Happy Anniversary, sweetheart. It’s been 13 years since we tied the knot in the little town of Nevada City, California. The best day of my life.
Truly, we have a happy marriage. Oh, we can argue with the best of them, but we laugh even harder. We decided at the beginning of our relationship that we were going to break our previous destructive patterns and we did. And we knew that we had to have a strong and true trust in each other. And we do.
My friends, if you want to hear my favorite of all the songs Don has written, go over to my sidebar, scroll down until you see the Don Sparks at Reverb Nation widget and click on it. When you see the list of his songs, click on ‘see all 23 songs.’ Then scroll down until you get to the second to the last: I’d Sing You. Give it a listen. It will only take a few minutes. You’ll hear and experience the depth of feeling that this man is capable of expressing. And then, if you have the time, scroll up and listen to either I’ve Got a Love or Don’t Tell Me Heart.
You just may swoon. I know I do.
So Happy Anniversary, beloved. I’ve got your back.
Don’t forget Reality Shot Thursday! I’ll have the post and links up at midnight.
You may have noticed my new banner. My blog designer is no longer in business, so I decided to design something myself. That way I have a bit more control over the design. Hope you like it.
Whoops! Now, I’ve also changed the background. See what happens when you’re home sick?