It’s definitely Fall. This morning’s photo comes with the added component of soggy, wet leaves which perfectly match the day ahead – 100% chance of rain. I think we’ll get rain off and on for the entire week.
Don’s headed into NYC for an audition this morning. He had a very good day yesterday at the Farmer’s Market. He loves his vintage camera and taking portraits. He’s such a people guy, so talking to people all day long – about the camera, about the special film he uses, asking them questions, getting them to pose in just the right way – is heaven. And he’s so good at it now; confident, understanding the light, just taking great portraits.
One of the women who works in the bookshop (an independent bookshop in the town just north of us where the Farmer’s Market is) took this photo of him the other day:
Now, I ask you: Isn’t he adorable? He got that hat in Edinburgh, by the way.
I know I have a bias, but gosh darn it, he’s the bees knees. I won the lottery the day I met him.
Not sure what’s on the docket today. I have to stop at the store and get a few things, as we can’t do our usual Monday morning shopping today since Don’s in the city. Maybe a drive? I’m trying to keep myself busy – always a good thing.
Happy Monday.