It’s a cold, damp and rainy day here in the Northeast. Don’s in the living room reading. I’m in my blogging chair in the den. Scout, after shuttling between us for a bit, has finally settled down near her dad.
It’s the kind of day that makes you want to stay inside. No errands. Not even a walk to the mailbox. This is the time of year where the landscape looks rather bleak, all shades of brown and gray, with a bit of green grass thrown in. Though there is beauty in everything, I must admit that I find this particular view to be a bit depressing.
Thank goodness for our cozy cottage which provides the warmth and color that is sadly lacking outside our window.
A splash of color on a gray day: the aqua of the McCoy pot, the green of the pothos, the amber/orange of the bakelite napkin ring, the red on the books.
I had to cut back this pothos plant. It had grown so long that it was snaking behind the sideboard and was fast becoming out of control. I have one in the bathroom, and it needs some judicious pruning, as well.
Hamlet closed yesterday. It was a truly wonderful production and I am so proud to have worked on it. Hard to believe that the set is being taken down, all those sumptuous costumes are heading for storage, that world we created no longer exists. It’s always that way when a show ends. We felt the same thing last week when Our Town closed. It leaves me feeling a bit sad. (The two volumes of Shakespeare were a gift last year from my dear friend, Judy Clark of 20NorthOra. We had a lovely phone conversation yesterday.)
I’ve brought all the potted impatiens in for the winter. Dare I hope that they will survive another season to re-bloom in the spring? We’ll see.
Look who was outside my kitchen window:
Another splash of color on a gray day.
I’m off to write a quick post for Just Let Me Finish This Page and then I’m going to curl up with The Burning Room by Michael Connelly.
Happy Monday.