This bouquet looks so pretty on our kitchen table. Don sent me these flowers for Opening Night. I said to him, “They’re pink!” He replied, “Of course. I asked for pink flowers.” I think he gets me. Ah, flowers. I dream of them, of Spring, of working in my garden once more.
I have been fortunate to receive some lovely presents in the mail and I am long overdue in acknowledging them. The play and its demands took over my life for a while. My sincere apologies! I won a giveaway from Sandy Babb at Quill Cottage. Sandy is a gifted artist. I am a devoted reader of her blog where she shares her life and her creative process with us. She has the most wonderful studio. This is what I won – made by Sandy, of course.
That exquisite pink baby shoe was created by Sandy. I hope you can see the detail. Sigh. I am in awe. She also made the tag, with a sweet bootie attached. It says “Snow” by the way, not ‘now.’
Signed by Sandy. And it came in this box. Perfect for a lamb and sheep lover like me.
Thank you so much, Sandy!
I won a giveaway at Nan E’s Bubbles of Joy. The Valentine’s Day theme is an indication of how late I am in posting this! Nan sent along all these goodies. That is Nan’s original artwork on the right.
Thank you so much, Nan! You are a talented artist, indeed. I am honored to have one of your creations.
A friend of mine ordered a copy of Don’s CD. That sweetie sent something along for me:
Lace! And a sweet angel. Thank you so much!
Thank you friends for these lovely presents. What a lucky girl I am!
I’m feeling slightly better today. Still stuffy and coughing, but better. The snow is melting around here and I can actually see grass. We had a big old rainstorm on Sunday and the sump pump in the basement was working overtime. We’re supposed to have another big rain on Thursday. Hopefully, it will banish the rest of the snow. Spring…are we there yet?
I’m behind in visiting everyone – hopefully I can catch up in the next few days.