Let me start with these photos of the morning sunrise…glorious! I have an unobstructed view of the morning sunrise from the balcony of my apartment and this morning’s was just beautiful. Glad I woke up around 6 am!
I purchased these linens for a few dollars each. The tables in this apartment are wood, rather like something you would find in an office (from the 80’s). Two of them have deep drawers, like file cabinets. They are the same kind of wood that is used in the dresser in the ‘bedroom.’ If you remember, I used a runner to break up that surface. I have done the same with the tables. I have so many of these linens back home that I inherited from my grandmother. I love them, so I am happy to add to the stash.
Had to use the flash for the above linen, sorry! It is in a darker corner of the room.
Mockingbird Hill Apartment West is just about finished…that’s not to say I won’t add some things here and there, but I must remember that I have to ship all these things home!
Today is my day off, but I have lots of work to do in preparation for the beginning of classes tomorrow. By the way, I love my new printer and I think my husband will, too, when it is eventually shipped home to New York.
I mentioned in an earlier blog post about my search for a Singer Featherweight sewing machine to use while I am here. I saw 2 of them over the weekend in antique stores. One didn’t have a case, or any of the attachments, but was in pretty good condition. It seems that I could spend a bit more and get the extras that I need. The other one had everything and was in fairly good condition, but the owner of the store was going to ask way more than I thought was fair, and certainly more than I could afford! So the search continues. I want one very badly – I have all the finished squares for my quilt right here in the apartment and can’t do anything with them! I love Featherweights – they are little beauties!
More later.