Oh not for me, for them. Supervising, sniffing, barking, smelling the tree…being told to “get away from the tree, your tail is knocking off the ornaments” – its a lot for a dog to deal with. Happily, they have the sofa to themselves at the moment. Do you think they’ve been good enough for a visit from Santa?
Decking the halls (and the tree)
Some favorite ornaments on the tree and off:

Our tree – I’ve since added more of the wonderful large cream bottle brush ornaments because I love them so and because they are carried in the shop!
More later!
Yesterday, we went to our usual Christmas Tree place and picked out our tree. It is quite lovely. The branches have settled a bit and tonight we will decorate it. The den smells of pine, my favorite scent. I have a pine scented candle, pine scented soap and I used to use pine scented bubble bath. I say used to because I can no longer find it. When I was living in Philadelphia and going to grad school, I would buy this wonderful Austrian pine bubble bath from Wanamakers. I used it all the time. When I moved to Boston to teach, I found it at Caswell Massey, if I remember correctly. That particular brand of pine bath eventually was impossible to find, and I used another brand. Now I can’t find any pine bubble bath. If you have a lead on one, I’d love to know about it.
Today I started decorating a bit around the house. I love the holidays, don’t you?