And here we go. Just as soon as the coffee kicks in, we’ll start packing everything up for the move to the city.
I’ll be there for a couple of days and will most likely head back home on Monday. Exciting chores await me, like chopping up the ice on the driveway after it’s had a chance to melt in our warmer temperatures. Whoo hoo. Seriously, though, that’s something I need to do ASAP.
There’s always a chance that I’ll wait until Tuesday, but Don will be in rehearsal all day Monday so I’ll probably head back. Time will tell.
And so it begins. There are mixed feelings, of course. Sadness that we’ll be apart more often than not. But excitement for the time ahead.
I’m not sure of the Wi Fi situation in the apartment. It will have Wi Fi, of course, but whether it will be set up yet remains to be seen. So, if you don’t hear from me, it’s because of that. Follow me on Instagram.
Last night’s sunset.
Happy Saturday.