I finally grabbed my camera with the telephoto lens and took some pictures of one of our bunnies. There are two of them, but I rarely see them together. This little one loves to eat the grass right by the funky patio. I was just about to go outside this morning when I saw him there. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve stayed in, rather than disturb him.
That darned cute cottontail, plus look at the veins in his ears!
As Don said the other day, “I wish he wasn’t afraid of us. I want to pet him.”
My favorite day lilies that live on the other side of the house. They’re so big and beautiful. I happened to see that they were in bloom yesterday – late in the day – and ran over there to get a photo.
No rain again. We really need it. Scattered thunderstorms predicted for tomorrow.
I’ll believe it when I see it.
Last night, we finished the first season of a great series from Sweden, “The Truth Will Out.” Excellent on every level. You can see it on Amazon Prime via a subscription to Acorn (99 cents for the first month and then you could cancel.) Or, if you already subscribe to Acorn you’re all set. There are two seasons and I’m sure hoping there will be a third.
Side note: we stayed up way too late because it was so gripping that we had to see the last episode of the first season. Now, I’m really tired.
Nothing else to report. I may do some dolly pics later today. We’ll see how ambitious I feel. And I’m working away at my puzzle, which is very difficult, but so pretty that I’m quite patient with the whole thing.
Stay safe.
Happy Sunday.
sweet bunny! and pretty flowers. glad you have them. thanks for sharing photos, too.
tv show sounds interesting. no cable/ streaming here, but i relate to staying up late when interested in things. am trying not to do that (stay up late) because i need more sleep than what i get most nights, but that’s not always easy … much to be done, plus there’s lots of cool things in the world!
hope you get some rain. we need rain, too (plus i just love it). yesterday was overcast … a nice break from glaring bright sunshine.
that picture frame (i mentioned a couple days ago) arrived yesterday. have cleaned it and am letting it dry. will put it in a different room than the one it matches (mixer here) and am happy to have it. simple pleasures … like working on a puzzle … :)
now i need to wash breakfast dishes, then will go for a walk and watch church online with members of my family. :)
hope you have a good day and stay safe.
I would be so happy to have a rainy day – not just a storm that is here and gone and never really penetrates the soil.
Glad you have your new frame, Kathy.
Stay safe.
No rain yesterday. : (
It’s getting to be scary dry. Worried about the well so no watering is happening.
I think we should all start doing a rain dance.
Every time this happens, I worry about the well, and there’s never been a problem.
Knock on wood!
Stay safe, Betsy.
Claudia, I loved your photos….I actually did see the veins in the bunny’s ears….so intricate!
And so delicate!
Thanks, Barrie.
Stay safe.
Oh, gosh, bunnies and lilies for a Sunday morning; just perfect. Hope your day is going nicely, Claudia!
So far, so good, Vicki.
Have a lovely Sunday.
Stay safe.
We live in the middle of a housing development and we have seen bunnies in our front yards and hopping across the street. Luckily, none have been run over. Also hummingbirds on our flowers!
Yes, I’ve been seeing hummingbirds lately! Hurrah!
Stay safe, Jan.
Cute bunny! We don’t have a lot of bunnies around here…we have predators. So, I really enjoy when I do see one hopping along.
Quiet day around here…just a little container watering to do. We bit the bullet and purchased a smart tv. It is taxing our collective brain power. As my husband said….”I just wanted to watch the *&$# tv”. Lol! Tech support (our son), will be stopping by on Tuesday to answer a few questions and correct a few glitches…modern technology shouldn’t be this complicated!
Your puzzle sounds intriguing…have fun with it! ;)
We have lots of predators here – after all, we live surrounded by wooded areas and the mountains.
Oh, those smart tvs! I had a hard time with ours and Don was out of town when I bought it so I had to figure it all out by myself.
I’m off to water my outdoor plants.
Stay safe, Donnamae.
You do such a great job of keeping busy enough and yet taking it easy when you feel the need. You have set a good pace of challenging yourself with yard work and puzzles, etc. but you don’t forget to relax and enjoy your time together too.
We will, Ellen.
Thank you.
Stay safe.
As I am reading this, I am watching a bunny in my sister’s yard. He has been there for hours just munching on the grass. So cute. Well I finally got my staycation in. Instead of going to a hotel I go to my sister Pam’s house, which is just a block away. It was heaven. Sometimes I just need a break from our house and seeing all the stuff that needs to be done. Stresses me out! We watched comedy last night and had some much needed laughter. Then we watched “The Girl in the Picture”. It was kind of disturbing but good. It is supposed to be our extremely hot day for awhile. Send some cooler weather and some rain. Thanking my sister for a much needed break. Take care!
Glad you got a nice little break, Deb.
Stay safe.
I know what Don means about the bunnies. I want to pet them too. I’ve seen 27 so far — none close enough when I’ve had the camera to capture well. We had rain the other night — It seemed a lot but it’s so dry I’m not sure what good it did. At least the lawn hasn’t needed mowing. We’re home for a few days while I get my new crown placed Thursday. I’m dealing with a pesky and painful ear infection which has slowed me down tremendously.
Have you read Edward Rutherfurd’s “New York”? I’m about a third through (1007 pages!) and finding it quite interesting. (I’m only up to 1776!)
Enjoy the rest of the day.
I hope you feel better soon, Jeanie.
No, I haven’t read it. I do read non-fiction, but my go-to is fiction.
Stay safe.
Your lilies are beautiful! Love that color!
Thank you, Lin.
Stay safe.