It’s snowing. Again. We’re hanging out inside the cottage until we go outside to shovel. Again. A snapshot of the morning:
I’m sorting buttons and putting them in these little shaker jars from Michael’s. They sit on the windowsill in the studio.
Someone’s been writing on the chalkboard.
Waiting for something – anything – to happen.
The label on the back of the little spice shelf I wrote about the other day. Unbelievably, I didn’t even notice it until yesterday. Where was my mind? I could use it to hold ‘tooth powder, talcum, face cream’ but I won’t.
Finally, in the ‘slice of real life’ category: the view from the top of the stairs. My slippers, a chair in front of the stairs to keep Mr. Riley safely downstairs, mail to be filed upstairs waiting in the Stair Baluster Holding Area, items on the desk that I must take upstairs, and Riley peeking around the corner, watching my every move.
I hope you are having better weather than we are! Have a good Tuesday.