Moody skies, zinnias, and fall color. There was quite a bit of wind over the weekend, so there are huge catalpa leaves on the ground all over the property. Time for Don to rake again.
Speaking of Don, I woke up in the middle of the night coughing. When this kind of thing happens in the middle of a deep sleep, it usually takes me a while to realize that I need to get up and clear my throat and suck on a cough drop. Usually, Don sleeps through it, but this time it woke him up and he couldn’t get back to sleep and now he’s very sleep deprived. I feel terrible! Usually, it’s a snore that keeps me awake. Anyway, he always, always has a better attitude about it than I do. I apologized to him this morning, and he said “It’s find. The coughing woke me up, but my brain kept me awake.”
Anyway, I’m going to do my best to help him through the day. Mainly by being quiet, so he can grab a nap or two.
I finished The Running Grave by Robert Galbraith – all 945 pages of it. I think it’s the best yet in this series. I quite literally couldn’t put it down. So many twists and turns and beautifully detailed characterizations. It’s still in my brain this morning. Rowling is such a gifted writer – to produce a book that is, let’s face it, very long, but so well written that one reads page after page after page without stopping because it flows so beautifully. She is brilliant.
If you are not familiar with this series, it’s written by JK Rowling but the author name she originally published under was Robert Galbraith. If I remember correctly, she chose the name so as not to be linked with the Harry Potter series, but the news that she was the actual author leaked pretty early on. You should definitely read the books in order because the recurring characters undergo a lot of changes and knowing and understanding their journeys is pivotal. This is #7 in the series.
And now, I’ve just begun reading Richard Osman’s The Last Devil to Die, the newest book in the Thursday Night Murder series.
What would I do without reading? It’s been the one constant in my life and has, quite literally, saved me.
Two weeks from yesterday I am going to attend Wonderland of Play/BlytheCon in New Jersey. It will be held in Jersey City, about a two hour drive from my house. Before Covid hit, there were various BlytheCon celebrations yearly; BlytheMadrid, BlytheConUK, Play and Party Prague, etc. These events bring together Blythe artisans and Blythe lovers and I’ve witnessed how amazing they are in my IG Blythe feed. This may be the only time I get to go to one, so I grabbed a ticket back in February and on November 5th, I’ll be meeting a lot of friends and artists in person. (I’ll be wearing a mask, but I’ll take it off for photos.) Lots of people I know are going, favorite vendors will be there, and it will be wonderful to be with fellow Blythe lovers who understand the hold this doll can have on a person.
I’m starting to get excited.
Okay. I need to zap my now cold coffee in the microwave.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday,
I hope we can count on your to take us along vicariously on your Jersey trip!
Thanks, Ceci. As long as my phone battery doesn’t run out!
Stay safe.
BlytheCon, something of which to look forward to for sure; will be BlytheHeaven for the artists and collectors!
It’s really called Wonderland of Play but they’ve teamed up with BlytheCon for this year because it’s in the NYC area.
Thanks, Vicki.
Stay safe.
I am again looking at your photo of the turning leaves on the trees with your flowers in the foreground because it’s a feast for the eyes with green to yellow to orange and pink; absolutely stunning, Claudia; beautiful picture. Isn’t nature wonderful with its rainbow of colors! I appreciate when you take the time and effort to present a photo with your post.
Are they your zinnias? And what is the name of the tree(s), orange and yellow in the background? Is this your property line on the edge of the woods? Wow. And to think it will be covered in white by holiday time. You have it all!!!
Speaking of, although I know it’s premature (however, I have Christmas on my mind these days!), please know how much I anticipate seeing your vignettes with the putz houses and sheep, your vintage tree ornaments … your assortment of Christmas collections being among my most favorite to gaze upon when we reach that special time of year! If it’s going to be a long winter, just bring it all out, and bring it on early! Make your cozy cottage even cozier with Christmas cheer (I think we’re all going to need extra cheer come Christmas this year).
Lucky us, your readers, that we can come visit thru the magic of a screen! (Oh gosh, and I just thought of something … the doll houses! You’ll decorate one or more for the holidays. I can’t wait! Miniature wonderlands; just let my mind escape!
Thank you, Vicki!
That’s a maple in the background. No, the woods are part of our property line, which is at the rear of the woods.
I just finished that book as well. It was so good. I couldn’t put it down but didn’t want it to be done!! I agree that it’s the best one so far!!
