Well, here we are. The last day of the year. I’m not one to do a lot of “It’s the end of the year!” celebrating. I’ve never been into the whole New Year’s Eve thing – most likely because there was always a party or two where the celebrating seemed forced and, really, just an excuse to drink. I’m all for quiet and reflective. In the end, time is a mortal constraint.
That being said, we will be celebrating quietly here at the cottage. No doubt we’ll be tucked in bed long before midnight. Some sparkling cider, some sweets, a good movie and a kiss or two. That will be perfect.
As with everyone on earth, we’ve had good years and not-at-all-good years. This year had incredible highs and a devastating low. The thing is, throughout it all, Don and I grew closer than ever. And that, for me, is priceless.
Don got to spend time in an apartment in NYC, he opened on Broadway, he had the wonderful experience of being in a show that audiences adored. He got to meet fans and, most importantly, send a little joy their way. I’m so, so proud of him.
I kept working on Broadway with Anastasia and off-Broadway, as well.
We weathered the heartbreak of Escape to Margaritaville closing too soon. Obviously, this was especially tough on Don. But we made it through that because we knew how blessed we were to have that opportunity to begin with; to run the show in La Jolla, New Orleans, Houston, Chicago and New York. To get to know Jimmy Buffett and the incredible cast and crew. It was all good. And it was all a blessing.
And we celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary in Paris. We got to visit London and Edinburgh. It was our dream trip and it was perfect in every way. We are blessed.
And that’s as reflective as I want to be. I don’t make resolutions. My goal is ongoing: Be the best person I can be, be kind, think less about myself and more about others, do all I can to make this world a better place for humans and animals.
It’s been a major challenge during this godawful administration. But the resistance will win.
And we have vowed to dance in the streets when that happens. Literally.
I wish for you a beautiful New Year’s Eve, whether you’re at a party, at home, or quietly celebrating with loved ones. Much love.
Happy New Year.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.