Quick post. We’ve spent most of the morning measuring, talking, debating…about this:
I went to look for one more putz house at the Clinton Shops (where we were earlier this week) and when I walked in the door and saw Sydney’s booth (Fox Run Antiques) I saw this.
I was stunned and had to catch my breath. I then proceeded to spend over an hour there, taking pictures, texting my sister, talking to two of the guys who work there – basically trying to figure out if I could swing this in our small house. It’s big – 23 inches wide and 31″ long. It’s handmade. The sides come off in sections in order to see the rooms. Part of the roof lifts off. The front and back are permanent. I’m not even sure if it’s to scale – probably not.
But my heavens, look at it! I’ll never see anything like it again. Don thinks it’s folk art, and I agree. He’d like to display it permanently – as a piece of folk art – on the kitchen table. Remember, my first dollhouse sat on that table for months while I worked on it. There are a few other places we would stash it; my work table upstairs, a cabinet in the bedroom. But Don thinks it should be downstairs where we can see it.
He wants to buy it for me for Christmas.
We’re going to go to the shop so he can see it and so I can stick a piece of furniture in it to determine the scale. It might need smaller furniture. I have no idea.
So that’s where we are. Maybe I shouldn’t have gone to that shop yesterday!
I’m in a quandary.
Happy Saturday.