Currently feeling like crap.
That’s really all there is say, my friends. Congested in head, in chest, coughing, and trying to clear all of this out of my system. It will pass. Been there, done that. When you have allergies, as I do, and are already mildly to very congested on a daily basis, a cold just piles more on.
Luckily, Don is here and I’m not having to manage everything on my own. We’ve been watching episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm at night, laughing like crazy, which often results in another coughing jag, but what the heck? Laughter is the best medicine.
Shots from around the house:
The sun came out yesterday (and it’s shining again today) which was very welcome after fog and rain for two days. I know I should be evolved enough that weather doesn’t affect my mood, but I freely admit I’m not. Sunny, please. And maybe some occasional fog.
I occasionally scan the ground where we found the individual pieces of this plate. I’m hoping that after the winter passes, the ground will heave up some more. Come on, Mother Nature, do your thing.
I only have four more Nancy Drews to collect and then I’ll have all the editions illustrated by Russell H. Tandy. I haven’t been looking for them lately, but yesterday I bid on one on eBay. We’ll see what happens. One of the missing editions, The Hidden Staircase, is very hard to find and is almost always in less-than-perfect condition. But I’m not a perfectionist and I figure if I find a pretty good copy, I’m fine with that. Should the gods send a perfect copy my way, so be it.
I’m reading the latest John Le Carré and it’s excellent. But it’s slow going – partly due to my feeling under the weather and partly because his pace is slower than most of the spy thrillers being written today. It’s actually a lovely change.
Happy Thursday.