Christmas is ongoing here at the cottage. The magical tree will be with as long as it stays fresh, the outdoor lights will most likely be with us into January and February. We need it, so we’ll have it.
If you missed Wednesday’s post, we had a white Christmas. It snowed overnight on Christmas Eve, giving us just enough extra snow to prevent any melting. It’s still snowy out there, but it’s going to be warmer today, so I expect the melt to begin. We had a lovely day; very relaxed and full of music and peace. I made French toast for breakfast, lots of it, per Don’s request. Don made the dinner, which we ate earlier than usual (so we could digest it before we went to bed!) and topped it off with pumpkin pie. We switched the order of movies, so we watched The Bishop’s Wife on Monday, and A Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve. I had some FaceTime with Z and my sister, which was lovely. All in all, a lovely and stress-free day, which is just the way we wanted it.
I hope all of you had a lovely holiday – whatever you celebrate – and that you were able to do it just the way you wanted. I think it’s easier for Don and me to do that these days because we are far from family members and our parents are no longer with us, and after years of working long hours, often away from home, we crave and want quiet and peace and joy. So we do our best to create that here by shutting out the external stress and concentrating on what really matters.
Don has 3 gigs this weekend; tonight, tomorrow night, and Sunday afternoon. I’ll miss him!
Blessings to you and yours.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.