This little leaf somehow recognized another ‘leaf’ and thought it would stay awhile. Do you see Scout?
At this time of year, the theme around here seems to be: Leaves. Whether they are on the ground (and they are – everywhere) or in the gutters or in the birdbath, we are surrounded by leaves.
Here’s Don on the roof, clearing out the gutters. We have to do this a lot in the fall, especially when rain is in the forecast.
Our maple has suddenly lost almost all of its uppermost leaves.
How did that happen?
You notice that Don is on the roof, not me. That’s as it should be. I hold the ladder. I hand up tools, like brooms and rakes. I’m a wee bit afraid of heights. If I had to, I’d do it, but Don is willing, so I happily let him go up there.
So much raking ahead. Every time we start in on it, it begins to rain and we have to stop. Or my arms get tired. That happens frequently.
This is my favorite. No amount of tweaking or styling could arrange these leaves more spectacularly than my friend, Mother Nature, has done. For free.
Happy Sunday.
Linking to my friend, Elaine’s Sunny Simple Sunday.
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