Really, really fabulous!
Stay safe, Kathy.
I so miss the New England Fall. This time of the year I long for the Fall up in New England. There is nothing like it (IMO). Like you I need an outlet which involves sewing, cross stitch and reading. I don’t know where I would be without it. I basically finished all of Sara Ackerman’s books. I will have to wait until next year for her new book. So sad. Now I have just started The Metropolitan Affair by Jocelyn Green. My first time reading a book written by her. Reading takes me places without having to leave my house. I hope you have a beautiful day.
Reading is – to me – the best thing in the world.
Stay safe, Trina.
I am so happy for the comments JK Rowling makes to support the anti-trans movement. My husband is more open-minded than I am. Rowling is a brilliant writer. Gotta love her for her books. What, wasn’t she a writer as a teenager?
I am not at all happy with her comments about the anti-trans movement. I love her writing, I detest her intolerance.
There’s no excuse for it.
Everybody has their right to their opinion. We can agree to disagree. I think there are 2 genders, not 144 (as it is right now). Nobody chooses number 114.
Yes, everyone has a right to their opinion. You’ve aired yours. Please do not speak of this again on my blog.
I hope you love The Last Devil to Die as much as I did ❣️
I am sure I will!
Stay safe, Shanna.
I’m getting so excited about Blythe/Con and I’m not even going, lol. Sounds like you’ll have a great time. Can’t wait to hear all about it. Your picture of the fall leaves and brightly colourd zinnias is gorgeous. Hugs, Elaine
Frankly, as an introvert, it sounds exhausting! Lot of driving, 7 hours with lots of people. It will take me days to recover!
Stay safe, Elaine.
Oh, but Claudia, it will be SO worth it!
Another beautiful photo! That was quite a hefty book, glad you enjoyed it! The BlytheCon event should be exciting… I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time! Happy Monday!
Thanks so much, Barrie.
Stay safe.
Oooh, enjoy BlytheCon! These gatherings (“con’s”) can get overwhelming so have a general plan, and budget (!), in place. I know you primarily want to connect with the people though and you’ll have fun.
I don’t have a lot of money to spend, so it will definitely be about the people and all the eye candy.
It won’t be nearly as crazy as ComicCon, for example. Much more low key.
Stay safe, Wendy.
Moody skies here too, along with lots of wind. A storm is minutes away….love a dark sky with thunder. And we do need the rain still.
It’s interesting how one’s brain can keep you awake. That seems to happen to me a lot. Hope Don got a nap in.
BlytheCon sounds perfect for you. Glad you are able to go. And don’t forget to take pics for those of us left behind. Enjoy your day! ;)
Yeah, he’s napped off and on today.
I’ll take pics but I’m already worried about my phone battery – the phone will have to be on to give me GPS directions, so I’ll have to find a way to recharge it.
Stay safe, Donnamae.
I take it you are not able to recharge your phone while driving? If that’s the case, you might think about going old school…write the directions down instead of using your phone. What you need is a navigator (Don). Hope it all works for you! ;)
We have older cars. No to going old school. The directions in NJ are too complicated and I’d have to take my eyes off the road all of the time.
There are chargers available most anywhere including Amazon for about $10 that plug into the cigarette lighter in your car. Just have to make sure that the cig lighter works. 🫤 Then just plug your phone charger into that. Just trying to be helpful. ;)
I purchased a back up charger from Amazon the other day. So I’ll have two!
Thank you for the wonderful photo! Tomorrow is my birthday and I love Fall so that was a perfect picture. So I have a wonderful week coming up. Tomorrow birthday dinner with the family. Not sure yet where I want to go. Then Thursday my daughter got 2nd Row seats to see
Old Dominion for all you music lovers….they are fantastic!) Ta Da! Friday we go up to my favorite place on Earth, BriarPatch Inn in Sedona, AZ right on Oak Creek Canyon. I made these reservations over 9 months ago. I wanted to stay in our favorite cabin, the Casa de Piedra. It is the priciest one, but worth every penny. We eat breakfast along the creek, make fires in the fireplace at night. No internet or TV, just quiet and the sounds of nature. If you are ever in this part of the country, you have to see Sedona. The red rocks are amazing. I call BriarPatch Inn Heaven on Earth. I am counting the days because I am so excited. The weather is going to be perfect too. Happy Fall to all of you. Take care!
happy (early) birthday, deb, and many more! may God bless you and your family with much happiness, good health and other blessings always.
am sure you will enjoy dinner out, then the o.d. show (you went last year with your daughter, too, right? )!
the inn sounds lovely. glad you get your favorite cabin. enjoy every minute!
i love country music (among other types), but am not familiar with “old dominion” … mainly just their song “i was on a boat that day” (which i love and to which i can relate for being someone who loves water, but doesn’t get to be by or in it much … haha).
anyway, again, happy birthday!
