We decided to take a little drive yesterday – the trees are starting to leaf out and our very late spring is finally happening. (Of course, we’re going to hit 80 degrees later this week so it looks like a very short spring and then summer.) Anyway, we headed across the Hudson River to Rhinebeck for a visit to Oblong Books. Rhinebeck was packed with people – there was a Farmer’s Market happening, a big antique car show, and it was Mother’s Day. So we didn’t linger after visiting the shop.
I vowed to buy one book, but left the shop with three. Since Don didn’t buy a book as we had expected, I laid claim to his book…so really, just one extra, right?
Another Mick Herron – the next in the series, Real Tigers, The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams, and one I’ve heard raves about, Great Circle by Maggie Shipstead.
It was a lovely drive and it was good to get out but, as usual these days, we were glad to get home.
Continuing with books, do you remember that I was collecting newer versions of Mary Stewart’s books issued by Hodder Stoughton in England? They have beautiful cover art and I wanted to have them in my library. Here is what I have so far:
Since Mary Stewart is one of my favorite authors, a writer that I was introduced to at about the age of 13, and since the few remaining paperbacks that I have from those days are very small and very worn, a new set with beautiful cover art seemed in order – and affordable, as well.
All went well until I ordered Nine Coaches Waiting – my all time favorite – and received a different edition with different artwork, not what was pictured in the listing. Instead of this,
which perfectly illustrates the time and place of the novel, I got this:
And I received it not once, but three times from three different sellers. I ordered from Book Depository. Their listing had the photo of the edition I wanted. Nope, I got the one you see here. Then I ordered from Blackwell’s in Oxford. Same thing – they showed the edition I wanted, but I got the other one. And the same with Thrift Books.
When I complained, they said that they pulled stock using the ISBN number on the book and that’s what I got. They had no way of examining the copy personally. But, I argued, the book cover you show is very different.
I didn’t get anywhere. Blackwell’s is now a smallish chain, Book Depository is an online giant, and even Thrift Books failed me.
Frustrating and maddening.
Since I’m not in England, I cannot go to independent book shops and look for the copy I want. If I order from Blackwell’s or John Daunt, they’ll pull the ISBN number.
Cue my scream.
So. I have two brand spanking new copies of Nine Coaches Waiting and they’re lovely – just not what I want. I’ve kept one of them as a place marker until I find the one I want and I’m determined to find it. I think a giveaway is in order. I’ll be happy to send a copy to you, if you’re interested. If you are interested, let me know in your comment today. In about a week, I’ll gather all the ‘interested’ comments and randomly select two winners.
In the meantime, if any of my British readers come across the edition below, could you buy it and I’ll reimburse you? It’s a paperback and not at all expensive. I’ll gladly pay for shipping as well.
I just checked again this morning and both Book Depository and Blackwell’s show the above cover, but I’ve been burned three times, so I don’t dare order it.
Beautiful day today, sunny and a bit warmer. No rain on the horizon for at least the next five days.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
I saw two of the covers you want on Ebay. Both pre-owned by private sellers.
Thanks, Olivia. I don’t want a used copy, though.
Stay safe.
I have been about to buy The Dictionary Of Lost Words several times, and something I can’t quite put my finger on has always stopped me…I will be very interested to hear what you think, since the general concept is so fascinating to me. At this point I have full trust in your book opinions :)
It’s fascinating to me, too. I’ll let you know what I think, Naomi.
Stay safe.
I would be interested in reading the Mary Stewart book. I have not read any of her work, but you have me intrigued!
I found Nine Coaches waiting with the cover you are looking for on Ebay. Would you like the link?
No, I see them there, but many are used and often there is a note that it’s stock photo of the cover. So I have no guarantee that will actually be the cover. But thank you, Trudy.
Stay safe.
Thanks, Mary Ellen. I’ll put you on the list.
Stay safe.
The Mary Stewart novel interests me very much. The cover with the car is perfect. The artwork is lovely.
Just remember, the cover you’ll get (if you win) is the purpleish cover with the woman in pink.
Stay safe, Anne.
How generous of you to offer the books. Please include me as interested. I know the weather in Florida is unpredictable and yours seems that way too. At least we have our flowers, trees and birds and that helps you too I know. I hope your Monday is a good one.
Yes, the weather seems to be unpredictable nearly everywhere!
Thanks, Janet.
Stay safe.
Please include me in the book giveaway. I love the cover of the book and would be interested in reading it. Thank you, Claudia! Have a wonderful day.
Will do, April.
Stay safe.
Please enter my name in the giveaway. I’m a Mary Stewart fan and it would be exciting to read one of her books that I’ve missed.
Thank you!
I’ll put you on the list, Suzanne!
Stay safe.
I was a young girl when I started reading her
Yes would love the book
Me too, Brenda!
I’ll add you to the list.
Stay safe.
Please include me in the giveaway if possible. I have not read this book. (I think)
I do like Mary Stewart.
Enjoy your beautiful week.
I’ll put you on the list, Marion.
Stay safe.
As a fellow collector, that is so maddening when the merchandise not match the picture shown. Good luck to you. Would you please include me in your giveaway? I have not read any Mary Stewart, but the book sounds very intriguing to me.
Sunny and very warm and humid this week here. It looks like it may be safe to plant some of my annuals in pots. At least the ones close to the house so I can easily cover them if the temps dip.
