Yesterday, I started clearing out an area right below the kitchen window to make another garden bed. Yes, I know. I need the care of yet another bed like a hole in the head, but it’s an area that is always full of weeds and is right next to the entrance to the secret garden. It suddenly struck me that, instead of ignoring it, I could plant a shade garden there.
So I started pulling the weeds (there’s a lot of work ahead) and found the inevitable plastic bags buried beneath the ground, along with some nylons and some socks. Just how much trash is buried on our property?
I found part of a china plate. The gold design is raised. I have no idea how old it is and it’s in pretty good condition because it was inside the bag. No markings. Any idea about the pattern?
Don would like me to discover a bag of cash. Preferably a stack of $100 dollar bills Somehow, given the humbleness of our abode, I don’t think that’s going to happen. But today I’ll start digging, so wish me luck!
The annabelle hydrangea is just about to turn white.
This plant grows on the far side of the house. It returns every year, and I’ve grown to like it. Is it a weed? I wonder, because it hasn’t spread and I don’t see it anywhere else on the property.
Those flowers will turn white soon.
It’s getting quite tall. Does anyone out there have any idea what this is? I’d sure love to know.
That being said, I’ve tried to be patient, but I’m starting to think my butterfly bush didn’t make it through the winter. I see a few leaves near the bottom, but I’m not sure whether they have anything to do with the actual bush. Do I yank it and buy another one? I would miss seeing all the butterflies who congregate there.
Questions, questions.
Happy Friday.