Hello, on a sleepy (for me) Saturday morning.
I’ve been working in Manhattan the last 2 days. I usually take the bus because it drops me off right in the Midtown theater district. Not to mention the fact that it is quieter, more comfortable and closer to my house. When I arrive, I have to walk a mere 2 blocks and I’m at the rehearsal studios. However, since my trip into the city is, at minimum, an hour and a half each way, I usually go right to rehearsal and afterward go right back to the station and hop on the bus.
Yesterday, I took the time for a brisk 20 block walk around Midtown. I love walking in Manhattan – in any city. When I lived in both Philadelphia and Boston, I didn’t have a car and I walked everywhere. For hours. I have long legs and I walk quickly. It was such fun to do that again. I think that’s the thing I miss the most about living smack dab in the middle of a major city. It’s hard to walk around here – we live on a busy country road with no sidewalks and people drive much too fast.
A shorter journey (merely a block from the station) took me to Daytona Trimmings. Rebecca of Drop Cloth wrote about this shop a while back and I couldn’t wait to explore it. Embroidery floss is readily available everywhere, I know, but separating the strands drives me nuts. I much prefer to embroider with #8 Perle Cotton. The thicker non-divisible single strand is much easier to use. For some reason, the big craft stores only carry it in white, ecru, and blue – sometimes red. Daytona Trimmings? Oh my gosh. Drawer after drawer of gorgeous colors. I bought 9 different colors.
Isn’t it pretty? Here’s my plan: I will make a list of the colors I have so far. Every time I visit the city, I’ll stop in and buy a few new colors. It is only a block from the station. It’s sort of my duty, don’t you think?
By the way, it’s snowing again.
When will it all stop?