I had the most terrifying dream right before I woke up this morning. Absolutely horrifying. And I still can’t shake it off. I’m not prone to bad dreams – they happen rarely – but this one, this one was so vivid, so real, that I felt like I had to pull myself out of the depths of the dream to some sort of consciousness, and even then, I was half-in, half-out of it. Horrible.
This may be a three cups of coffee day.
Three balloon flowers opened the other day. This is such a sweet plant.
I know I’ve been posting less often on my book blog, Just Let Me Finish This Page, but I’d sure appreciate your stopping by when I let you know that a new review is up. During the past year, with the death of my father and Scout, I simply couldn’t attend to both blogs as diligently as I would have liked to. Since MHC is the one I write every day, the book blog suffered. I’m doing my best to post more often and I hope you still find it relevant. I used to get more comments on that blog, which leads me to believe less and less of you are reading it and that saddens me. Ah, well.
I posted a review this week that you can find here.
I post a lot of photos of pretty flowers, but I find aging flowers equally beautiful and I’m going to take more photos of them. This pink zinnia was one of the first zinnias to bloom this summer and it’s still hanging in there, less than perfect, but beautifully dignified.
This red beauty has a couple of shriveled petals, but the rest of the zinnia is gorgeous. At least, to me.
I’m going to make another cup of coffee and try to shake off that dream. Oh, it’s a strange time. Good things on the horizon in terms of my professional work, my dad’s birthday next week, the anniversary of Dad’s death next month, and the change from summer to fall. Not to mention the election. Good and unsettling, at the same time. (The dream had nothing to do with my dad, by the way.)
Feeling melancholy on this Friday.
A big thank you to those readers who have donated toward our GoFundMe campaign for our friend. You didn’t have to – you don’t even know her – and I find that incredibly moving and life-affirming. Bless you.
Happy Friday.
Nightmares are the worst! I suffered from them as a child, to the point that I had to train myself to remind myself, in the midst of the dream, that it was only a dream. I was afraid to go to sleep. Terrifying! And no coffee relief in the Morning!
I didn’t sleep last night worrying about the beach shack…seems we’ve had a break-in and a homeless person sleeping in the yard. I’m reminded of Susan Branch’s observation that when you have two homes, you’re homesick no matter where you are.
Your aging flower photos are heartbreakingly beautiful—reminds us of our own mortality.
Oh no! I’m so sorry about the break-in. Are the police dealing with it? Such worry and you’re so far away. xo
Police are involved, but can only do so much. No access was gained, just a few broken windows and padlocks. Hopefully not much damage…we’ll see very soon.
Happy weekend Claudia – hope you rest much, much better tonight. Love your flower pictures.
Thank you Vera. No more bad dreams!
My dad’s birthday is also next week on the 29th. What happened to September? I’m sorry you had a horrible dream. I had a strange dream last night. I dreamed I put a pot of tulips on the stovetop. Apparently tulip bulbs are combustible (in the dream). And I tried to put the fire out with water which wasn’t the right thing to do because the flowers caught on fire again. Someone said I should have used salt. Strange. Ever wonder if there is a message behind the dreams we have?
I know! September has absolutely flown by!
I do wonder about the message, but my dreams are usually so non-sensical that I don’t even bother to figure them out!
Sorry about your bad dream. Unfortunately, the feeling can stay with you for some time. I didn’t have a bad dream last night – just didn’t sleep, which creates a myriad of problems for me. Trying to stay positive.
Hope you have a peaceful day.
You, too, Mary! I hope you can get a nap in. I know how frustrating it is when you can’t sleep. xo
I hate when I have a bad dream that sticks with me, very unsettling. I too think the aging flowers have such beauty. Makes me appreciate my aging self I think :) I’m so glad you are able to do the GoFund me for your friend, it makes such a difference in her life. I hope you have a good day and enjoy this early Fall.
I feel good about that campaign. We need to help her and, in the midst of all the negativity in this election season, it feels good to do something positive.
I know bad dreams..it is the only kind I have…weird and scary..I would rather have none at all..About Just Let Me Finish This Page…I do like to read it as you always give good reviews or direct us to interesting articles…it just slips my mind sometimes…When I am finished here I will go check out your latest…About the flowers…as long as they are showing their beautiful colors..even partially..they are making the world a little brighter!..Wishing you sweet dreams tonight my friend..
