First things first:
Whoo hoo! We booked both appointments this morning at a Walgreen’s that is in the same area just south of us as is our grocery store (the one where we go to pick up groceries.) We have back-to-back appointments TOMORROW for our first dose. Our second will be on March 31st. And if we have a reaction to the second shot, we’ll take care of each other – we’ve done it before. So, by the end of the month, we’ll have been fully vaccinated. Huzzah!
It’s all in the timing. We were waiting to be contacted by the group Heidi put us in touch with. We also received something from the county yesterday saying they were getting more vaccination stock in this week – they would send us a link today. So I’m thinking that a bunch of vaccine was delivered to New York pharmacies as well. The first openings were in the town just north of us, but we couldn’t book both doses. Then Don went to the openings in the town just south of us and started yelling “I’ve booked both doses!” as I frantically tried to catch up to him. I was already muttering that I probably wouldn’t get an appointment when I did. And then it said “Book your second dose.” And I did. If we hadn’t signed on when we did, we would most likely have missed out.
We’ve been euphorically happy for over an hour. Not only did we get an appointment for tomorrow, but it’s a quick drive from our house. It couldn’t have worked out better. Very, very thankful vibrations today at the cottage.
Don cooked a celebratory breakfast.
We’ve had high winds here for almost 24 hours and let me tell you, they were intense. When Don is bothered by them – he normally isn’t – it’s a big deal. It’s still windy, but much less so than a couple of hours ago.
It’s slow going, but slow and steady wins the race, right?
I’m just about to finish The Moving Toyshop. Then I’ll have figure out what I want to read next.
If you don’t mind, I won’t post tomorrow, as we’ll be on our way to Walgreens. But I’ll be back on Thursday. Don has to cancel his eye appointment for tomorrow but he’ll reschedule for next week.
So remember that I’m not posting tomorrow and don’t worry about me!
Stay safe.
Happy Tuesday.