Aaaaand, more rain and thunderstorms for the next 4 days. At least we were granted two days with sunny skies. I managed to get all the mowing done in time for the whole thing to start over again. Rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, two days to mow and weed, rain, rain, rain, rain. Ad nauseum.
This little guy was having breakfast this morning. He was out there for about an hour. Henry was out there as well, but for less time, because Henry gets scared easily and runs back inside his home.
I worked out on the porch yesterday, potting a few plants that I’d purchased about a week ago, cleaning the former kitchen island and a table,, watering the plants. I swept the porch. Then I moseyed on down to the front yard to take some photos of the wildflowers that are popping up everywhere.
They’re all growing down near the road – and elsewhere on the property. Queen Anne’s Lace always pops up down near the mailbox. Fleabane is everywhere. Purple Loosestrife only pops up near the culvert and in the wettest edge of the Secret Garden. For those of you who are about to say it’s invasive, don’t worry. We’ve been here for almost 13 years and it’s not invasive on this property. I think it’s beautiful.
I’m not sure what is on the docket for today except recycling and grocery shopping.
How exciting!
(I kid.)
It’s sort of a gray day and the rain is expected to start any minute and gray days, for the most part, don’t do a lot to lift my mood. I find that to be truer than ever the older I get. I used to think that Don was way too influenced by whether it was sunny or gray and rainy. But the truth is, I’m the same way.
Ah, well. I suspect there are a lot more people out there like us.
And the state of our country doesn’t help.
Happy Wednesday.
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