It’s been so hot here that the garden is responding accordingly and lots of plants are blooming.
These are the roses I bought last year with a gift certificate that reader Martha sent to me in honor of my parents. They’re in the memorial garden and, as of this morning, there were six beautiful roses in bloom. They are so lush and gorgeous.
The first of the day lilies. This plant is in the plot between the kitchen door and the porch.
Lavender – this variety has white flowers – is in the raised bed by the kitchen door. That’s where the hollyhock was last year and where I planted a new hollyhock this year. Fingers crossed!
Beautiful pink spirea by the far end of the porch.
Self-seeded yarrow by the chicken wire fence garden – it’s also blooming in the main garden bed. I really like yarrow because its tough and can handle all types of soil, and it’s tall with beautiful, feathery leaves. It adds height.
And another rosebud emerging in the memorial garden – this one on a bush sent to me by Martha after my mother died. It’s the Remembrance Rose.
And the other peony bush is blooming.
The flowers on the catalpa are ready to pop. I see more roses on the bush in front of the porch. It’s my favorite time in the garden.
Work is finally starting this morning on our chimney. The top of the chimney (the section that is above the roof line) needs to be re-bricked. They were going to do it in May but, as you know, it’s been nothing but rain, rain, rain around here, so it’s been delayed. They’re out there erecting the scaffolding as I write this.
A little sleep deprived this morning but it’s beautiful outside and I’m enjoying the fresh air before I have to turn the darned air conditioner on. Nineties again today and tomorrow with the inevitable thunderstorms on the docket for Tuesday, as well.
Then it will cool off a bit.
The director of Escape to Margaritaville won a Tony award last night for his direction of Come From Away so cheers erupted at the theater while Don was getting ready to go on. No big surprises at the Tonys – everything went as I expected it would.
Happy Monday.
Your blooms are so pretty. It has rained so much and then been so hot that a lot of our flowers are looking limp. Just no shade so they bake. I have to be very careful what I plant. It’s overcast today so maybe some rain. I’m enjoying some quiet time this morning and reflecting on some changes I want to make. Changes in my home, my health and my mind. Birthday’s can do that to you it seems. I agree, no surprises at the Tony’s but some lovely snippets of shows. I hope the chimney repair goes well. Hugs!
It’s unbelievably hot and humid today and those guys are working on the roof! I feel badly for them.
Luscious flowers, I never tire of looking at them.
Thanks, Deb!
Your flowers are so beautiful. It looks like a hand of an angel behind the yarrow. I would imagine angels do gather in your garden because of the beauty.
went back to look at the photo of the yarrow and i agree! lovely thought, photos and plants!
good wishes for a quick and easy repair on the chimney! and for cooler temperatures. :)
kathy in iowa
I just feel sorry for those guys who have to work up on the roof in this weather!
What a lovely thought! Thank you!
Wonderful blooming garden! I love peonies. Waiting patiently (not) for mine to bloom. I was so exhausted, I forgot to watch the Tonys. Had a full day with movers moving furniture from my late Uncle’s home to my house, my brother’s house, and my friend’s house. I got a few very nice mid-century (40’s) pieces in terrific shape. I thought my friend, who has a houseful of mid-century and older furniture, would enjoy the hi-if console my Uncle built, including all the electronics, complete with an all metal turntable that slides out on rails. I didn’t have room for it. Bob loves it, and I told him to contact the California Historical Radio Society for someone who could explain the inner workings of the radio and possibly recommend someone to help him get it into working order. Of course, it uses transistors and tubes.
How nice of you to give that piece to your friend. I bet he’ll love it!
We had so many peony blooms this year, but they lasted for such a very short while. I’ve never had them go brown and die so quickly. Not sure if it was all the rain this spring, or the 90+ temps we have been having and should have through the end of the week. We also have more rose blooms than we have ever had. So far they are blooming out and doing well. Every year is so different when we garden, isn’t it?
Enjoyed the Tony’s last night. It was fun. Glad they are working on your chimney. I bet you are counting the days until you fly out to see Don and then start the fun journey Homeward Bound!! Have a good Monday, Claudia!
I have less peony blooms than normal – not sure why. I think I have to seriously consider moving them (both bushes) in the fall.
We thought the Tony awards were wonderful last night! We enjoyed Kevin Spacey and all the snippets of plays! When I say “we”, I mean my husband stayed up with me and watched the whole program for the first time ever!
Your garden is beautiful! Love the pictures!
So glad you enjoyed the Tonys, Lottie. Thank you for your compliment on the garden!
I love your roses. My father always had an old fashioned rose garden. I miss that. xo Laura
These roses seem to do a lot better than my other, older rose bushes which get attacked by Japanese Beetles every summer.
So happy to see the roses looking so beautiful! My lilacs were less lush this year, and my peonies were gorgeous for a very brief spell. Same with iris – come and gone in way too short of a time. Even my ever-reliable cone flowers are looking skimpy this year! The only thing I can count on for sure is that the wild honeysuckle, that I’m trying desperately to eradicate, keeps growing and growing and growing…
Sorry I haven’t been commenting much (or posting very often on my blog). Having Mother at my home takes much of my free time, but of course I wouldn’t want it any other way. <3
My wild honeysuckle is prolific, as well! Thanks for stopping by, my friend. I hope your mom is doing well.
Those flowers are beautiful.
Thank you, Marilyn!
I love the variety of flowers you have…This reminds me that I need to check my daylillies at the side of the house…they always bloom in June!
Go check, Nancy! The ones I showed are always the first of the day lilies to bloom.