Some of you noticed that comments are working again. Thanks for leaving your comments, which helped to confirm that. By the way, I forgot to turn the comment replies back on before I answered you. But it’s back on now.
I was working with my security company on another ongoing issue; the fact that they couldn’t back up the database, which they do on a daily basis. I won’t go into details, but they were finally able to get into the database and fix that issue. They sent a message saying it was working again and that a backup had been successful. So, I figured I’d try leaving a comment and much to my surprise, it worked. I tried another one, and again, it worked. Then I started to see some comments from some of you. When I discussed this with the tech, he tended to think the issues weren’t related and it was a coincidence, so I guess there’s a chance that comments might disappear again. But I think they were related.
It’s been such a long slog, full of worry and frustration. I’m grateful we can have conversations again.
As to the blog and the future, I’m not sure yet. I have to renew with my host in June and frankly, I’m wondering if I should add something like a tip jar here. I’m not entirely comfortable with that, but I’m thinking about it.
Both Don and I work so hard to stay positive, but it’s been very hard to stay in that place lately. And it’s still a bit cold and gray outside. Next week should be better. I was all set to go outside yesterday and start a bit of cleanup but, as seems to be the rule around here lately, the wind really kicked up and that was that.
March: you’ve been a dismal month.
Grocery shopping is on the docket today. I have to get my car inspected tomorrow. Exciting, right?
Just trying to breathe, stay in the moment, and stay hopeful.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.