A chilly, gray day after lots of rain yesterday. I had to turn the heat on this morning! Temps will be back to normal tomorrow and in the meantime, I’m going to try to get more work done today and tomorrow, as it looks like we have a rainy week ahead.
Don isn’t coming home for his day off for a few reasons. His longtime friend is visiting NYC and he’s having dinner with him tonight and then on Tuesday, he has an afternoon rehearsal for an event later in the week where the cast will be performing. It’s a pretty busy week for him and trying to get home for one day isn’t all that restful. I may go in, but I doubt it, as Monday is one, if not the only, dry day on the docket for the week. Grass needs to be mowed! Plants need to be planted.
Next week, he’ll be home for an extra day, so that makes up for this weekend. It’s all good.
I had a great time with Rick and Doug. They’ve had a garden designer and crew in for the last week and the changes the designer made are really thoughtful and smart. The property had been neglected for the past few years, so there was a lot of clearing out to be done. It looks lovely and will look even lovelier as some time passes. It’s such a pretty property. And they’ve discovered that they have dogwoods (gorgeous!) and crabapples and they are all blooming at the moment. Heaven!
Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms. And that includes moms of animals, students, nieces and nephews, grandchildren – even plants. I miss my mom and I miss being a mom. But I’m very grateful for the mom I had and will have forever and for all the dogs I have mothered, for my nieces and nephews and godchildren, and for all my former students. Mothering comes in many forms. A special Happy Mother’s Day to my sister, who is such a terrific and fiercely devoted mom to her boys (including two furry boys.)
Happy Sunday.