I have lots to talk about this morning – this will be one of my Potpourri Posts.
Do you see that stainless steel trash can next to the stove? We love this trashcan and paid a hefty amount for it several years ago. The lid is air tight and all you have to do to open it is lightly touch a piece of plastic at the front of the can. It’s made by OXO. We’ve had a few problems with the lid over the years. Most of it is solid stainless steel, but the edges are made of some sort of plastic. Over time, we’ve found the plastic sometimes splits, throwing off the functionality of the lid.
Each time this happened, I had visions of having to spend a lot of money for a new trash can. I wrote to OXO telling them of the problem and asked if we could just get a lid replacement, which we would be happy to pay for, hoping we could do that rather than replace the whole can. And each time, OXO has graciously FedExed a new lid to us. Three times. For free.
You read that right. For free. This company has the best customer service I have ever encountered and I wanted you to know about it. They make all sorts of things, including utensils and items for the kitchen. They are simply fantastic. So, a big hurrah for OXO!! And no, I’m not being paid for this. I just want to share some stellar customer service with you in an age where it can be sadly lacking.
Last night, we watched The Best of the Andy Williams Christmas Show on PBS.
I miss him.
I’ve always been a fan of his beautiful voice. And all those Henry Mancini songs sung by Andy Williams; Moon River, Charade, The Days of Wine and Roses, were a part of my youth and are even now on my playlist. I love them. But the Christmas specials – they were something I looked forward to every year. The extended Williams family looked so happy, so together, so free from care. Of course, as an adult, I know that it was staged for television – but I wanted to be a part of that happy glow, singing carols around a piano with everyone taking part, no Christmas day arguments, no hurt feelings. Just happy.
Watching these specials took me back in time once more. Don and I were both smiling, remembering a seemingly gentler time. Thank you, Andy Williams. It doesn’t seem possible that you are not here with us this Christmas.
If you’ve read this blog for a while, you know I have a rule about Christmas decorating. No decorations until the second week of December. This snow globe is the only thing on display here at the moment and that’s only because I never took it off display. I realize that this is a personal choice. Many of you have already started decorating. But for me, if I have decorations on display from the moment Thanksgiving ends until after the first of the year, the holiday loses its magic. I get used to seeing everything and I don’t really ‘see’ it anymore, if you know what I mean.
I see all sorts of holiday decorating linkups happening in blogland. But I almost never take part, because it would involve moving my decorating up on the calendar and I’m just not going to do that. It’s December 3rd and for me that’s too early. But I sure love seeing what everyone else is doing and I’m enjoying all the beauty around blogland. Note: Since Don is leaving in mid-December to work in California, I may move it up a few days. But only a few.
When do you decorate?
And finally:
A new scarf in the shop. I listed another one over the weekend and it sold before I could show it to you. Here are the Obsession Scarves currently available:
On the left, the Obsession Scarf in Claret. This is a rich burgundy color and it’s in silk and bamboo. Soft and silky.
Center, Obsession Scarf in Rainforest. Beautiful colors in wool and acrylic. Very soft.
Right, Obsession Scarf in Tutti Frutti. Wool and acrylic. Very soft.
There are also shawls (beautifully woven by my sister, Meredith) in the shop. And Meredith has crocheted some wonderful Granny Chic scarves which I love, love, love. Stop by for a visit.
Happy Monday.