I’ve named this “Sun on Endless Snow.”
We’re getting a bit more on Monday and then the warm-up should begin. I hear a bird singing right now. I know I’ve mentioned this before, but hearing a bird sing in the dead of winter is always a comfort to me – a sign of hope. I always stop and listen and thank Mother Nature.
Don has decided that we should frame the puzzle I finished yesterday – The Piano Lesson. I think he’s right. So I carefully moved it off the table and onto a piece of foam board. At some point in the future, we’ll use puzzle glue and frame it.
I started the new puzzle, but I sort of ran out of steam, so I didn’t do much. I’ve been working so intensely on them that I needed a break. This morning, I read a big chunk of Mrs. Tim Carries On, and it felt good. It’s such a lovely book and it describes wartime England beautifully. Anyway, more reading is on the docket for today, plus a little laundry and cleaning. It’s not supposed to stay sunny all day long, but the sun is shining brightly at the moment and that sure helps.
Don and Dan have released a new song, “Lust in the Dust.” It hearkens back to Marty Robbins and Old Westerns and I love it. (I contributed some background vocals.) Here’s the link.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.