This is what I see as I am about to enter the Rehearsal Rooms. The rooms are downstairs in the basement of a building ~ so this view is much appreciated. I try to spend some time here everyday.
Hope you enjoy the view!
Life in our little cottage in the country
at by Claudia
at by Claudia
As I was signing into my blog today, I realized that my previous post was my 200th! Who would have thought? I know I should have some sort of giveaway, but I’m afraid I’m too busy at the moment. I will have one soon, I promise. The photo is of our Sugar Maple tree – my husband sent it to me to prove that Spring is definitely here – or there – back home at MHC.
Yesterday was an unsettling day for me. I am my own worse enemy, I know – I am so busy right now coaching four different productions (which is one too many) that I worry my work won’t be of the standard to which I aspire. I am a worrier, and although I have made great strides in that area, I still fall into that abyss from time to time. The theater has, quite frankly, dropped the ball and scheduled a heavy dialect show at the same time as the Shakespeare Repertory. I would ask what were they thinking, but the fact is, they weren’t. So, yesterday I was struggling with worry, and then read on Facebook that one of my former students, who lives in Los Angeles, had the back window in her car shot out – while she was driving. Apparently, she beeped the horn at someone who was crossing into her lane, just beeped, and the driver pulled up along side her car and shot out the window. The window that is right above the car seat her little boy uses. Fortunately, he wasn’t in the car. And fortunately, my friend is fine. She wasn’t hurt. The whole thing is horrifying and frightening. The police were wonderful, but there was no way that my friend could identify the license plate number, as she was too busy ducking to protect herself. All of this made for a rocky day.
I’ve managed to start today in a better place and am thankful each day starts fresh and new. I promised to share photos with you of my treasures from the Barn Sale. I didn’t buy a lot, but here’s what I brought back to Mockingbird Hill Cottage West.
I fell in love with this – it came from Mexico and is quite large. I envision it in the middle of my round kitchen table. I think I can create lots of different vignettes in it. Of course, it could also go outside. But I’m thinking, inside. Note to Susan: I say this with love but you can’t have it.
Southern California seems to be full of wonderful places like the antiques stores in Ocean Beach or the Barn Sale. Much more than in upstate New York. I will miss these incredible shopping experiences. Soon, on one of my days off, I plan to visit Christie Repasy in her studio and shop. That will be such fun and of course, I will share it with you.
Have a great day.
at by Claudia
I promised more photos and I hope I can get these all posted before I have to take off for the day. A rather sleepless night has me a bit off my game. Here we go!
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