Enjoy your day! ;)
I will definitely include you in the giveaway, Donnamae.
Yay! You can plant some flowers!
Stay safe.
I loved Mary Stewart growing up! Remember The Moon-Spinners movie with Hayley Mills? I wasn’t aware of the newer versions, but I sure love the cover art.
I do. I wanted to be Hayley Mills!
Stay safe, Lynda.
So happy you got out and had a nice day. I’m pretty happy to stay home most of the time these days. Age and Covid have changed me. So sorry about the book cover problem, so frustrating. However I would be interested in the Mary Stewart book so add my name to the giveaway list please.
My health issues seem to be getting better. So far all tests on my heart have been good, I am anemic so taking iron for that. My Dr is concerned I might have. a Gastro bleed so I’m going to be due for some tests soon. If I can just get some energy back I’ll be happy.
Take care!
I’ll add your name to the list, Linda.
I’m so sorry you’ve been dealing with health issues, Linda. Praying for you. You deserve some peace right now, my friend.
Stay safe.
Such a shame about the book cover, very frustrating for you. I will have a look when I’m out and about, I may venture into London in the next couple of weeks too so fingers crossed.
Thanks so much, Fiona! I appreciate any and all efforts to find the right book/cover.
Stay safe!
I can certainly have a jolly good try to find you a copy, Claudia!
I notice that the lady in the pink dress edition is 2011, please can you let me have its ISBN for elimination process and also the latest publication date of any of the ones you have collected.
The vintage travel poster covers are so striking, I hope they are the most recent.
I also had a quick look on UK Ebay and it does show the cover you’re looking for but in small print says ‘stock illustration’ which might also mean that someone would be sent a different cover.
Happy Monday
Thank you, Dee Dee.
The ISBN for the lady in the pink dress edition is: 978-1-444-71107-3. When I check on Blackwell’s site, it shows the newer covers as published in March 2011, but I don’t think that’s accurate, as the older cover gives the same date, which might be what is creating this problem. The listing for the cover that I want shows the same ISBN number as the one above.
The listing on Book Depository gives the same ISBN number as well, calling it ISBN13. Right above that it lists ISBN10 – 1444711075.
Stay safe!
There is one on eBay for $9.99 with returns. Seller’s name is “awesomebooksusa”
Not sure if you care that it’s used but if it’s not good you can return it.
Have a great day!
I don’t want used and as I’ve been exploring eBay, I notice that they use stock photos according to the ISBN number, which is the same for both editions. So I have no guarantee that it will be the cover I want.
But thank you, Betsy!
Stay safe.
Yes, I would like a copy of Mary Stewart’s book. I read them so long ago that I’ve forgotten the plot of all but one, and can’t remember that title. Too much info in my brain, and no way to delete any of it.
I’ll put you on the list, Martha.
Stay safe.
Claudia….you were in my old stomping grounds…. Rhinebeck. I loved the little theater and the playhouse and the antique shop on the corner…. Beekman arms? Mom and I would have lunch in one of the many farm to table restaurants before heading back to Poughkeepsie. There is something about seeing pretty things (pottery, jewelry….) that lifts the spirit. We would always come away with something. Thanks for reminding me….better times. I miss mom so much.
Yes, it’s the Beekman Arms. Washington slept there!
It’s a lovely town and I’m glad you have great memories of being there with your mom.
Stay safe, Maria.
Victoria Holt and Mary Stewart around the same time…
And Phyllis Whitney.
Glad you had an outing!
The Mary Stewart book covers are really, really nice. I looked for them on Amazon but I don’t see those English versions.
You know who else I was remembering just now along with Mary Stewart? Phyllis A. Whitney; all in a similar genre and for a certain youthful target audience.
Yes, Phyllis Whitney and Victoria Holt! I read them all.
Stay safe, Vicki.
Everything you picked up looks so good. I’ve heard about the “Dictionary” and read good things about it so I’ll be curious to get your review. The others are new to me.
I feel your pain on the Mary Stewarts. The new ones remind me of the beautiful British Library Crime Series, which all have covers similar to those of those vintage travel guides and classic posters, the name of which I’m not remembering. My friend Suzanne and I collect the BLC books. The covers are the same but the ones published by Poison Pen and those specifically by BLC are a slightly different size. Who knows why, but they look identical and ordering online is a pain! If I get to England this fall and you are still looking, I’ll haul them home. No guarantees. I haven’t been able to get the nerve to fly for seven hours yet, and no one knows what Covid will be like then. But it’s my hope! They look gorgeous. I think the only Mary Stewart I read was The Crystal Cave, decades ago. I’d love to be entered into the drawing!
The ISBN number is the same, it seems, no matter what the cover. SO frustrating!
I don’t think I could get on a plane yet. But then again, we can’t afford a trip to Europe, so it’s a non-issue!
Stay safe, Jeanie and I’ll enter you in the giveaway.
Isn’t there a bookseller that you order British books especially from? Could they possibly help with your order? At least, could they sight it before sending it? I am behind on my blog reading…
They would have to order it by the ISBN number, so they would have no way of knowing if it was the correct cover. I couldn’t ask them to spend money for something I might refuse. Doesn’t seem fair.
Stay safe, Leanne.