The hollyhocks that are growing at the base of the tall hollyhock I bought this year are blooming. Lovely!
I love me some morning glories!
I haven’t had a chance to check anything else out yet. I arrived here around 7:30 last night. Remind me not to drive home again on a Sunday night. Or a Friday night. Backups everywhere.
I’m getting ready to move my car to my neighbor’s driveway so that I can get in and out today. Once Stella is delivered, there will be guys here helping Don uncrate her and get her in the house. Lots of instructions as to uncrating from Marco at Antique Stove Heaven and lots of instructions as to the use of the refrigerator dolly from our local hardware store and lots of instructions from Raymond at Antique Stove Heaven as to NOT lifting her by her handles.
Yikes. This is why I didn’t want to be here!
Anyway, keep an eye on Instagram today. I’ll try to update when I can. In the meantime, I have to get my car inspected at 11:30.
I wrote a big long text message to my neighbor this morning, explaining in detail how crazy it’s going to be here and finally ending up by asking if I could park in her driveway. After all of that, I got this response. “Of course! We’re in North Carolina!”
I laughed out loud. Had no idea they weren’t there.
The news from Texas and Houston is devastating. My heart is breaking for Southeast Texas. I encourage everyone to donate to the Red Cross or any other organizations that will provide much needed relief. Prayers for Houston.
Happy Monday.