Sunny. Warmer. Thank goodness.
We’re hanging in there. Don takes long walks every day. He finds his explorations very satisfying. I know it’s officially spring, but we are just now really beginning to feel it. And that’s lovely. Today, I am determined to get out there and I’m going to enlist Don’s help. He loves a project, especially now, so he can do the dumping of leaves on a tarp, carting it up to the pile stuff.
More egg cups for you:
The gang from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, my very first egg cup, given to me by my godparents – made for Fanny Farmer, the white bunny with pink ears that always reminds me of Scout, a bunny peeking around the corner of his egg cup house, blue and white ironstone (quite heavy!), a little girl in a bunny costume, a wooden sailor, a rooster egg cup from Fanny Farmer (made by McCoy) and a lady.
Gosh, I love seeing all of these. It’s always satisfying to reacquaint myself with my friends.
Don came back from his walk yesterday with these purple posies held tightly in his hands.
He presented them to me just like a little boy bringing a bouquet to his teacher. Need I say he was adorable?
I’m reading This Rough Magic, which may well be my favorite of the Mary Stewarts. I’m so enjoying it. Did you hear the Queen’s speech yesterday? It was marvelous – just what we need to hear – sadly, just what we won’t hear from our so-called leader.
Stay strong, my friends. Stay safe. Stay home.
Happy Monday.