♦ A week ago, we had over a foot of snow on the ground.
There’s even less this morning as we had another 2 inches of rain overnight. It’s in the 50s this morning, but the temps are going to plunge about 20 degrees during the day.
I can’t keep up with it.
♦ Today I’m going to grab some things at the store that I’ll need for the trip to Rochester. I’m not taking the scenic route this time, just straight up the I-87 to Albany and then west on I-90. It’s all business this time. Plus, it’s not so pretty out there right now. As always, even though I’m frustrated by the lack of time with the actors, I’m grateful for the work. Don said he’s going to write a book called, The Way it Was: The Way Working in Theater Used to Be. He’s not, of course, though I thought it was a great idea. We were lucky, starting out in professional theater when we did. We worked with so many incredible talents, regional theaters were thriving and they were doing exciting and excellent work. Subscribers flocked to the theater. There were realistic periods of time allowed for rehearsals, tech, and previews. Don, working in theater since the age of 19, could tell you so many stories. He could have a subsection about working in television and film – something that has also changed dramatically and not for the better. I know that I will write about this off and on as I watch respected regional theaters struggle to stay alive.
♦ Speaking of Don, he has a habit of running a hand through his hair in a circular motion. It’s comforting and almost meditative for him. At times, I catch a glimpse of the hair configuration that is the result of this “swirling” and I laugh out loud and promptly take a photo. I’m collecting them.
Here is yesterday’s.
Don has more than a few weird photos of me that he trots out every now and then and we laugh ourselves silly looking at them. Same with these.
♦ Blog etiquette – I ran this by Don before I addressed it here, just to get a second opinion. He agreed with me, so here goes. I’ve noticed something lately in the comments. First of all, you know I don’t expect you to comment on every post, but I am grateful when you do. And I like that you share comments with each other as well.
What I don’t like is when you leave a comment on a reader’s comment but ignore me, the writer of the post. I’m the one who wrote the post that the commenter you are now addressing is referring to in their comment. It’s like going to a party and never once acknowledging the host. Frankly, it’s rude.
If you read and never comment, no problem. If you read and sometimes comment, no problem. But if you read and decide you want to comment on something someone said, but can’t take the time to leave me a comment, that is a problem.
Be polite, please.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.