Time to say goodbye to 2016. It was a mixed bag – at least for me, for us.
A campaign season that was never-ending and full of vitriol, bigotry…I’ll stop there. You know how I feel. I swear it gnawed away at my soul, leaving me bruised and despairing and angry. But I won’t give up hope. Though I dread what is to come in 2017, I have vowed to fight and to work for those causes that I believe in.
I ain’t backing down.
It’s also the year in which we lost our dear girl.
I’ve been thinking about her a lot lately. We’re coming up on a year and I feel the raw pain of loss just as strongly today as I felt it last February.
Don and I talk about her all the time.
Okay. I have to stop because I’ve started crying again.
I have felt, and still feel, sad and depressed. The last few years have been full of loss, starting with Don’s dad, then Riley, then my Mom, then Dad, then Scout. I’m basically a positive, cheerful being, but I have to say that I’ve been moving through life this year in a fog of sadness. It’s normal, this feeling, and I’ve honored it and let it be what it needs to be. Grieving is ongoing and there is no time table or end date. Thank goodness for moments of joy. They kept me going.
New Year’s Eve isn’t a big deal for us, so Don is staying home and I’m staying here. I have a rehearsal today and one tomorrow. I’m tired. I don’t want to drive all the way home only to drive back tomorrow morning. Don doesn’t want to drive here, pay a lot of money for parking, and then drive back home tomorrow. It seems like a lot of hassle for two people who go to bed long before midnight!
We’ll have a phone date.
Dear friends, here’s to a New Year that I hope and pray will be full of joy and happiness for all of you. I send my very best wishes to you as we transition to 2017, along with a wish for a world ruled by love, not hate. Kindness. Compassion. Tolerance. An embrace of inclusiveness. I pray for those who have lost their moral compass with a fervent hope that they find it again. That they come home.
Much love to you all.
Happy Saturday.