Thank you Kathy. You are always so kind. I can’t believe you remember I went with my daughter last year! Wish you could go with us to see Old Dominion. They just keep getting more popular because of their great songs. I love all of them. Planning on having a great birthday.
officially, happy birthday, deb!
based on that one song, i’d go! and i bet old dominion shows are lots of fun. just like the cabin, enjoy every minute!
now go get some cake!
Happy Birthday, Deb! I have no idea who Old Dominion is, but glad to hear you had a great time.
I’ve been to Sedona, Deb. It’s truly gorgeous. Have a great birthday celebration!
Stay safe.
how do you get anything done besides look at that beautiful view?!?
glad you have the blythe event to look forward to. :)
hope you and don feel better by now, have an easy day today and sleep well tonight.
i am done rearranging closets and am now on to the kitchen. for someone who doesn’t like to cook (except for my family), i sure have a lot in there. :o there’s also a couple bins on the floor full of photos and other sentimental things i need to go through. not always easy, but i am thankful for time to do such things.
happy monday and tuesday, everyone!
also, though we continue to watch church online, the minister at my church has been gone the past two sundays … covid. stay safe, everyone!
Yes, I’m wearing a mask at Wonderland of Play. Too many people, many from foreign countries.
Stay safe, Kathy.
Isn’t it wonderful how the garden keeps giving beauty as far into the season as it is able. We had some very late blooming dahlias that were just beautiful and unexpected.
Had to read last few posts to catch up. My routine was entirely upended by my cyst surgery and #2 son and his dog coming to stay for a week while they install brand new windows (and he has a lot of huge windows) in his loft apartment which is in an old manufacturing building. Our senior kitty is very resentful. Charlie just wants to be everybody’s buddy, including hers, and he just cannot understand why won’t play. So a lot of time spent monitoring them. That dog’s energy level is phenomenal. Kezia is used to the calm of just her and me alone most of the day. She just doesn’t know what to make of it all.
That convention in New Jersey sounds really fun. Your long wait is finally over!
Take care,
Hope the surgery went well and you’re fully recovered, Kay.
Stay safe.
oops … posted my reply in the wrong spot. scroll down if you like.
hej, kay. :)
i hope your surgery went well and that you feel good.
also that the window installation at your son’s place is done soon and kezia can again chill out. :)
praying for you all.
Thanks, Kathy. My surgery went fine and my son had a procedure today. As the windows still aren’t finished, I get to spoil my baby boy a big longer as he recovers. He hasn’t been home this log since he left for college :-)
Hi Claudia. Yes, my husband and I have been sleeping in separate beds for our entire 26 year marriage. I am just such a light sleeper and he is very antsy so our first few months of marriage were torture for me……Luckily we found what works best for us and both happy with. LOL. Anyhooo, there is a gal on Instagram that I follow dollytreasures and she posts the most amazing photos of those dolls. Are you familiar with her? Have a lovely time.
Oh yes, I am very familiar with her and have all three of her books. She’s amazing.
Stay safe, Mamey.
I’m so excited you will be attending the BlytheCon. Isn’t it nice we even have the option to do these things after 2020? Like you, I’m still a little edgy of big events like this but I think I would do the same — mask up and take my chances. (How I feel about air travel, too.) You’ll have a wonderful time. (Nov. 5 is the night I see Randy Rainbow live!)
That photo is just stunning. The pop of the zinnias and that gorgeous tree — wow. We actually had sunny and 75 yesterday and it looked like a paint box exploded, the color was so beautiful.
Rick and I have that sleep/cough issue going on and sometimes he’ll end up in the other room in the middle of the night. But we do our best! I hope Don gets a good nap and your cough eases.
He napped several times and he’s fine. No cough last night!
Stay safe, Jeanie.