Isn’t there a song with that title? I think there is – if there isn’t, there should be. The last two weeks have been spectacular here with brilliant colors everywhere. My sister left today after visiting for a few days and I miss her already. We went to Woodstock for the day on Friday and had a great time. The sun was warm and golden as we walked through the streets and visited all the shops. Since my sister lives in Florida, she needs to get her dose of fall weather. We were raised in Michigan and grew up with fall = football games, back to school, and crisp leaves on the ground. I really missed this time of year when I was living in Southern California. It is our favorite season. It was so great to spend time with her, talking, knitting, sitting on the front porch, playing with the dogs (they love her) and going to our favorite event – The New York Sheep and Wool Festival!!! This annual event is held in Rhinebeck, NY, which just happens to be across the Hudson River from our little cottage. It attracts thousands of fiber artists from all over and is often just called “Rhinebeck” by knitters. I first discovered this mecca of yarn 3 years ago when I saw an article in the paper talking about it. I talked my husband into going with me and when we arrived late in the afternoon on Saturday my jaw dropped open when I saw how huge it was! We covered as much of the area as we could in the time we had and I immediately went home and called my sister and said “You have to come next year!” And she did! We thought she wouldn’t be able to come this year, but her plans changed and she came. The Dutchess County Fairground is filled with yarns, sheep, llamas, alpacas, looms, knitting needles, knitting supplies, rug hookers, hand-dyed yarns, you name it – its there. It is simply fantastic. I didn’t buy any yarn this year because I already have too much on hand that I haven’t used, but I did get a few treasures which I will share with you in another post. My sister got some great yarn and lots of treasures.
Anniversary Celebration
Sunday found us in Woodstock, a charming town that we love, to celebrate our 10th anniversary. Don found a restaurant called The Garden Cafe, where we had a reservation for a secluded outdoor table and where we had a lovely lunch. The Garden Cafe is a Vegetarian/Vegan restaurant and the food is so scrumptious that you don’t care (if you’re a meat eater.) I am a vegetarian so this was perfect…it couldn’t have been more beautiful or more delightful. After our entrees we ordered a brownie covered in hot fudge sauce and our waitress, Darla, made a heart with the topping.
Sunday was one of those unbelievably beautiful fall days where the sun shone all day, it was relatively warm, and the colors were at their best. After lunch, we walked around Woodstock and did some shopping. It was really our kind of celebration. We’re not the type to dress up (maybe because we both wore costumes for so many years in the theater) – we’re casual, no-fuss, kind of people. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate 10 years of marriage.
On the day we married, our minister gave us two white roses. He asked that we exchange white roses on every anniversary to remind us of our vows to each other. We carried our roses with us:
This week my sister comes to visit and I’m really excited. So I’m cleaning like mad…
More later.
Happy Anniversary, my love
Tomorrow is our Tenth Wedding Anniversary. I am so excited that I am home now and we can celebrate the day together. Those of you who read the blog regularly know that I didn’t get married until I was in my 40’s. I waited a long while; in fact, I never particularly wanted to be married. I thought I would be happily single all my life. Then I met my husband. All bets were off. We’ve been together for 14 years now, and happily, happily married for 10 years.
We got married on Columbus Day, October 12th, because it was a Monday and that is the day off for theatre actors. Don was doing a one-man show in Nevada City, CA. We didn’t want a fuss, so with the blessings of our family, we married with 4 other people present: Don’s brother and his wife, and another couple. The minister was wonderful, the setting was a parlor in an old Victorian Hotel. (I had my ankle in a cast. I had been hoping to have it off by the wedding, but it wasn’t totally healed. I was heartbroken until Don said “It will be part of our story.”) I came down a staircase, supported by my sister-in-law, and the minute I saw Don, I started crying. I cried through the whole ceremony. Don cried, our friends cried – it was so lovely and moving. And I will tell you this: I have never regretted our small, stress-free wedding because I was totally present for the whole ceremony. After the ceremony we went on a horse-drawn buggy ride through the quaint streets of Nevada City. Everyone waved at us, sharing in our joy. It was truly a glorious day.
So, my darling, thank you for ten wonderful years. You are the best husband; thoughtful, loving, funny, compassionate, kind, good, my best friend, smart, talented, sexy (don’t blush)…I could go on and on. We’ve had an amazing journey so far. And there are more adventures ahead.
“Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be…” – Robert Browning