Thank you for all the sweet birthday wishes. I read each and every one. The day was low-key and lovely. Despite the gray day predicted, much to my delight, the sun came out. Don took me to lunch at a vegetarian restaurant in a neighboring town. I’d always wanted to go there.
The town is charming with lots of wonderful old buildings on the main street.
This is the entrance to the restaurant.
I fell in love with this mobile. Since the sun was pouring in the windows, I couldn’t really see it as I shot this photo. But I think you get the idea. The paper is folded origami-style. Each piece has several contrasting patterns which form something very like a quilt block. I want to make one!
The restaurant interior was shadowy and wonderful. The food was delicious and here you see my birthday pie and candle. (I’m wearing my Charlie the Tuna watch.)
Unbelievably delicious coconut cream pie. With home-made whipped cream.
Oh my lord.
I got presents from the dogs and Don. One of my presents hasn’t arrived yet. It’s for the dollhouse. When it arrives, I’ll be sure to show you.
Don got the waitress to take this shot. We had the restaurant to ourselves. I love the shadows and sunlight. There’s the mobile on the right.
We had a perfectly wonderful afternoon before Don had to leave for work. Then I entertained myself by reading all my Facebook Birthday greetings. Facebook can be annoying, but it sure is nice on your birthday!
What are your plans for Thanksgiving? Ours will be just the two of us. I’m not even sure what I’m making…no turkey for me, of course, although Don may have some. Side dishes: mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, my biscuits, vegetables, maybe pumpkin pie (we still have leftover coconut cream pie in the refrigerator.)
Quite frankly, I could eat mashed potatoes and biscuits and I’d be happy.