
Along with at least one of my rose bushes. I cut this one back rather severely and it’s blooming. The one next to it may have to be removed. The jury’s still out on that one.
Can you spot the teeny-tiny moth on the butterfly bush? So tiny, yet the markings are very complex and detailed. Nature is a wonder.
The Top Secret Project is on a brief hiatus during these very hot days. I can’t work upstairs in my little space because there’s no air conditioning there.
Happy Tuesday.
It won’t be long now and all of the summer blooms will be gone. I am already starting to think about what I want in my planters for fall this year. It’s a given there will be orange and yellows, but not sure yet just what those will be. Hmmmm
Let us know what you end up choosing for the planters, Diane.
It’s still so hot here that I can’t even imagine no flowers…or no fires. Stay cool Xlaudia.
I so hope those fires are contained soon. It’s terrible!
Hi Claudia, I’ve been quiet…but reading your posts…just been a little busier than normal. Am enjoying your pictures. The wildflowers are gorgeous as are the insects. Nature is amazing isn’t it? Still very hot and humid in PA as well. I am longing for crisp Fall days when I can wear a sweater and take a walk comfortably – my favorite time of year. Already, though, we are noticing a change…despite the heat of the day the evenings are cooling off earlier and the mornings are mostly pleasant. So glad, too, that you are continuing to read in the morning and have “your” time. It’s important! I almost never get on my computer at home — evenings or weekends. If something is urgent I can check my phone for e-mail, or someone can pick up the phone and call. Enjoy these lingering days of summer (even though the heat and humidity bother me, I do know that come January I will be longing for summer — lol).
I know. I’m trying to stay in the present because winter isn’t all that far off! So, even if it’s humid, I want to appreciate the sun and the garden and the flowers and all the color that is everywhere. Take care, Vera!
Dear Claudia,
I used to get tired of all your flower photos, but now I love them. You’ve made me look closer at the incredible beauty of nature in my own yard.
Thank you!
Well, I guess in the end that’s a compliment! It’s my pleasure.
Anyone who is a reader of this blog is going to get a lot of flower pictures, because gardening is one of my passions. I’m glad you like them, Jenny.
It was definitely a compliment! Any seeming negativity in that remark was a comment on me, not your photos. I wasn’t taking the time to truly appreciate them!
Well, you could move down here where something is in bloom all year, but you’d have to give up clearly defined seasons. And, of course, there’s the unrelenting months-long summer heat and humidity. I guess just gather ye rosebuds while ye may and create miniature gardens while you mayn’t.
Or I could move to San Diego where something’s always in bloom and where we used to live….but there’s a drought there. And, truth be told, we missed defined seasons. So there you go!
I’m not ready for days of no more blooms. But I do need some refreshing cooler breezes! It rained yesterday…and will again today…yippee! Tomorrow…high of 71! I simply cannot wait! ;)
Oh, lucky you! Cooler temps are on their way. You deserve it!
Well, you deserve it too! Hope it continues going east! ;)
I fully understand limit time in parts of the house that are not easily climate controlled. We have some of the same issues!
I guess it’s good to know – we’re not alone in that.
The flowers do fade and then our interest turns like the season to fall colors and snow!
You photograph all the seasonal changes beautifully!
Aw, thank you, Pat!
I look forward to every season. I won’t miss the summer heat!
Nor will I, but I’ll miss the garden!
That little moth looks like he was punched out of a newspaper…lol. Most of the flowers on my Grapevine Geraniums are gone….and just a few days ago they were a big balls of pink petals. You can take pictures of the leaves. As much as I enjoy summer, I love Fall the best. The air smells so good and the colors are amazing. But I’m sure you’ll get some amazing shots of whatever catches your eyes, you always do.
I still have petals on my geraniums but gosh, we have to water all the potted things every day because it’s so HOT!
I’m looking forward to end of summer because that’s when my new garden will be planted.
Hurrah! That will be wonderful, Wendy.
As I look out the window this moment there is a big storm cloud and wind moving in..no rain yet..but we are expecting some which is good as the grass is turning brown…I love the pictures you take of flowers with insects on them..very interesting and pretty…uh oh..the thunder has arrived..I’m sure the rain isn’t far behind!..Do you know we are expecting an El Nino Winter this year?? The rain is pouring down now!!
I did read that. One report said it might be warmer and dryer than usual. Then the Farmer’s Almanac said it will be colder and wetter than usual.
Ummm…..I’m not sure who to believe!
You asked what will there after the flowers and my first thought was leaves!
We are up north at our cabin in Northern Wisconsin. As I bike around a few leaves are beginning to turn red, yellow, and orange. The daylilies are still out and there is an abundance of goldenrod and blacked-eyed susans, but the asters of fall are blooming as well. We still see eagles, great blue herons, white egrets and hear the loons call daily, but the ducks are gathering in bigger groups. I saw some flying in a brief V-shape. I wondered it they were practicing as they will be flying south in a few weeks.
We used the portable AC unit over the weekend, but autumn comes quickly up here. I will continue to bike and look for more signs of the next season.
As a retired school teacher/school librarian my mental new year begins in the autumn. For me summer is the end of the year and next season is the beginning of a whole new adventure.
I taught for many years, as well, so I feel the same way when autumn comes around. It’s in my bones!
We have had some rain the last few days so the flowers are happy again. I need to get out there and take some photos while I can! Enjoying my rest at the end of a very long day.
I bet you were watching your grands, Linda! You’re such a good grandmother and such a help to your daughter.
Your title today made me catch my breath….I am so not ready for thinking about that. ugh.
The flowers seem to be tired. This heat and humidity seems relentless. I keep watering, but rain is what truly makes a difference. I saw Donnamae’s comment that she got rain yesterday….we got about 5 minutes of a light shower. And I don’t think we are that many miles apart. Right this moment it is thundering so we are hoping to get some beneficial rain soon.
Those beautiful pictures are what we have to keep in mind during those dreaded months ahead.
Mine are tired too – the hosta leaves are getting brown around the edges, flowers are drooping.
Almost everything here has burned up. We are suppose to have rain tonight and tomorrow. It’ll bring back the grass but don’t know about everything else.
Have a good week.
You too, Judy. We need to catch up soon! I saw that you called the other day, but it’s been so hectic here – see Wednesday’s post – that I haven’t had time to call. Love you.