Ah, don’t worry about it, Nancy. I dropped the ball for a while there and I’m just trying to remind everyone that it’s there! xo
I haven’t had a bad dream in a long while…just weird dreams….things that just don’t make sense on any level. Hope you get over yours soon. As far as your other blog…I always appreciate your posts…just haven’t had a lot of free time lately. Lots going on here that needs my attention. Our cooler weather begins today…hopefully that means an end to the rain. Our backyard was flooded the other day…we got over 2.5 inches. Too much too soon! enjoy your day! ;)
Don’t worry about commenting, as long as you’re stopping by, I’m happy.
Goodness, you’re right! Too much rain!
Nightmares can really mess you up. Our family is going thru a real life one now. A family member with a 16 month old child is exhibiting signs of substance abuse & her parents have taken steps to protect the child. Their family has been torn apart. I hate drugs and the hold they have on addicts. The pictures of your flowers always brighten my day. Thank you!
Oh, I’m so sorry, Janie. This is such a heartbreaking tragedy. Much love and support being sent your way.
Sorry you had a bad dream. Hopefully the feelings will clear. Don’t worry about when you post I know I will be here to read when you do. The flowers brighten up my day.
Claudia, I love your book blog. I don’t happen to like gory crime mysteries. I’m more of a PG-13 reader. If it’s more graphic than Agatha Christie, or writers of her ilk, it’s best for me to stay away. Those mysteries by J. K. Rowling (Robert Galbraith) were way too much for me, for example. Sometimes when I read your review of a mystery, I know to stay away from that one, and I appreciate the heads-up from you! Have you considered that something scary that you read might be the source of your nightmare?
My favorite mystery writer of all time is Georgette Heyer. Have you read any of hers? They are hard to find. They are cozy, drawing room, manor house mysteries, for the most part.
Maybe you and Don can go for a walk today, take some deep breaths and clear your head. Do something fun and life-affirming. Have a picnic or something.
I love your blogs, and, as other readers here have expressed, look forward to reading them every day, usually with a cup of coffee. I love your Instagram, too; it gives me sneak peek of the next day’s topics sometimes, which is kind of a thrill.
And you must know by now that I love your photographs….especially the way you find beauty in things that many would overlook or dismiss. Pokeweed (my gardening Nemesis), for example. I am learning to look at things with fresh eyes, thanks to you.
Nah! I’m not affected by mysteries and I’ve been reading them for 40 years! They are not the source of my nightmare.
Yes, I’ve read most of Georgette Heyer – I read a lot of them when I was in my teens and loved them. Very witty, as well!
Thank you so much, my friend, for your kind words. Much love
I’m so sorry about your bad dream! Hopefully most of us don’t have them too often.
You’ve got a lot going on to feel melancholy and unsettled over but I’m glad to hear now as before that you’ve also got some good things happening over the next many months career-wise because I know you love what you do and, of course, it’s an income boost which is always a good thing!
It is. It all starts up in late December, Vicki.
I hope today is brighter and lighter so you can shake the effects of that bad dream! I don’t have bad dreams too often, but when I do, they invariably involve my late husband going away. Then I wake up crying and I’m in a funk for most of the day.
Oh, Wendy. That must be so bittersweet for you. Sending you a big hug. xo
Is there an index to your book reviews? I am reading Someone is Watching by Joy Fielding, and am on the library list for the next Louise Penny. Was it you who reviewed them? I love your blog and read daily but seldom comment.
Look up at the navigation bar, you’ll see Book Reviews. But I’ve reviewed a lot more than are listed. You can search under book reviews here on the blog. I didn’t review the Joy Fielding. I don’t know if I’ve ever officially reviewed Louise Penny, but I’ve written about her various books a great deal on this blog and on JLMFTP. I also did a post about meeting her at a book signing in NYC.
Hi Claudia, did you provide a link to the Go Fund Me page? If so, would you mind reposting it or send me an email with a link? Thank you!
I did, but only in yesterday’s comment section. It’s https://www.gofundme.com/2pkjvy4
Thanks, dear Donna.
because you talked about Louise Penny , i got one of her e-books to try because i love a good mystery
Oh good! Enjoy, Barbara!