I’m writing this early in the morning as I want to get outside and do some work before it rains later in the afternoon. Happy about the rain, of course, but this is the first morning where the temperature has been bearable and I want to take advantage of it.
You are dear to me – all of you.
When I wrote of being on a tight budget yesterday, it was not my intention to paint a dire picture, just to state the facts. We are not special. So many without work are struggling and have children and bills and mouths to feed. I have noticed a larger sense of worry among my actor friends as this goes on and on. No one knew that theaters would be closed for what will be nearly a year. It could be longer. We couldn’t grasp that back in March, when everything suddenly shut down. On one hand, we’re freelancers and have always had to deal with periods where we weren’t working. On the other, we’ve never had to deal with absolutely no possibility of work for months and months. Anyway, I thank you for caring and for reaching out.
I don’t think either of us is comfortable selling prints of our photos. I take pictures because I like to do that and I like to share them with you. I see others marketing their photos, but that’s not really me. And Don’s camera is meant for portraits – Polaroid portraits. It’s not meant for landscapes. Neither of us has ever been comfortable with marketing our extra-career skills. I sold scarves for a while on Etsy, Don has sold his CDs, but it isn’t a place where we exist with ease.
Anyway. Today I’ll do some weed whacking, a little mowing, some pruning and cleaning up. I’m not going to let Don do anything as his back is really bothering him and he is not doing any lifting or pushing for a week. It’s slowly getting better, but it’s my turn to take over for a bit, just as he has done when my back was bothering me.
I’m about 2/3 done with the stonework on the dollhouse. It’s looking good.
R. – I’ve been thinking about you lately. We haven’t heard from you for a while. When you have a chance, would you let us know how you’re doing?
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.