Well, this was alarming.
Mother Nature: I’m happy that it’s cooler right now, but don’t assume that means I’m ready for Fall. I will be soon, but please don’t rush me. Okay?
Yesterday was a strange and good day. Don drove down to New Jersey to buy more film for his Crown Graphic camera. Fuji has stopped making it and, consequently, it’s getting more expensive. There are photographers who swear by it – and it’s really true, there’s nothing anywhere near the quality of this film for polaroid photography – and they hoard it knowing that the supply is finite. There’s someone out there trying to develop an alternative and we have our fingers crossed that he succeeds.
Anyway, on the way back he called me with the news that he had booked the job he auditioned for last week. It’s a small role, just a day’s work, but it’s significant because it’s the first job he’s booked since Margaritaville. He needed that. We were celebrating when an email came up on my laptop from the Anastasia National Tour asking if I was available to coach a couple of actors next week – in Las Vegas, no less.
So, while I was talking to Don about the job he just booked, I booked a job myself!
Good news for the Hill-Sparks household.
I’ll be jetting off to Las Vegas next Wednesday and I’ll return on Saturday. Crazy, right?
It’s always a good day when two freelancers book a job. In the 25 years we’ve been together, we’ve never booked jobs on the same day.
Just saw our pair of mourning doves. One is looking for food on the ground, the other is sitting on the edge of the birdbath. They were there yesterday evening, as well.
Okay. I got a late start this morning, then I had a phone call with Darko, and I’m just now getting to the blog!
Happy Wednesday.