Yesterday was about running errands, dealing with medical bills and attempting to get my printer to actually do its job and print out a script. I had the dubious pleasure of spending an hour and half trying to get that sucker to print every page. Not just every other page. And not to print 10 pages and then start over and print them again. Or tell me, over and over, that there was no paper in the printer when there was. I finally realized that a cheap, plastic part at the rear of the printer was becoming loose and I had to stand in an extremely awkward position and push against it to make sure it stayed in place. You would have loved that picture of me – hunched over, with my back protesting and a stream of curse words coming from my mouth – while 89 pages slowly printed out.
Makes you appreciate the simplicity of the typewriter. This is Don on Christmas morning, playing with his new favorite thing. (In the beginning days of this blog, I used to ask Don if it was alright to post photos of him. Now – I just post them.)
Anyway, after all the printer drama, I ended up getting a late start on my text research. It also rained heavily and I was constantly running upstairs to see if the roof was leaking. (It didn’t.) So I’ll be back at it today.
By the way, I’ve discovered that finding actual typing paper – not printer paper or all purpose paper – is next to impossible. Remember typing paper? I bought some parchment paper at Office Depot but it was a bit pricey, so I will have to investigate this further.
Normally, I hate photos of me. Especially now that the March of Time is clomping all over my face and neck. But Don took this one the other day.
I could use some lipstick but, otherwise, it might work for the blog at some point. Hello, 59 and one month. Yikes.
Time to feed the dogs. Have a great day!